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I'm an LDS teenager, and I'm seriously addicted to cutting. I never really thought about it before but what are the churches views on cutting?? Should I not be going to the temple right now...I mean, am I not worthy because I cut? I just don't really know what to do anymore. I can't talk to my Bishop, because he'll tell my parents. My parents can't know, because they have a lot of other things going on and I don't want to overwhelm them

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Tell your bishop.

You aren't the only one with this problem and there have been several other people who have. It's usually tied to feelings of low self-esteem and a lack of control in your life. You say your parents have other things going on - Those other things are probably a very big part of what's got you cutting in the first place.

You deserve better than that. Go to your Bishop. Whatever he does is going to be what's best. I know how difficult that is as a guy to go to the bishop, but it's important.

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SI is serious. I would strongly encourage you to seek out a counselor that can act as a confidante, they cannot share what you discuss with them to anyone, unless court ordered. Get yourself some help.

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Like any addiction you need help and support. Talk to your parents about he issue, seek counceling. A lot of the councelors have life experience in this I think. Talk to your bishop if you worried about your temple worthiness.

This is a tough thing for you to go through. But you shouldnt go through it alone. I know someone that has a daughter going through this same thing. She isnt LDS, but her parents know about it and the daughter goes to counceling. It has helped tremendously. Best of luck to you.

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It is an addiction. I wish it were otherwise but it is an addiction. And waiting will make it harder to stop. I do suggest you go to your bishop, and or find someone you trust to talk to. Don't do this alone. Good for you for talking to us here. That is the first step. Don't stop because we are here if you need us (or just want to talk) but also find someone trained to help. I don't know of any LDS groups that focus on depression or things like that but there are several non-LDS groups. MDjunction has one for self injurers. And it does a good job of editing posts that can be triggers.

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I think you should just bug him, whether or not he feels that way. He might not. But you need him and also the counselors you were asking about. Ask him for a referal to LDS Family Services. Or in college, I thinmk it just depends and you will have to look around. Some cities have mental health places with sliding fees. The one here is bad but that is just my opionon on one specific place. Sometimes counselors and patients just don't match.

So try looking into the college, go to your bisohp again, see if you can get refered to LDS Family Services. Keep trying.

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Helping the people in his ward is the bishop's job. Don't worry about "bugging" him--it's what he's there for.

Yes, I believe most schools and universities have counselors.

In my opinion, cutting is not a matter of "worthiness." It doesn't mean you're a bad person, but it is unhealthy for you, so you need to get help. Your bishop should be able to help you. Even if he personally doesn't know what to do--though he might--he can at least refer you to a therapist.

Good luck!


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Please see your Bishop as soon as possible.

I know many of us don't want to keep asking for help because we feel we are bugging others.

But I once had a Visiting Teacher point out that when someone has a calling, oftentimes if we don't call on them to help us we are denying them the opportunity and the blessings of doing their calling.

And in addition to the Bishop, allow your parents and family to know. Of course they will be upset just as you would be if someone dear to you was hurting. But they want to know and want to help you.

You have an entire church family as well. Don't deny others the opportunity to be blessed by helping yopu. And don't deny yourself the opportunity to live in the fullness of joy that Heavenly Fathers intends for you.

Wishing you all the best. You will get through this.

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It makes sense but if you don't talk to him or get his help or other help, then you are keeping your life as it is. If you liked it you wouldn't be cutting. So I'm assuming there is something about your current life that you don't like. You know how to go back to cutting. So get help so you can try it without again. I tell myself sometimes when I get a thought that could lead me into depression. I know how to let the thought lead me down, so why not refuse to believe it and give that a chance too? I actually got the idea from a counselor in a fiction book suggesting to someone with anorexia to try eating, she knows how to go back to not eating.

Start with something like "You asked me to tell you if I ever thought of cutting again" Or "Do you remember when I talked to you about cutting?" if you need an opening for the conversation.

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