Safe Subjects..... Your Health and the Weather.


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I don't believe there is such a thing as a safe subject anymore. There was a time when I would hear on the way to some event. "Lets keep things peaceful and confine our remarks to our health and the weather."

However.... not everyone believes that FMS is real pain or that CFS is anything more than an excuse to go on disability.. And my children will argue over what color the sky is.

There has been some arguing about what color the sky is here at :eek:

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There has been some arguing about what color the sky is here at :eek:

Some claim the sky is azure, and I admit they have some strong arguments. But My Heavenly Father Loves Me teaches unambiguously that the sky is "blue". Not just "blue", but "blue, blue". That should settle the argument for any reasonable person.

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The sky in Boise has been almost yellow lately because of all the smoke. And the sun is red some days. Today I do see a bit of blue, for the first time in awhile. But it's not all blue, it's only mostly blue. So much for your assumptions.

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Some claim the sky is azure, and I admit they have some strong arguments. But My Heavenly Father Loves Me teaches unambiguously that the sky is "blue". Not just "blue", but "blue, blue". That should settle the argument for any reasonable person.

The sky in my world today is not BLUE!... or blue blue. Its several shades grey and yellow and white.

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Health is definitely not safe to bring up. Either someone will call you a hypochondriac or get on your case for taking medicine instead of natural remedies. I am very allergic to dust mites and I have to do a lot of inconvenient things to fight it plus take medication. One guy said to me, "Instead of spending money on medicine, why don't you get some fresh air?" Oh my gosh. I said, "And then I have to get in my bed at night where the dust mites are and I wake up feeling horrible." He doesn't believe in doctors. I thinks having your spine adjusted fixes everything too.

My doctor said I'm doomed to get a sinus infection every time I get a cold because I have narrow sinuses plus the inflammation from my allergy.

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Love at Home speaks of the azure sky. This is at least as strong a source as my previous citation, so I must admit that "azure" is a correct answer. My resolution to this seeming paradox is that azure is an intense blue -- and what else could "blue, blue" possibly mean?

Problem solved. Thank heavens for our sophisticated methods of determining doctrine.

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Personally I think all of you are missing the mark. First we must decide what it is we mean when we say 'sky'.

"Secret Info #2...Laser beams are everywhere outside the [TV Station]."

"I lose sleep when I think of what those beams could do to me."

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Maybe it's really somebody named Sky they were referring to. I bet he was a blueblood.

How do you know Sky is a "he"? You're a sexist.

We should be talking about Glocks, not the weather and not our health. No wonder so many of you are hellbound.

Yeah, because guns are such a benign subject.

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My doctor said I'm doomed to get a sinus infection every time I get a cold because I have narrow sinuses plus the inflammation from my allergy.

I was in that camp. I have naturally small sinuses, and naturally thick mucous. (Yuck!)

But, I've found that as soon as it sets in, if I start on sudafed to keep cleared out and ibuprofen every 8 hours for the inflammation, I can often avoid having it develop into an acute sinusitis.

Besides, these days, it seems like $4 amoxicillin has fallen out of vogue, whenever you get a sinus infection, they want to give you $100 levaquin.

He doesn't believe in doctors. I thinks having your spine adjusted fixes everything too.

I have an in-law who doesn't believe that people can actually get sick by being around other sick people and their germs. People get sick, because - in his words - "It's just something they do to themselves, mentally." Nobody in the family challenges him. We just say "OK, Mike.", and move on.

Edited by ClickyClack
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