Are baptismal dresses still the thing?


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So tonight we attended a friend's kid's birthday party. Yay for cake and Transformers. Anywho, I wound up in a conversation with a 7-year-old girl who was excited for in the next few weeks not only would she have a birthday but she would be getting baptized! During this conversation, she suddenly expressed concern that she did not have a dress for the occasion and thus had to ask her mother if this was a worry. After her mother assured her she would buy her daughter a dress for the baptism I found myself wondering if little girls still wear baptismal dresses. I had one for my day I wore around save for the font. But I'm so out of touch with baptisms these days!

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I was a little confused at first with the post. I was thinking you meant a dress for the actual baptism. But, then I realized you just meant a dress to be worn that day, not for inside the font.

I wanted to make the day special, so I bought dresses for all three of my daughters for their baptism day. For my boys, I didn't buy them suits, but if I remember correctly, I think we got them new shirts with ties.

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Now that I'm thinking about it, the incident proves what a girl this girl was. There MUST be a dress.

Well, that doesn't prove anything... now, if there MUST be shoes to go with the dress... then that proves it beyond reasonable doubt. :D

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Around here it's never been a big deal to get a special dress for the baptism day. I've seen pictures of girls that looked like they were in mini wedding dresses and personally really don't care for that. I'm not against getting a new dress but formal and over the top is to much and distracting in my opinion. I will probably let my girls pick out a new dress, probably not white, and appropriate for future sunday use.

We did not get our boys new suits. However, we keep our kids in good suits all the time so it's not really necessary.

We did buy white slacks and tie (which all our boys have used) so they could be baptized in a suit rather than a jumpsuit. I will also buy a white dress for my girls (when the time comes) instead of the jumpsuit. I think the ordinance should be the focus, not over the top but special. In my mind jumpsuits are for proxy work, personal ordinances should be special and stand out.

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Depends on where you live. I didn't have white dresses for my first three girls. It wasn't really the trend yet. We lived in MN for the 2nd and 3rd baptism. We just got them a nice cute new dress- mostly because it was time for a new Sunday dress and the birthday/ baptism was a logical occasion for it. Then we moved to Idaho...(sigh). I love Idaho but things are just done a certain way. Every little girl who has been baptized in our ward since we got here (a whole slew of them) has worn a white dress. So when in Rome...we got a white dress for girl #4. Girl #5 turns 8 next month and we'll be doing the same for her. I have to admit they look absolutely beautiful in those dresses when they are fresh out of the font and so radiant with excitement.

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I made a white dress for my daughter when she was baptized. The poem about three white dresses was just coming out and she loved the poem. I still have her blessing dress, and I've kept her baptism she has a wedding dress. Not sure what to do with them all.:berserkmonkey:

Yup. My daughter's wedding dress is hanging in a basement closet. I don't think she gives a darn what happens to it. She never liked it to begin with. :rolleyes:

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