Garments after rebaptism?

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I have a question! I am in the process of being rebaptised after my excommunication.

Before my excommunication I had been endowed. Are you able to immediately put your garments back on after rebaptism? The Bishop said "he was not sure" and thought "I may need to wait a year before putting garments back on". I thought once you were rebaptised that all of your temple blessings would be restored! Am I missing something?? Any advice or insight is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

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Let your bishop find out. We're just a bunch of random internet people, without authority to speak for your case.

My understanding is that restoration of temple covenants is a separate event from the restoration of the baptismal covenant. But see the above caveat.

Talk to your bishop.

Edited by Vort
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Restoring of temple blessings is separate from baptism after removing your name or excommunication. After at least one year of the rebaptism, you will need to be interviewed by a General Authority who can then restore those blessings to you.

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Thanks, Vort. I DID speak with my Bishop...Hence the confusion. I have always believed all of your blessings would be immediately restored. So the conversation we (The bishop and I) had earlier certainly confused me. I inquired how I would get garments for after my baptism without a recommend, and he replied that I would not be allowed to wear garments again for one year. I questioned him about it and then he said he wasn't sure. My baptism is in a few days and I would like to be sure before it comes.

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One of my very close friends had her name removed from the records several years ago. She then gained a testimony and wanted to be rebaptized. Once she was rebaptized, she immediately began working with the bishop and stake president to get her temple blessings restored. I went with her when she was interviewed by a GA for the temple blessings restoration. Wonderful experience.

Continue to consult with your bishop and encourage him to consult with the stake president in your journey. Welcome back.

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Haha, hope everyone doesnt get sick of me and my mission stories...

BUT Im an RM of a year ago, my best convert story ever was a best friend i gained on the mission who was ex communicated. It took him FOREVER to get back in the groove, haha but it was a fun process.

anyways, Im 100% positive he did not immediately get his old garments back on. Excommunicated means back to square one. His brother had also been excommunicated a year back, and that brother recently just got the aaonic priesthood back when i was working with my friend.

In a sense, youre treated like a new member. when youre rebaptized, you are watched slightly by the bishop. he just makes sure that youre taking your re baptism seriously.. paying tithing.. attending regularly.. and soon enough accepting a calling. When a yr has been up and you and the bishop feel that youre ready, you would go through again.

He MAY allow you to do baptisms for the dead, which technically isnt "going through the temple", to help you stay on fire and keep the progress going.

hope that helps

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Restoring of temple blessings is separate from baptism after removing your name or excommunication. After at least one year of the rebaptism, you will need to be interviewed by a General Authority who can then restore those blessings to you.

I always thought that you only had to be interviewed by a General Authority if you had been endowed and was a Priesthood holder. But then again, I've never personally known a female in that situation. They have always been male.

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I always thought that you only had to be interviewed by a General Authority if you had been endowed and was a Priesthood holder.

If you weren't previously endowed it's not a restoration of temple blessings.

Edited by Dravin
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If you weren't previously endowed it's not a restoration of temple blessings.

I know that..I was just reiterating the two points of why I thought it was just being endowed and a Priesthood holder that required interview by a GA.

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I always thought that you only had to be interviewed by a General Authority if you had been endowed and was a Priesthood holder. But then again, I've never personally known a female in that situation. They have always been male.

What are you trying to say?! :P

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If your bishop looks in Handbook 1, he'll find a chapter about Church discipline. The answer to your question is in that chapter. In a nutshell, temple blessings are restored separately from baptism.

That's correct. Handbook 1 is clear that the member must wait at least a year after rebaptism before requesting restoration of temple blessings, which is sent off to the first presidency. If approved, then an appointment is set up with a general authority, who will probably be an area authority, for the final interview and then the ordinance of restoration is done. After that you start to use garments again.

Note that you will have the rebaptism date on your record and the annotation that restoration of blessings is needed until it's done. After the GA performs the restoration church offices in salt lake will delete the re-baptism date and return your record to all the previous dates, that is original baptism and confirmation dates, marriage date if applicable and so on, and there will be no mention of the excommunication or the rebaptism on your record held in a ward.

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apple, just a clarification. You aren't "re-endowed". It isn't as if you are treated as a new endowee person. Your temple covenants/blessings are restored. So, after they are restored by the GA, you are then allowed to wear your garments and attend the temple. That first time you attend the temple after the restoration of blessings is like any other trip to the temple--you do not go through the process again.

Know how all new people wear those big bright pink badges pinned to them to let everyone know this is their first time to the temple? People who receive a restoration of blessings do not wear such things. It's like you and I going to attend an endowment session after being endowed several years.

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apple, just a clarification. You aren't "re-endowed". It isn't as if you are treated as a new endowee person. Your temple covenants/blessings are restored. So, after they are restored by the GA, you are then allowed to wear your garments and attend the temple. That first time you attend the temple after the restoration of blessings is like any other trip to the temple--you do not go through the process again.

Know how all new people wear those big bright pink badges pinned to them to let everyone know this is their first time to the temple? People who receive a restoration of blessings do not wear such things. It's like you and I going to attend an endowment session after being endowed several years.

My aunt and uncle did the endowment again.

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Perhaps things have changed? When my friend received the restoration of temple blessings, she went to the temple soon after acting as proxy, not for herself. She had forgotten her new name, so after the endowment session, she went to the temple office (not the same temple where she received her new name originally) and they were able to get her new name for her (not a NEW new name, but the new name she had gotten many years before when she was first endowed).

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Just to make sure everything is perfectly clear, they went through for themselves again and not as proxies?

Yes they did the endowment again for themselves. Maybe there were reasons I'm not aware of. Its only been 3-4 years since they were re-baptized. I know their situation hurt a lot of people over a long period of time and the results have almost temporally destroyed some of their children. There are definitely negative consequences which will affect their children for generations.

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Just do yourself a favor and remember how happy God is that you made the correct decision to stick to the hard road and take the necessary steps to get back. I worked with a lot of ex-members and they became so discouraged that things didnt happen instantly... what in the world will people think of me... blah blah blah...

The heavens are roaring harder than a stadium of football fans because you made these good decisions.

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