Modesty Tankinis


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Guest DeborahC


But I'm assuming you are doing these relaxed behaviors while alone and not in the company of anyone else or in a situation that might call for modesty?

I'm an old hippy. You can go naked for all I care. You asked opinions and I gave mine. :::shrug:::

Too much of that chocolate pudding and the problem will no longer exist though. :)

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Ok so to answer the question, would I wear a strapless tankini to a swim party if Jesus were attending? Yes. I once had a fellow yw leader throw a fit about a yw's skirt not covering her knees at a dance. She asked the bishop to send her home saying something along the lines of, would she wear it if Jesus were there. He replied something like 'if Jesus were here, would he send her home?'

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I just have to say... Every time I see the thread title (every. time.)

My brain flashes a short sleeved rash guard shirt w / bikini bottoms as a 'modesty' tankini / what's more modest than a tankini.

((Don't ask why my brain doesn't flash a long sleeved rash guard at me. Or rash guard & board shorts.))

Wheeee. ADHD.

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I just have to say... Every time I see the thread title (every. time.)

My brain flashes a short sleeved rash guard shirt w / bikini bottoms as a 'modesty' tankini / what's more modest than a tankini.

((Don't ask why my brain doesn't flash a long sleeved rash guard at me. Or rash guard & board shorts.))

Wheeee. ADHD.

Have I ever talked about the time I


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Modest Swimwear, Modest Swimsuits, Modest Bathing Suits, Modest Swim Wear

Princess Modest Swimwear

At least, for girls camp, they don't require suits such as these. They aren't bad looking or uncomfortable, but price and availability in your area could seriously limit the style of suit you are able to buy. If stake presidents required this type of covering for girls camp, then far fewer would be able to participate.

Tankinis can be just as modest or more so than one-piece suits. It just depends on the style. I would venture to guess that a removable strap probably isn't very modest to begin with.

I swim twice or more a week, as I am a triathlete. If you go with an all polyester lap suit, it'll hold up a lot better and be WAY more practical than anything available at your local Walmart.

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Gotta agree with Wingnut. I saw one suit on that site I would wear. I also find these incredibly impractical. Looks like you have the risk of getting a piece of the suit caught on something or being weighed down.

Agreed. But, then I think about men's swim trunks. Have any of you noticed how big and baggy they are nowadays? They're fashioned to go down to their knees. Obviously, I'm not talking about the men's swim team suits, (speedos). I can't imagine why anyone thinks the big baggy swim trunks on men are attractive. But, then of course I grew up when men's shorts were actually short and showed some leg/thigh. Am I wrong to miss those styles? I miss those styles on my basketball sports team too. lol

We've had several threads lately about women being equal with men. If that's the case, then I'm thinking women would love to wear big baggy swim trunks and a t-shirt when they go swimming. I don't see that happening any time soon.

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I have noticed the big, baggy swimtrunks on men. I don't really care as long as they aren't falling down around the waist. Reminds of that men's style of wearing baggy pants without a belt. I don't need to see your boxers, thanks. My cousins were into that style. They had to hold their pants up when they were running.

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Gotta agree with Wingnut. I saw one suit on that site I would wear. I also find these incredibly impractical. Looks like you have the risk of getting a piece of the suit caught on something or being weighed down.

Hilariously... I've worn similar (leggings & rash guard) when I hadn't shaved recently.

It was one of those things... I'm going in! Vs. I'm going to miss out because Im too self conscious.

As a former rescue swimmer, those long skirts make me cringe for safety reasons... But confidence being the most attractive thing out there... I'd rather a lady wear what she feels pretty & confidant in and GO swimming, than miss out.

Just don't try to drown your lifeguard, or we'll knock you/choke you unconscious and strip you before hauling you in!!!

Aka temper your modesty with pragmatism, or stay in shallow water ;)

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Ha ha! Well, most of them would cover you about as well as garments, and isn't that the point of wearing a modest swim suit to begin with? I think my SP would be thrilled if all the girls wore suits like that to girls camp. I know you can't hear my sarcasm, so I'll just tell you I'm being very tongue-in-cheek here. However, I do think some SPs, maybe mine, too, would like to see that style of suit.

I own a suit similar to those I linked to, and for lounging around/playing in shallow water or on pool deck, I wear it (so that's about once a year). When I'm actually swimming for exercise, I wear a good 100% polyester lap suit. In open water, I would choose the lap suit for safety reasons.

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Yeah, I think those suits are intended for lounging about the waterside, maybe a bit of splashing through the shallows. There's a similarity to those dresses you can throw on over your suit.

They also remind me of a "Little Mosque on the Prairie" episode where she shows up at the swim class covered head to toe...

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Those "modest" swimsuits look like regular summerwear to me. But then again, I've seen women of other faiths wear jeans, long sleeve shirts and headscarves to swim at the waterpark near my house. It looks a little weird to me, and I can't imagine how hot they must be. But if that's what they want to wear to swim, heh go for it. Me, I'd probably drown!

I think it's up to the individual really. To me, bikinis and 2 piece swim suits are 2 different things. Although a tankini is 2piece, it is more modest than a regular 2 piece. Just my opinion. As a teen and young adult, I had no problem wearing a nice 2 piece bathing suit. I wanted a good tan, and heck, I looked good too! I never wore a bikini.

As I've gotten older, 2piece suits no longer look good. So a tankini or 1piece is what I wear. Again, it's a personal preference. I think you can be modestly dressed by the beach or pool and be quite comfortable in your faith that the Lord loves you. Even in a strapless tankini.

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Guest DeborahC

Hahaha. I wear one and love it. But then I'm 60!

That said, I'm not overweight

I walk across Spain every year or so and am not a couch potato.

I originally made mine because I had skin cancers taken off and the doctor said "sun!"

Now that I have it I love it!

No legs riding up or tops falling down. It's made of swimsuit fabric and I do laps without sinking. Lol

I've also gotten many complements, from men as well as women.

I really don't have a problem with what other people wear.

I also like the idea of covering the same skin my garments cover.

For me it works.

It's just another choice. :)

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