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Hello All,

I thought I'd just stop in and give you all a quick update.

Tomorrow, 3/9/13 is my Baptism date. I'll be baptized tomorrow evening and it's going to be the greatest moment of my life, a new start, a fresh happiness, the beginning of my personal work and glory.

I just wanted to come here and say thank you to everyone on these forums that patiently and lovingly assisted me every step of my journey, tolerating my ignorant questions, forgiving when I stumbled and offended. What amazing work you all have done here. Although the members of my ward will be my new LDS family, you all will always be my first.

I'm happy to report that also I've learned to grow, appreciate, and even love a number of hymns. So yes, I now acknowledge that many of you were right and they are indeed not boring :) If I had to pick my favorite three (for those who care of such things) they would be The Spirit of God, Redeemer of Israel, and We are All Enlisted with Praise to the Man kind of floating in and out as my third/fourth favorite.

My ward is surprisingly close to me, literally in walking distance. Funny I never knew it was there. The Bishop, missionaries and Elders took me in like a brother from the very first moment, and it became something of a dilemma for me to have to turn down so many dinner invitations. It seems like EVERYONE wants me to come to Family night... or worse, to get togethers with their "single coworker" or "friend from another ward." LOL I don't have any interest in being hitched up with anyone for the time being, I'm far too busy, so it has resulted in some rather amusingly awkward moments sitting next to someone passing them the pasta knowing that they are there under a different set of motives than I. Another issue I seem to have to kind of contend with is the Ward "mommies" trying to "adopt" me. Ever since most of them found out I'm a young, single college student I've suddenly got all these hens clucking around (no offense meant haha :D ) constantly offering me meals or checking up on me or casually mentioning a "friend" they know that would be good for me to become acquainted with.

The only concerns I have now are Home teaching and a calling. I don't feel prepared for EITHER of those, as I still feel very new. I attend Gospel Principles class every week and devour the information, but it's become very clear to me that it will take me years, if not a lifetime, to fully understand what it is to be LDS. But I do know I will love every second of it. As for the calling, I have no ambition to be anything within the church other than a good brother and member who helps as many people as possible, so I'm not sure how I'll deal with any issues that arise from that.

At any rate, I just wanted to stop in and say thank you to all of you.

I hope that the next people who come along are as warmly received and guided as I was. You guys really made a difference for me.

I love you all,


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i havnt met u before, but I am glad you joined the church, congradulations bro :) Sounds like you have a great ward. Im sure you will be a great home teacher,and what ever callings come around Just think of them as blessings Heavenly Father given them to you for your growth.

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Yay, Hyena! With the home teaching, I had some issues my visiting teaching, but, there is a lesson in the Ensign that you can talk about - you don't have to think of something on your own. At first, I let my companion talk and I just nodded like an idiot, but after I got used to it, I started to give the lesson. Sometimes my companion will give the lesson and I will add my convert's perception, which my companion and visting teachees seem interested in hearing. It will come to you.

Also, it's just as nice for me when either my VT or my teachees and I just get together for a meal or to hang out. It doesn't all have to be a heavy lesson - you can say a prayer in the car together on the way to the movies. : )

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