Could Joseph Smith

Guest Amitunai

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Guest Amitunai

Okay before I make this post, know that I will not reply to it after this. I just want to get an answer and move on, without this actually becoming a debate.

Could Joseph Smith have read the Quran?

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I would wonder if he even had access to a Quran in english? Even today I served my mission in an Isamic country and was told that it was a big no no to translate the Quran in any other language other than Aribic. It took me many months to actually find one. I know its not that hard to get one and im not sure why it was so hard for me. When was the first english version even published?

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i remember reading an exerpt in an Ensign a few years ago, in which the Prphet said that Mohammed was a righteous, good and spiritual man.

i have had a bit of exposure to the Islamic faith and beliefs at work and in the world and, while different in some ways to what i believe, everything i have encountered could be called "virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy".

do we nor believe that we should be seeking after these things?

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What, Islam? The Restoration has all truth gathered together into one place. Why focus on a shard of truth, beautiful though it may be, when the whole stained-glass picture is within the standard works? I don't see the point? I mean I own a Q'uran so I can understand other people's beliefs but I'm not sure what you're saying.

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What, Islam? The Restoration has all truth gathered together into one place. Why focus on a shard of truth, beautiful though it may be, when the whole stained-glass picture is within the standard works? I don't see the point? I mean I own a Q'uran so I can understand other people's beliefs but I'm not sure what you're saying.

"virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy".

um, that comes from the 13th article of faith, which - last time i checked - can be found in the standard works after the "Joseph Smith History" section, just before the "Index". whether there's any point to the 13 articles of faith - written, incidentally by none other than the Prophet J.S. - is open to debate, i guess. you may feel free to disagree.

we also have publications, such as the Ensign, which i already mentioned along with a myriad of books written by Presidents, teachers and leaders which do not form part of the standard works, and in which millions of members find invaluable insight… granted, these are (probably?) all written by LDS members. the reference to Mohammed, which I mentioned, came from one of our own leaders

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excuse me...this is how my mind works....I have to ask this question.....why do we need to know if he did or not............... :dontknow:

Perhaps we do not need to know as such knowledge will likely have no effect on our salvation, however, for the sake of not blindly following leaders, it helps to know a few things about them. On the other hand, some of us may simply be looking to satisfy our curiosity.

As far as whether Joseph Smith read the Koran or not, I would say it is highly possible; simply because in a discourse he gave, he mentioned the bibles of a few different languages. He pointed out that the German version was the closest to the original Greek version. This would indicate the possibility that he read the bible in a few different languages. The languages he had studied in the School of the Prophets were German, Hebrew, Latin and Greek. I also gathered from that discourse that he had become quite fluent in Hebrew.


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That's interesting L.H. I know the Koran was written in Arabic-I don't know when it was translated into English or any other language. Does anyone know?

Thanks for pointing that out Dr. T. I suppose the fact that it was written in Arabic lessens the likelyhood that Joseph Smith read it.

I did some research on translation dates which are as follows:

The Koran was first translated into English between 1648 and 1688. However it was not a very good one as the translator was very uneducated in the Arabic language. A more reliable english translation was published in 1734.

A latin translation was accomplished in 1143 however, it remained hidden until 1543; when it was finally published.

From the Latin translation came the German, and Hebrew translations; which were accomplished by the mid 1600's. There are no known Greek translations.


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wikipedia says the Koran was first translated into English in 1649. The first "scholarly" translation was in 1734. the next translation was in 1937, and yet another in 1955. I'm betting it was not widely available in the US in the first half of the 19th century. Maybe in a few university libraries, but certainly not something you could pick up without going to great troubles to obtain a copy.

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i have had a bit of exposure to the Islamic faith and beliefs at work and in the world and, while different in some ways to what i believe, everything i have encountered could be called "virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy".

I live in a town where 30% of the population is Muslim, and let me tell you there is nothing 'lovely' or 'good' about this religion. Can I remind everyone about the attacks on the world trade centre? Or more recently the horrific London bombings? These were done by muslims! They hate us as a western society!I have also looked through the Koran and it actually says 'do not befried the christian or the jew' and then goes on to say something like we will all burn in hell for believeing what we do. I have encountered racism on myself-Ive walked past asians in the street who look at you with such hatred in their eyes because you are a white western woman. This is an evil religion!!!!

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I have read most of the Quoran and I have found many references to Gospel principles or concepts that are no longer common to Romanized Christianity (if it was written in the 7th. Century perhaps there were traditions in the Middle East that had survived the impact of western Christianity). I suppose a critic of Mormonism could say that Joseph Smith could have lifted things from the Muslims -- just as critics have suggested lots of scenarios for how he "came up" with so much interesting and complex doctrines with as little of education as he had.

I for one don't think that he had a research team going over scince, history and comparative religions.

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I live in a town where 30% of the population is Muslim, and let me tell you there is nothing 'lovely' or 'good' about this religion. Can I remind everyone about the attacks on the world trade centre? Or more recently the horrific London bombings? These were done by muslims! They hate us as a western society!I have also looked through the Koran and it actually says 'do not befried the christian or the jew' and then goes on to say something like we will all burn in hell for believeing what we do. I have encountered racism on myself-Ive walked past asians in the street who look at you with such hatred in their eyes because you are a white western woman. This is an evil religion!!!!

Sorry, but I have to strongly disagree with you there...

I live in a country that is run by a Muslim covernment (in Asia) where a large percentage of the population is Muslim & obviously Asian...

I personally have found Muslims to be really great people... I myself am a westerner & have been living here for almost a year... I have many Muslim friends here as well as back home.. My husband has worked with Muslims for quite a few years & has never had a problem with them... In fact they have welcomed both of us with open arms & many of those friendships will last for many years to come...

I feel it is unfair to hold the world trade centre & London bombings against Muslims in general just because they have the same deliefs as those who chose to do such horrific things...

Just my opinion....

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That's fair enough Susie, your experience is very different to mine. A survey done in this country showed that a third of all young british muslims AGREED with Al Qaeda attacks. This is a town where you cant display the english flag incase you 'offend' the muslims or other races that happen to live here. They are are allowed to have thier own shops and communities, but if we try and do something similar, we cant in case we 'offend' the precious Muslims, and yes they do complain it's not just local government. My husband has been mugged/attacked several times over the years, ALL by asians, who will be muslims in this town. I have been offered muslim leaflets in town by asian men and when Ive said no thank you, Ive been called a racist b****h. I find them generally rude and arrogant being bumped and knocked in town maybe by accident maybe on purpose, but with no apologies either way. Ive been told that older muslim women do not need to say please or thank you to their younger counterparts, which is absolutely true. If I am served by an asian muslim woman in the supermarket, the ENTIRE transction will take place with her sighing and not making eye contact before just sitting there waiting for the money, without a SINGLE word being spoken. And if they are patients at the hospital and I give them something or whatever, they will take it and not utter a word of thanks. The families come up to the hospital en masse, and Im talking 10-12 people at a time, when you are only supposed to have 2-3 per bed. If you ask them to leave they complain saying you are, you guessed it, 'discriminating' against them and then they go on to complain about poor treatment etc etc.

Now, I am not a racist person, but can you see why I would dislike the muslim religion if this is what it teaches? No respect to people younger than you, playing the racism card at every possible oppurtunity? I also find them very hypocritical with their appalling treatment of women, and also they smoke, take drugs, use prostitutes etc, when they are clearly not supposed to do these things. I have actually witnessed muslims coming out of their mosque, light up a fag and troop over to the red light district which is coincidentally, right outside the mosque. But yet they will still try to use thier religion as some kind of trump card. I obviously have met some lovely muslims and do have a couple of muslim acquaintances. But overall, what the religion teaches is so so wrong and I genuinely think it is an evil religion. I would say 80% of muslims follow the religion as it teaches, and 20% dont, and they are the nice people. How can a religion that teaches you to discriminate against jews and christians, be good???? Oh and by the way, all the attempted attacks and successful attacks on this country by muslims have had muslims that live in Luton (my town). They are told to wage holy war for their cause for goodness sake!!

These are just my thoughts. If you lived here you would see what I mean!!!

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