Oz The Great and Powerful


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Anyone interested in seeing this? I hadn't heard a lot of pre-hype which is probably a good sign, although, I did hear that the cast does a fantastic job and that the visuals are just beautiful. Interestingly, some critics have said that while it's PG13, there are some frightful scenes that may be bothersome to some children. I want to see it before my surgery, kind of like my last supper, only it'll be my last getting out for awhile.

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Just got back from seeing it. Good movie! My only quip with it was the Wicked Witch of the West's voice sounded like she was trying too hard to sound evil to the point that it sounded very fake, and it didn't match with her laugh, which they tried to make sound like the original 1930's witch's laugh. Otherwise though, it was a great movie. :)

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We watched it last night in IMAX 3D.


- Beautiful visuals that are pleasing to the eyes

- Good casting

- Interesting interpretation on main characters


- A few accounts of suggestive dialogue and scenes (bearing in mind this is Disney)

Overall review:

Great movie for the family. It's adventurous and beautifully rendered. The story is simple enough to follow, and yet, the characters are unique - old characters with a new spin and new characters with an engaging appeal. The story primarily focuses on Oz and how he journeys from an ordinary man into something great and powerful. There are a couple risqué comments and suggestions (Oz is portrayed as a promiscuous man). And there are a couple abrupt scenes that may be frightful to little kids.

3.5/5 stars!

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I also enjoyed the movie and overall thought it had a good message, my beef was with the costuming of Mila Kunis. Those corset tops were way too low for a Disney movie, especially since I took 5 13 year old boys with me. It looked like she was going to pop out of her top a few times. The boys liked the movie, except they thought the kissing was totally unnecessary and would have liked more battle scenes (boys... Sigh)

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