Hugo Chávez - A Great Loss to the Poor


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Okay, so I am getting into this post late. I apologise.

I served in Venezuela in 1999-2001. During which time I served a lot of time with the poor that Chavez is so reportedly praised at helping. Let me tell you. I didnt see much help. Cement walls, dirt floor, tin roofs... no sewer. Running water was off and on unless you had your own pump hooked up to the water pipes. Small sludge rivers that carried human and other waste downstream. Garbage, everwhere. Sure, you live like that long enough and if you get food, you are going to praise the man who helped you. I was there shortly after he was elected, where missionaries had to stay inside for 2 weeks in fear of his hate talk about the gringos. I left shortly before they removed all missionaries that were not from Venezuela or Colombia because of the hatred that was being spread by Chaves and his Chavistas. This man was not good.

I am still in contact with so many from Venezuela on FB. What do I see and hear from those that are the poorest? Praise. What do I see from those that are remotely well off? disdaine. Active Members and non-active alike. When a government has succeeded in making you "need" them to survive, I think you are going to see a lot more support for that person from those who need the handouts. I cannot beleive the praise this man has received.

I cannot say that I am saddened in the slightest at Chavez' passing. I truely hope that this means that someone that has the interest of the people can finally take over. But, to be honest, it is unlikely that this will happen. The void will most likely be filled with the same kind of person.

After all of the things that I have now said. Let me say that I love Venezuela and the people. I would love to go back and visit. They are some of the kindest people I have ever met.

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Yeah, this thread was doomed from the beginning.

Mostly by the reactionary antics of the open-minded "tolerance" crowd.

Somehow, those who scream the most shrilly about "politicizing" threads are the ones who do it most often...

...and then shriek like scalded dogs when we return the favor.

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Mostly by the reactionary antics of the open-minded "tolerance" crowd.

Somehow, those who scream the most shrilly about "politicizing" threads are the ones who do it most often...

...and then shriek like scalded dogs when we return the favor.

I've never heard a scalded dog shriek. Must really be ear-splitting. :D

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I've never heard a scalded dog shriek. Must really be ear-splitting. :D

I hope never to hear one. That sounds like animal abuse to me and the subject of another thread.

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I hope never to hear one. That sounds like animal abuse to me and the subject of another thread.

Or the cleaning lady dropped the bucket holding the hot water he is using to mop the floors with causing the dog to slip and swim in it. Hey, it could happen! :D

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Or the cleaning lady dropped the bucket holding the hot water he is using to mop the floors with causing the dog to slip and swim in it. Hey, it could happen! :D

Well that will never happen in my house..unless it's ME that drops the bucket holding the hot water that I'm using to mop the floors. :)

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I was curious about the 'scalded dog' idea, so I went back to the beginning and counted proHugo vs. conHugo. I did not include any posts that did not refer to Chavez (there were a lot that didn't have him as a subject, btw) and I accidentally added 2 or 3 of Mahone's posts on the pro side (after all the con posts anything that wasn't calling Chavez the anti-christ seemed extremely kind lol).

Pro Chavezish: 14 posts.

Con Chavezish: 48 posts.


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I was curious about the 'scalded dog' idea, so I went back to the beginning and counted proHugo vs. conHugo. I did not include any posts that did not refer to Chavez (there were a lot that didn't have him as a subject, btw) and I accidentally added 2 or 3 of Mahone's posts on the pro side (after all the con posts anything that wasn't calling Chavez the anti-christ seemed extremely kind lol).

Pro Chavezish: 14 posts.

Con Chavezish: 48 posts.


I do find the statement about "shrieking" coming from Selek rather ironic. I don't know if it's just me, but I interprete repeated and continuous underlined and bolded text as a raise in volume of voice to emphasize the words e.g. shouting which is synonymous to "shrieking".

Maybe it's just me.

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I was curious about the 'scalded dog' idea, so I went back to the beginning and counted proHugo vs. conHugo. I did not include any posts that did not refer to Chavez (there were a lot that didn't have him as a subject, btw) and I accidentally added 2 or 3 of Mahone's posts on the pro side (after all the con posts anything that wasn't calling Chavez the anti-christ seemed extremely kind lol).

Pro Chavezish: 14 posts.

Con Chavezish: 48 posts.


Apples and oranges comparsion.

This thread, by its very nature, is a political hit piece- an attempt to incite.

IMO, the OP got his wish.

The behavior I was referring to, however, was not Chavez-specific, but refers to the behavior on the board in general.

Certain posters will offer cutesy little snark attacks (such as Mahone's above) and politicize the thread with little droppings of..umm...wisdom from the leftist/progressive point of view.

When conservatives return the favor, they are invariably called out (usually by the provocatuers fellow travellers) for that very same behavior.

It mirrors the larger political landscape in that leftists/progressives can commit all manner of steretypes based on gender, ethnicity, age, or orientation, and can call conservatives all manner of names- but it is only conservatives who get called out for "hate speech".

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Certain posters will offer cutesy little snark attacks (such as Mahone's above)

Presumably, you're now participating in the thread again?

Anyway. Amusing, coming from the person that said this:

...and then shriek like scalded dogs when we return the favor.

Which is just as much of a "cutesy little snark attack" as my response. I was merely returning the favour.

In your responses to me, you have claimed that I've made multiple statements. I'm still waiting for you to point out where I've made these statements.

Edited by Mahone
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Guest janekolshak

I love Hugo Chavez.US regime destroys the peoples of the earth.

The wealth of life of the world-thousands of hectares:

1.India:2 737 740=22,16%

2.Brazil:1 160 610=9,39%

Congo:774 820=6,27%

China:745 860=6,04%

Indonesia:687 200=5,56%

USA:560 000=4,53%

Columbia,Venezuela,Guyana,Surinam:472 530=3,82%

Russia:455 360=3,69%

Africa Western:433 490=3,51%

Andes:385 630=3,12%

Argentyna,Urugwaj:319 430

Australia:280 230

Africa North:233 150

Pakistan:228 800

Africa Central:176 710

Bangladesh:157 000

Papua:134 720

Tanzania:127 650

Burma:125 920

Vietnam:125 750

Francee:123 600

Kanada:120 220

Malaysia:114 000

Tayland:96 620

Mexico:90 400

America is not so powerful.The Americans are stupid.

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