A very, very important question.


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What kind of Easter candy is in your house now, or will be by Saturday?

We have Cadbury Mini Eggs (we go through the blasted things almost as fast as we can buy them) and original Starburst jelly beans. Baskets Saturday usually include a chocolate bunny, marshmallow eggs, and Peeps.

This will be my first Easter in 7 years, and I plan to thank Heavenly Father for all that has happened.

As far as the Candy and Easter eggs are concerned, with no children in the house I doubt that I'll do anything. I was going to say the candy and eggs were a pagan custom, but I know if there were children here, I would never get away with that. :lol:

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I love the Reese's eggs, but in southern California, we have a local candy store chain, See's Candies that makes excellent chocolate truffle filled eggs, and their own jelly beans that you have to buy early because they sell out fast.

Hate to tell ya but See's isn't a local candy store chain. They are ALL over the place. They even have some international stores.

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The real stuff, miss that..

After our trip to England last May, I bought a HUGE bag (boxes actually) of Cadbury's chocolate, from the Cadbury's chocolate factory. I hoarded that stuff and I cried when we finally finished it all..

Oh my goodness, the REAL Cadbury has nothing on Hershey for sure!! They sell a 1kg cadbury chocolate bar in one shop and my husband got me one for valentine's day.. even though I didn't get to eat it all, my Mother-in-law and Sister-in-law ate 90% of it.. :)

We've been eating creme eggs, and these delicious maltezers.. :) mmm.

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I haven't bought any Easter candy yet, but when I do I will likely go to Purdy's Chocolate and get some Hedgehogs and anything that looks tempting. I like to get a nice variety of different chocolates, milk, dark, with nuts, etc. But for some reason I do not know what people see in those chocolate eggs with that creamy goo in the middle; I confess that I have never tried them.


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We've been eating creme eggs, and these delicious maltezers.. :) mmm.

Us too.

Who knows what will actually be here come Easter morning's egg hunt. Let's see, so far we've been through jelly beans, cadbury cream eggs, caramel eggs, ju jubes, weird marshmallow bunnies....

Restocked again last night. Left this batch in the car. If THIS round gets eaten it's not MY fault since hubby takes the car to work all day :D

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thank you all for reminding me at this late date that I have a lot to do before Saturday! LOL

We just had a birthday where I made chocolate cupcakes, frosted with chocolate frosting, the edges rolled in crushed Twix and the center filled with M&Ms. That was for the Birthday Play Date... I was going to make the following cake for the actual birthday but we all got a nasty virus and have been sick:

Posted Image

Since I didn't get that cake made I've been thinking of making this one:

Posted Image

Then I heard about Peeps not dissolving in water............

To answer the question about what will be in my house this weekend..... eggs and candy. Its too late to order an egg with grandson's name on it from Mrs. Cavanaugh's. I need to plan better next year.

Good Grief...its Thursday. I'd better go shopping today or everyone will be out of the good candy!:eek:

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I haven't bought any Easter candy yet, but when I do I will likely go to Purdy's Chocolate and get some Hedgehogs and anything that looks tempting. I like to get a nice variety of different chocolates, milk, dark, with nuts, etc. But for some reason I do not know what people see in those chocolate eggs with that creamy goo in the middle; I confess that I have never tried them.


The tiny creme eggs does some wonders! Totally one of my favorite chocolates.. ever since I've had the REAL cadbury, I can't go back to the American ones!! I did the same thing to my sister. :)

Us too.

Who knows what will actually be here come Easter morning's egg hunt. Let's see, so far we've been through jelly beans, cadbury cream eggs, caramel eggs, ju jubes, weird marshmallow bunnies....

Restocked again last night. Left this batch in the car. If THIS round gets eaten it's not MY fault since hubby takes the car to work all day :D

My husband likes to always steal the cadburry cream eggs, especially the caramel ones... we received some today from his mother, oh and got some mini chocolate cadbury eggs :).

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