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Just wanted to know what others thoughts were on dreams.

Dreams were involved in a few very popular scripture stories. It was God's way of warning people or telling them of things that were going to happen. To prepare them or serve as a witness. (Joseph, Nebachunezzer,

Mary, Elizabeth, Joseph.. just to name a few).

Where do dreams cross over into being the result of a bad case of indigestion :wacko: , unresolved feelings brought forth, and actual events to come about?

I have known some who shy away from them. Some even associate them in the groups of fortune tellers etc. that are "plagues" and should be avoided. Many I know consider this a taboo area to talk about. Yet it seems an important part of scriptures and a tool that God can and has used.

I have many dreams and some seem very relevant and outstanding. Beyond the others. They stick and usually leads to something. Coincidence or not, I'm not certain.

I guess right now I'm very worried because I have had some as of late on a few matters. The scary part on the one is that many others have had similar dreams and have called me to question me and address me on the matter. Some very different people who would not have gotton together and talked about it. They have been kind of timid in their questioning and approach.

Should I be scared? One of the other matters kind of has me scared. It's out of the blue. I'm worried about being able to have the tools so to say in place to get through it and do what I am supposed to.

What are your thoughts on dreams? How far do you take your interpretation of them? What do you do with the knowledge you have gleaned? How far do you take it? What is within christian realms of treading? :dontknow: Thoughts. Please

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I have never had a dream that I would call prophetic or a vision from God. I have also never walked on water or healed the sick or been bitten by a poisonous snake and lived to tell about it. Others have. I have never met them, but I have read about them in the Bible and I assume the accounts are true. Passages in Acts and Joel do tell me that some will dream dreams and have visions.

How does one discern betwixt a natural occurrence during REM sleep and a supernatural vision from God? I could not begin to tell you.

I will say this on my opinions. I believe such things in the supernatural are possible for they are spoken about. I would be very careful in ensuring that the dream was of divine nature. I would pray on it and see if it lines up with scripture. For instance, if you have a dream that tells you Jesus is coming back next Tuesday, I would have to reconcile that with verses that tell me no one will know the day or the hour of the return of Jesus. If I had a dream telling me to divorce my wife and marry Sally down the street...I would have to doubt the source as divine and stop eating after 9 PM. However, if I had a dream telling to me to quit my job and become a missionary in Africa....well, now I would need to pray and seek guidance and wisdom.

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Some more specific thoughts and questions...

Passages in Acts and Joel do tell me that some will dream dreams and have visions.

How do you know it is of God or not? There are different spirits out there. Can the average person have visions or is it just reserved for church authority type people :dontknow:

I would be very careful in ensuring that the dream was of divine nature. I would pray on it and see if it lines up with scripture

. It is possible and lines up with scriptures. It is not out of the realm of possiblity. But things that would be extremely challenging to handle at this time and require much. Its scary to think about.

I guess my next question would be as according to Pauls comment in the New Testament. -All things are possible but all things are not profitable. How do you know for sure its right for you at this time or applies to you at this time before having to experience it :( Or how do you prepare for it and utilize the information?

I guess half of me is looking for a way out or a way of best handling this matter if it this is a vision type of thing. I seek more strength and peace because I sure will need it. (This I realize can not be provided-some prayers certainly couldn't hurt though:))

The other is curiously looking for discussion on a matter that is not often talked about but is there and is a big tool that God has and could use. I want to know how different people fit it into their religious belief.

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I can tell you how to migrate to a Linux server better than I can this, but here is my take on it. My advice is free and you get what you pay for. I am a Bible college drop out and do not study as diligently as I used to.

How do you know it is of God or not? There are different spirits out there. Can the average person have visions or is it just reserved for church authority type people

God has a nasty habit of using the least of these. The Bible is chock full of stutterers, prostitutes, fishermen, and shepard boys used by God to do mighty things. That takes care of the average person deal. How do you know if something is from God? Faith is a funny thing. Sometimes you have to step off the precipice and believe you will not fall. Again, if it matches up with scripture, you have a lead. If you have been touched by the supernatural, there is no reason not to ask God for some confirmation. This can be done by prayer, seeking council from someone with more wisdom than I, and even asking Him for a litmus test. My answers are vague, but I know of no hard and fast rule. I personally would be cautious and tread lightly in such a matter.

It is possible and lines up with scriptures. It is not out of the realm of possiblity. But things that would be extremely challenging to handle at this time and require much. Its scary to think about.

I guess my next question would be as according to Pauls comment in the New Testament. -All things are possible but all things are not profitable. How do you know for sure its right for you at this time or applies to you at this time before having to experience it Or how do you prepare for it and utilize the information?

Much of what we are asked to do in scripture is hard. Even the seemingly mundane. Forgiveness, tithing, sacrifice, honesty, selflessness....these are not easy things in life. These are things we are all told to do without any hidden code or subtext. It is pretty much black and white...and sometimes in red letters. Read the sermon on the mount and tell me how easy that is to adhere to. Them ten commandments are not so easy to pull off either. Thank goodness there are only ten!!! All of the above things are challenging and require much of us. How do you know when something is the right time or applies to you...I have no hard and fast rule and cannot tell you how to conduct the next step of your life. I barely understand my role in the universe.

Dreams, visions, prophesy are certainly fascinating topics that need delving into. I can discuss it with you on an intellectual lever, but I am reticent to advise you what to do in this matter. You are in my prayers.

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Hi Rosie, a friend of mine had a premonition dream. She was quite upset when it came true, so I suppose I must believe that these things can and do occur. Even the police have been known to use the help of Mediums on occasion, when searching for people who have been murdered, with some success.

I wonder whether consulting a Spiritualist Church might help you to discern exactly what might be happening with the dreams that you and your acquaintances are experiencing, whether they are messages from God or spirits of one sort or another.

I'm sorry I cannot offer you any other information/help than this, but I feel that consulting the Spiritualist Church members, as opposed to Mediums who advertise in the press is the safest approach to this, as they actually believe that the spirit world can and does make contact with them and us.

Good luck, and please do not do anything which makes you feel uneasy!

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Thanks Tux and Pushka for your replies so far. I appreciate them.

I can discuss it with you on an intellectual lever, but I am reticent to advise you what to do in this matter

Tux I know that you can not advise me on something like this. I do appreciate hearing others thoughts though so I can get needed information to better understand this area. I don't want to stir up trouble but I really do want to better understand and put into prospective others views and information.

I feel that consulting the Spiritualist Church members, as opposed to Mediums who advertise in the press is the safest approach to this, as they actually believe that the spirit world can and does make contact with them and us.

I guess when it has come to this I get a little nervous where to get the information. Maybe its just to many of the advertised mediums, people who scam others by trying to prophesy, the bad side of it. I get really leary even discussing it. This just seemed maybe a safe place to discuss with many different views. I don't know anything about the spiritualist church. Maybe I should learn some more. Thanks for the idea.

might help you to discern exactly what might be happening with the dreams that you and your acquaintances are experiencing, whether they are messages from God or spirits of one sort or another.

I don't plan on acting out in any crazy ways or anything. I guess that's why I'm seeking discussion. I feel I have had experiences before. Some might label it crazy or coincidence. Who knows. Its just strange to me the people who have come to me on one of the matters normally don't have such things happen to them. They have come to address me on this matter. I had ruled this matter done or something that was closed. I have not really given it much thought and pushed it out of my mind. They keep bringing it back. So maybe the message is being taken to them then coming back to show me you may try and close your eyes. But that doesn't mean it is possible. This is something that is-like it or not.

I think I have had visions, prophecies, seen things happen etc. It scares me. Some things are best left unknown. I also don't want to be going off into areas that I shouldn't . Where are the fences? :dontknow::hmmm:

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Hi Rosie,

I think that sometimes our dreams are just our minds taking out the garbage, most of the time. I've never really thought about this subject before, about when to take them seriously, because my dreams have never really been meaningful other than what could easily be dismissed as coincidence.

However, I do believe that some people have prophetic dreams or visions, as I've known too many credible people to say they've had them.

My cousin, who is actually more like my sister, has prophetic dreams quite often. She has even gone so far as to have regular visits with a spiritual advisor. I used to quietly laugh to myself as she told me of all this, but started to see that it seemed to be TOO coincidental. Her accounts have almost made me a believer in this type of spirituality. Some of the things are absolutely unbelievable! She also has a spiritual healer that has helped her with pain that she's always had.

I realize that it could possibly be coincidence and the power of suggestion, but sometimes I really think there's something to it.

When my grandmother was lying in a nursing home on her deathbed, she was scared, as she had treated people pretty badly her entire life and had pretty much alienated everyone EXCEPT my cousin, who had always had some special connection with her, even through the really bad times. Anyway, my GM kept talking about being scared and wondered if Jesus would be there, etc., really just lots of mumbling. We felt she was holding on for fear of dying, and just really wanted her to let go bc she was suffering so. My cousin brought in this spiritual advisor to speak with my GM. She told her that Jesus was waiting there for her, as was my grandfather, and painted a vivid picture, describing people in our family who had died before her. That night, my grandmother passed away with a smile on her face.

I'm not sure if this person really knew what she was talking about, but even if not, I was so glad she came in, as she gave my GM some peace about dying... THAT is priceless!

Bottom line, I'm babbling. :D ... but only you know the answer to whether there is anything to these dreams or not. My first guess would probably be that they are just 'taking out the trash', since I'm a skeptic by nature... but I agree with the others... ask God and see what feelings you get from Him.

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Thanks again all.

This is a difficult subject to talk about and I don't want to start anything that might cause dissention or confusion. I don't want to tread on sacred things.

I looked up spiritualist church on the internet.

I found this description on Wikipedia


I found most beliefs listed there in common to the LDS church. To what degree by nature are we spiritualists? Where do we draw the lines.

Do you believe in chrisian mediums? Maybe its just the bad connotations associated with the word medium. I can't get by all the glamorized tv ones or scammers. I just have a bad taste in my mouth.

I think given scriptural examples it is defineately possible. Dreams and visions seemed to be used to benefit oneself and others. To offer God's wisdom. To give warnings and direction. To express God's displeasure.

The scriptures do have warnings about dwelving into such things. I think these are geared towards when people are trying to go outside the wisdom of God. When they try taking His place. The person use it to their benefit and enrichment only. To cause people to procrastinate the day of their repentance. When they try and profit like some of the mediums out there now. What are your thoughts?

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I am a big dreamer, nap time night time always.

Very colorful most people say they don't dream in color but I always do.

My dreams have also scared me and at times helped me deal with news of profound sadness.

I dream of events while there happening. :tinfoil:

It began when I was 16, I awoke from a dream were my history teachers wife died in a house fire.

I know that she ran back in thinking two of her children were still inside and died of smoke inhalation.

The children had reached safety by the back door running around the house to meet their father (my teacher) in the front of the house just as she went back in.

The fire was caused by a trash can in the up stairs bathroom.

It was not till school the next day when this teacher did not show up for work, our headmaster called an assembly to tell the student body of the fire and death of my teachers wife.

I know every detail and went home feeling somehow responsible.

These dreams thank goodness are few and far between, I seem to have a connection with my family when they pass on and dream of them at the time of their deaths. This has given me a mental brace for what’s to come (news of their death)

I have grown to understand these dreams as I have grown older and no longer fear them as I once did.

A good LDS friend gave me the knowledge that this is a gift and to accept them as a gift.

My mother who was once very into ESP research call it an out of body experience.

I know different, since I have been blessed by witnessing at one point my grate grandfather coming for his daughter when her time came. Walking arm and arm singing a British folk song as they walked up over a beautiful green hill. I did not worry about that dream when I first awoke till the phone rang. I told my mother about the dream and I asked her what time did she pass? It was the time on my alarm clock when I awoke.

She called her sister and she intern called me weeping telling me she had just left the nursing home that night and she prayed asking for her grandfather to come for his little girl. My grandmother and my aunt lived in Alaska and at that time I lived in Alberta. Mileage is not a factor in these dreams.

Some of my relatives have come to me in dreams as I have done their temple work as well.

This has been a driving force for me to finish their work. Being the only LADS member of my linage has place the responsibility on my shoulders to do this work. I am so thankful that in two months I will be only 45 min away from the Cardstin Temple, I have missed being able to attend the temple weekly.

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Thanks winnie for sharing your experience.

I have scarily had experiences like yours. Where I have actually seen things in vivid detail and they have happened. Or I have had dreams with definite meanings. Granted it is thankfully kind of rare in comparison to the number of dreams I have. They stand out clearly though against all others and I know inside they are different. They stay with you. They do not go away from your mind. The other dreams mean nothing really but there are those that just nag at you. I have tried to write them off because most I know would think I was crazy or being led straight to hell but then they are lived out. I've done nothing to create it. No self fufilling prophecies. Many times things are out of my hands. I just see or am taught. Freaky.

Since most involve death, dying, accidents, tragedies, changes, or negative stuff I really dislike them. Sometimes I wish I didn't see or know certain things. I shiver inside when I think of all the prophets must have saw through history. When they say that they have seen our day.

I have had a few positive ones though that I really was grateful for. One was a circumstance I thought was going in a negative way. I started to concern myself with it. I was able to see the positive outcome. I've been thankful for those dreams.

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Hi Rosie. First of all, I want to say that you are not a nut case. The Lord does give some people unique dreams for special purposes. I get them occaisionally as well. For example, I was shown two years in advance, the circumstances behind my father passing away. Although I didn't understand it until the events actually played out, it played a big role in my being able to get through the ordeal.

I would say, however, that you can't always take them at face value. Sometimes, what might seem like the obvious message isn't the intended message at all. For me, though, they're rarely a message of an ensuing catastrophe.

Also, there are others for which I'm still trying to find a meaning.


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I have dreams quite often but not many stand out until something happens to spark a memory of one.

It was my first year in college as I was in my last few months of school. I would be returning to Utah from California. I was taking a psychology class at this time. A dream I had really upset me. In the dream one of my good friends held a gun in front of my face. I could tell that she didn't really want to shoot me as I placed my hands in front of my face I could see tow older men dressed in white by my sides. I slowly turn my head to the right and the elderly man nodded. I then slowly turned my head to the left and the man standing there did the same nod. This was about 25 years ago and that is all I can remember about this dream. I do however remember waking up very scared. I spoke to my psychology teacher about it the next day. She asked me what was going on in my life and I told her that I would be moving back to Utah and that I wasn't sure what else would be happening. She told me that I would actually be going through a 'death' of sorts and the elderly men who nodded were angels telling me everything would be okay. I accepted her explanation and went skipping along my way. :D

My husband hates it when I tell him "That I have had a dream" he doesn't want to be in trouble for something he didn't do :lol:

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My husband hates it when I tell him "That I have had a dream" he doesn't want to be in trouble for something he didn't do :lol:

Sorry to go off topic, but that's funny you sd that, SF. I once had a dream that my husband cheated on me. It was a very vivid, detailed dream. When I woke up I was SO angry at him. It lasted almost a day! :D Now my husband hates it too.

Do you believe in chrisian mediums? Maybe its just the bad connotations associated with the word medium. I can't get by all the glamorized tv ones or scammers. I just have a bad taste in my mouth.

Hi Rosie,

I want to start by saying that I'm not LDS. But yes, there are Christian Spriritualists, as well as Muslim Spiritualists, Agnostic Spiritualists, etc. I don't think that Spiritualism has to necessarily contradict with religions, but from what I can gather, it's an 'additional' type of thing. I would think there are LDS Spiritualists as well.

I briefly talked about my cousin's spiritualist - she happens to be a Christian, and doesn't teach anything that contradicts the Bible (that I'm aware of).

Sure, some spiritualists may be involved in some activities that is looked down on by the community, such as voo-doo, black magic, etc., but I'd say most of these people do not do these things.

FWIW, I've known a couple of LDS people who claim to have had Near Death Experiences.

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Here in the St.Louis area a morning show on the radio has a lady called the "Dream Lady" on the air with them fromt time to time. You can call in and she will analyze your dreams. She did attend school for a few years for her degree. You call in and tell her about your dream and she will give her opinion on whats taking place and ask you questions...etc....very interesting to listen to..... My wife will dream from time to time about martians or aliens attacking our home and wake me up to tell me that someone with one eye is looking in the window.....LOL......I hope she never has a dream about me cheating on her...LOL!!!!!!!!

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I personally think that dreams can be a type of personal revelation. But at the same time i also think that the matter would have to be very serious as well as very rare inorder for such a great direct communication to happen. most of the time i think its just our brains that make up most of it.

for example for the last couple of months i've been having this dream that im back in high school and for some reason or other there telling me i didnt graduate high school, i mean talk about weird its bad enough im back in high school in this dream, but on top of it not graduating? I mean whats that about? perhaps i should just get those dream books or something

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Sunny Surfer, I've got dream books, but they're all too vague...the ones I have are anyway..they list items that appear in dreams alphabetically, but don't go into the actual story of your dream and how these different objects interact.

I do feel that most of my vivid dreams are anxiety dreams, however since my ex husband's parents died in 2002, I've had recurring dreams where they've come back to talk to me and we've discussed the reasons for my splitting up with him, which were too sensitive to discuss whilst they were alive. My daughter was especially close to her grandparents and she often dreams that they're in the bedroom with her.

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I personally think that dreams can be a type of personal revelation. But at the same time i also think that the matter would have to be very serious as well as very rare inorder for such a great direct communication to happen. most of the time i think its just our brains that make up most of it.

for example for the last couple of months i've been having this dream that im back in high school and for some reason or other there telling me i didnt graduate high school, i mean talk about weird its bad enough im back in high school in this dream, but on top of it not graduating? I mean whats that about? perhaps i should just get those dream books or something

I find this site interesting... had it bookmarked from long ago.


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I have had dreams I know were spiritual. I have had dreams that have brought me comfort and some that made me uncomfortable.

The scriptures say that God can speak to us in our dreams. So that is what I pray at night. Doesn't always happen, but some times it does in His still and quiet ways.

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i frequently remember my dreams. most of the time i don't worry about "meaning" unless it is reaccuring. there are a few reacuring ones that i have and have figured out.

one is while i was pregnant i would have dreams that whatever i was doing in the dream i would find a dead body, ie. i went to the grocery store and when i put the cart in the parking lot bin there would be a dead body laying there. never gory or anything, didn't frighten me, just there. after this happened several times i began to become concerned and trying to figure out why. i was so concerned that i ask people about it, folks kept telling me it was preg hormones. then in one of the dreams there was this music. later the next night my husband and i were watching tv, which we did regularly before bed and there was that music. it was law and order lol i had been watching it before i went to sleep and in the beginning there is always someone going about their business and they find the body for the show. i stopped watching law and order before bed and the dreams stopped. lol

on a more serious note when i'm stressed i have dreams about tornados and trying to keep my family safe from one that is approching. i've never been in a tornado, and they do somewhat frighten me. sometimes i don't even realize that something is stressing me until i have the dream. so i see it as my brain's way of getting my attention and saying hey something is worng figure it out and deal with it. i see it as a good thing to keep me in check. i have also found that i can make very real comparisons between the circumstance of the tornado dream and what is stressing me. they are not vage situations are always different, just always a tornado present.

i used to have a recurring dream about all my teeth falling out, still haven't figured that one out. lol

i've never had a preminition dream or a visitation. however, i beleive it happens, and my mother says she was visited by my deceased grandfather while she was in the hospital with cancer. i beleive her.

as for good or bad, i personaly beleive that things that feel bad are not of God. he may warn or correct us, but he does not scare or want us to feel bad. if it is to bothersome i would ask God to take it away, and if it is from him or there is a purpose in which he will not help me to find the answer so that i may be productive in following his will. that is just my opinion.

good luck

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Personally, I believe that inspired dreams, many times will require an inspired interpreter. These people who have degrees in dream interpretation most likely have a list of interpretations for certain dreams. For example, if someone dreams about such and such which is followed by so and so, then it means this and that. These people might be helpful in iterpreting dreams that are the brain trying to tell you something, but if it's the Lord trying to tell you something, then I don't believe these people will be of much help.


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