Thomas Jefferson quote


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I'm a great admirer of Jefferson, and this like most of what he said is undeniably true. It is however, like much of what he said, undeniably naive as well. How such a principle could be enforced among the day to day concerns of running a government is hard to imagine.

If it truly is naive to think of running a government without deficit spending, what hope is there of ever having fiscal accountability in government. Is that, too, to be dismissed as a naive pipe dream?

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If it truly is naive to think of running a government without deficit spending, what hope is there of ever having fiscal accountability in government. Is that, too, to be dismissed as a naive pipe dream?

From the initial parsing that comes to mind the quote doesn't disqualify some amount of deficit spending as might be needed due to an unusual event, just that we need to then pay back that deficit and not just pass it on to the next generation*. So I don't see the principle applied to government as unworkable either.

Edited by Dravin
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It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes -- a principle which, if acted on, would save one-half the wars of the world.

This, from the guy who was so heavily in debt that his slaves, rather than being freed at his death, had to be sold to satisfy Jefferson's many creditors, is somewhat ironic.

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I'm hardly dismissing anything, just pointing out the reality we live with. It would be wonderful to live in a world where high minded principles were the normal practice. No matter how much I advocate trust and honesty as excellent principles, I still need to lock my car.

Are you talking about the reality where our current politicians refuse to balance the budget or even write a budget?

Until they are motivated it will never happen but that doesn't mean its not feasible.

Nobody say where I live ok? I don't lock my car unless I go to town. LOL

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I was always taught that politics was the art of the possible. Until future generations can vote, or the voting public becomes many, many times more educated then they are, the only thing that will force politicians to make a serious attempt to balance the budget and eliminate the debt will something catastrophic, like the collapse of the economic system. They just aren't motivated to deal with it.

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I was always taught that politics was the art of the possible. Until future generations can vote, or the voting public becomes many, many times more educated then they are, the only thing that will force politicians to make a serious attempt to balance the budget and eliminate the debt will something catastrophic, like the collapse of the economic system. They just aren't motivated to deal with it.

Something people becoming educated and voting out incumbants?

I agree the current elected "idiots" are not motivated.

I fully expect an economic collapse. Prophets have talked about it for as long as I can remember which about 5 decades. I believe we close.

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Our national debt is worse than war! And those with in our borders that increase our national debt by design (regardless of cause) are doing more harm and destroying the freedoms (and individual free will) in our society and with future generations than teariest or our worse enemies.

The Traveler

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Our national debt is worse than war! And those with in our borders that increase our national debt by design (regardless of cause) are doing more harm and destroying the freedoms (and individual free will) in our society and with future generations than teariest or our worse enemies.

The Traveler

Especially if our government allows the Federal Reserve to print more worthless money to pay off that debt.

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