do I need to confess?


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i made the mistake to watch a pornography video, it was not long and it happened while I was actually looking for pictures for a new haircut. I just couldn't stop, I don't know what happened to me and I watched about two minutes of it. Afterwards I felt disgusting,I wanted to throw up. I knew that I had sinned and felt horrible, I asked for forgiveness, but I'm not sure if I need to confess this to my bishop and husband or if I should keep it between my self and the lord. I have never done this before and I feel very dirty and disappointed with myself about it. My family is the most important thing in my life. I don't want to hurt my husband, I love him so much. I want to do the right thing. Please help!

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i made the mistake to watch a pornography video, it was not long and it happened while I was actually looking for pictures for a new haircut. I just couldn't stop, I don't know what happened to me and I watched about two minutes of it. Afterwards I felt disgusting,I wanted to throw up. I knew that I had sinned and felt horrible, I asked for forgiveness, but I'm not sure if I need to confess this to my bishop and husband or if I should keep it between my self and the lord. I have never done this before and I feel very dirty and disappointed with myself about it. My family is the most important thing in my life. I don't want to hurt my husband, I love him so much. I want to do the right thing. Please help!

My advice is to confess immediately to your husband and to your bishop. Sexual sins are serious business. Also, please understand that as a married person, breaking the law of chastity always involves your spouse. Don't mess around by making excuses, rationalizations, etc. Just don't do it. Get this taken care of NOW!

At the same time, be mindful not to fall for the trap that Satan might lay by tempting you to believe now that you have watched one video, you are now damaged, worthless, or you might as well watch another. You made a mistake. You sinned, but you are still God's daughter and he still loves you. Through the atonement of Jesus Christ you can have this horrible feeling you have taken away and you can feel clean again.



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IF you have to ask then yes you probably need to bring it up at least to your husband and probably Bishop too.

However, from what you describe it wasn't on purpose but rather something that popped up. I'm not surprised you watch 2 minutes before shutting it down. Its a shock and you have to let your mind take over again. Now if you'd kept watching AFTER the 2 minute shock factor then my advice might be different....such as call the Bishop and get an appointment now.

So... you get to decide. :) Was it on purpose or shock?

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thanks to both of you. I have decided that I do need to confess this, specially to my husband. I'm afraid for his reaction, but I want to make this right. the Lord will be merciful. I just want those images gone out of my mind. Thank you for your help and for setting me straight. I know it is the right thing cause I already feel better by making the decision to confess, I have been pondering all day and shed many tears. I only wish to turn back time, but I can't and now I need to face the consequences.

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Obviously this is bothering you a great deal. For that reason, you must tell your husband. It will canker your soul if you do not.

However, don't be surprised if your husband does not take this as the same horrendous moral stain that you do. He is likely to say something like, "Oh. Yeah, that kind of stuff sure can be insidious. Can't ever be too careful."

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Sounds to me like you are both repentant and disgusted. Its up to you, I personally doubt 2 minutes of porn that accidently popped up when you were looking for something else is anything to be that upset by, its like a train wreck, you know its bad but just can't help looking as you pass by. Now if you have a desire to watch it again, or are attracted to porn then yes, let your Bishop assist you.

Edited by mnn727
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Sounds to me like you are both repentant and disgusted. Its up to you, I personally doubt 2 minutes of porn that accidently popped up when you were looking for is anything to be that upset by, its like a train wreck, you know its bad but just can't help looking as you pass by. Now if you have a desire to watch it again, or are attracted to porn then yes, let your Bishop assist you.

Agree! Hit the nail on the head.

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Good afternoon help! I hope you have been well today. :)

thanks to both of you. I have decided that I do need to confess this, specially to my husband. I'm afraid for his reaction, but I want to make this right. the Lord will be merciful. I just want those images gone out of my mind. Thank you for your help and for setting me straight. I know it is the right thing cause I already feel better by making the decision to confess, I have been pondering all day and shed many tears. I only wish to turn back time, but I can't and now I need to face the consequences.

I commend you for your decision! It is good to take care of this when the issue is small rather than taking the chance and maybe be trapped and miserable for years because of two minutes on the internet watching pornography.



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Sounds to me like you are both repentant and disgusted. Its up to you, I personally doubt 2 minutes of porn that accidently popped up when you were looking for something else is anything to be that upset by, its like a train wreck, you know its bad but just can't help looking as you pass by. Now if you have a desire to watch it again, or are attracted to porn then yes, let your Bishop assist you.

this is the right answer

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Sounds to me like you are both repentant and disgusted. Its up to you, I personally doubt 2 minutes of porn that accidently popped up when you were looking for something else is anything to be that upset by, its like a train wreck, you know its bad but just can't help looking as you pass by. Now if you have a desire to watch it again, or are attracted to porn then yes, let your Bishop assist you.


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Good afternoon mnn727! I hope that you've been having a good day. :)

Sounds to me like you are both repentant and disgusted. Its up to you, I personally doubt 2 minutes of porn that accidently popped up when you were looking for something else is anything to be that upset by, its like a train wreck, you know its bad but just can't help looking as you pass by. Now if you have a desire to watch it again, or are attracted to porn then yes, let your Bishop assist you.

You don't accidentally watch two minutes of porn. You can't not be affect by watching porn. It is also a matter of reasonable risk mitigation. The consequences of breaking the law of chastity are devastating and pornography has proven to be particularly insidious. Although this incident might not seem like a big deal, when you consider the risk involved, however, it is wise, safe, and best to not minimize at all willfully exposing yourself to pornographic images and videos.



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Good afternoon Finrock:

Sorry but I have to disagree with you. Did you ever drive by a wreck and just had to stare as you drove by? Did you ever stop for a couple minutes at a building fire fully aware that there might be people still trapped inside.

If she had said she was intrigued by it or enjoyed it then my answer would have been different but she said she was disgusted. Frankly if my DW came to me with that exact thing I would laugh and tell her something like 'gotta watch what you're clicking on' and leave it at that.

I am fully aware of the dangers of Porn, but when someone says "I felt disgusting,I wanted to throw up " I really don't believe they have a problem with it. I frankly believe that sometimes we members make such a big deal out things that some people who accidently stumble across something think they are ruined for eternity.

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