New non LDS here


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So I joined thinking this was the polygamist group, but realized that is FLDS and not LDS! Lol. I met a few people earlier, and most people seemed to be pretty cool considering some earlier issues.

I had an essay due tonight, but got sidetracked on the site lol...

I'll stick around and investigate some more stuff on here! And we can maybe have some conversations and debates about things.

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Hi sdl54 and welcome. To the best of my knowledge, the various polygamist sects out there don't have anything like a public message board forum. Most of what I personally know about them, comes from dissafected former members telling stories of woe. I wish I could find someone who actually lives and belives that lifestyle, so I could mine them for information. But they don't seem to seek out much public interaction.

Just wanted to point you to the site rules. This forum is funded by folks who are primarily interested in explaining our beliefs. For example, we're happy to discuss the reasons for our belief and what it is we actually believe, but this is not really a debate forum where we argue over the existence of God. If you like a good debate like that, you might have more success at, or any of the LDS or Christian apologetic forums.

Again, welcome! What essay, and where do you go to school?

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Welcome aboard. You've gotten some cautionary notes, as well as greetings. Let me just encourage you that we have had atheist/agnostic posters do well here. They ask questions, sometimes explain their perspectives, and even made some friends. Likewise, there are a few non-LDS folk. We've had a Jewish person, Catholics, quite a few Protestants (including myself). Of course, most of the board members are LDS. Personally, this is one of the most respectful, well-run religious discussion boards I've seen. So...happy learning and sharing.

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So I joined thinking this was the polygamist group, but realized that is FLDS and not LDS! Lol. I met a few people earlier, and most people seemed to be pretty cool considering some earlier issues.

I had an essay due tonight, but got sidetracked on the site lol...

I'll stick around and investigate some more stuff on here! And we can maybe have some conversations and debates about things.

haha well welcome, and enjoy your stay, we'll be happy to answer questions as best as we can :).

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