What happens when...


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Recently I say a commercial for the Kindle and it featured a bathing suit clad woman and man on the beach and near the end of the commercial the man invites the woman for a drink ( i think) and she responds that she is here with her husband and the man replies ...so am I and they both look back at there "husbands". It got me to thinking......

In a coming day G/L marriage will be the law of the land....I predict. What happens when missionaries trac into a legally married same sex couple who possibly even have children adopted or created by surrogate means and the couple desires to join the church?

Will the church excommunicate if current members with same sex attraction legally marry? (My guess is yes)

Will this be a special missionary discussion? "Same sex marriage and church membership?"

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Guest LiterateParakeet

I heard a very touching podcast about a gay man who was raised LDS, but asked to have his name removed and was away from the church for many years...during that time he got married to a man. Later he felt God calling him to return to church.

So he is now active in the church. He said he explained his situation to his Bishop and Stake President. They said he cannot be re-baptised but he will be welcomed and loved. He said his ward has been very kind.

So basically he attends meetings but is not a baptised member. The ward embraces him lovingly.

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What happens when missionaries trac into a legally married same sex couple who possibly even have children adopted or created by surrogate means and the couple desires to join the church?

If they want to join the Church, then I am inline with Eowyn, they will follow the same protocol the Church currently has with G/L individuals.

They will need to end their relationship, adhere to the law of chastity, by repenting and forsaking their sin.

Once they have shown the fruits of repentance, they will be accepted like any other individual as members of the Church.

Will the church excommunicate if current members with same sex attraction legally marry? (My guess is yes)

Homosexuality is a "serious transgression" as designated within the Church handbook. I don't see this changing despite other people's appeals. Should a couple, members, seek to be considered and accepted by the Lord in full fellowship they will experience a disciplinary council. Excommunication is an option for serious transgressions as is also disfellowship.

G/L brothers and sisters who are members but remove themselves from the Church, I don't believe the Church will actively seek these members out, unless they are openly proselyting against the Church and seeking to bring shame to the Church; ultimately, seeking to shame the Lord.

Will this be a special missionary discussion? "Same sex marriage and church membership?"

I assume missionaries will be trained in this scenario if it becomes a common occurrence when tracking, or when finding people to teach the gospel.

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hum this is very intersting there are id asume many g/l in the church they have to obey the law of chasity just like we all do, and alot do,even if they might stuggle with it, but is that any different then us struggle with anything alse? God's law or the land of law? But if the land of law changes, arent we suppose to obey the land of the law? and if they are married by the land of the law, then what???? this sexual stuff has been a problem through out time, maybe cause its the easiest thing Satan can get us at. Didnt think of this intersting topic looking forward to how others feel.

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Recently I say a commercial for the Kindle and it featured a bathing suit clad woman and man on the beach and near the end of the commercial the man invites the woman for a drink ( i think) and she responds that she is here with her husband and the man replies ...so am I and they both look back at there "husbands". It got me to thinking......

In a coming day G/L marriage will be the law of the land....I predict. What happens when missionaries trac into a legally married same sex couple who possibly even have children adopted or created by surrogate means and the couple desires to join the church?

Will the church excommunicate if current members with same sex attraction legally marry? (My guess is yes)

Will this be a special missionary discussion? "Same sex marriage and church membership?"

in the end I guess we will have to have faith and leave it up to the Lord.

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I heard a very touching podcast about a gay man who was raised LDS, but asked to have his name removed and was away from the church for many years...during that time he got married to a man. Later he felt God calling him to return to church.

So he is now active in the church. He said he explained his situation to his Bishop and Stake President. They said he cannot be re-baptised but he will be welcomed and loved. He said his ward has been very kind.

So basically he attends meetings but is not a baptised member. The ward embraces him lovingly.

thats good we are suppose to love all, have love, kindness and compassion 4 all just like Jesus does.

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But if the land of law changes, arent we suppose to obey the land of the law? and if they are married by the land of the law, then what???? this sexual stuff has been a problem through out time, maybe cause its the easiest thing Satan can get us at. Didnt think of this intersting topic looking forward to how others feel.

There are certain laws of the land with which the Church will probably never succumb to and we will face the buffetings of the world as with all generations before us.

Although we are to obey the laws of the land, for us, we need to remind ourselves regarding David who prayed despite the law of the land and others who would not bow to an idol although the law of the land commanded it.

Sexual sin, is sexual sin, and the Church will never assume it is good or without disciplinary action, otherwise how would the Church distinguish between sexual sins?

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Probably the same thing that happens when they tract a same sex couple now.

I tend to agree but, what about a generation from now. I am not suggesting that the church would ever change doctrine but the world will be vastly different and legalizing g/l marriage will present many challenges.

For instance, if the gay or lesbian couple wants to join the church they would have to stop engaging in sexual acts, legally divorce....which will require legal wrangling over assets, children etc. How could it not?

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My hope is that the Church will adopt a practice similar to how we act toward people who undergo elective gender changing surgeries--the will be invited to be baptised, but may not be able to hold the priesthood or attend the temple.

But baptism would necessary obligate them by covenant to live the law of chastity and one would assume they would be required to divorce. If they agreed to do so and were faithful then they should receive the Priesthood if they are male and Temple blessings as well.

Edited by bytor2112
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G/L brothers and sisters who are members but remove themselves from the Church, I don't believe the Church will actively seek these members out, unless they are openly proselyting against the Church and seeking to bring shame to the Church; ultimately, seeking to shame the Lord.

Your comment puzzles me and perhaps I am just misreading. Are you suggesting that the church should not actively seek these members out to help the return to the fold or for discipline? If you mean the latter...I concur.

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I heard a very touching podcast about a gay man who was raised LDS, but asked to have his name removed and was away from the church for many years...during that time he got married to a man. Later he felt God calling him to return to church.

So he is now active in the church. He said he explained his situation to his Bishop and Stake President. They said he cannot be re-baptised but he will be welcomed and loved. He said his ward has been very kind.

So basically he attends meetings but is not a baptised member. The ward embraces him lovingly.

I am guessing that he isn't allowed to be re-baptized because he is still "married"?

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There are certain laws of the land with which the Church will probably never succumb to and we will face the buffetings of the world as with all generations before us.

Although we are to obey the laws of the land, for us, we need to remind ourselves regarding David who prayed despite the law of the land and others who would not bow to an idol although the law of the land commanded it.

Sexual sin, is sexual sin, and the Church will never assume it is good or without disciplinary action, otherwise how would the Church distinguish between sexual sins?

I agree Anddenex, but the church has softened it's tone over the years. Reflect a bit on President Kimball's tone versus the current response. A softer tone reflective of a more accepted societal norm.

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Your comment puzzles me and perhaps I am just misreading. Are you suggesting that the church should not actively seek these members out to help the return to the fold or for discipline? If you mean the latter...I concur.

The latter... the Church will always extend a hand of fellowship, however their intentions will not be seek them out for discipline.

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This came to mind. It certainly doesn't answer all the complexities of these sorts of things, but there is insight here I think.

Mark 10:29-30

And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's, But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

I am guessing that he isn't allowed to be re-baptized because he is still "married"?

Yes. He talked to his Bishop and told him he wants to attend but he is happily married (approx 20 yrs). The Bishop said, some thing to the effect of, "Alright, you can't be rebaptized while you are married, but live the gospel the best you can. If anyone gives you a hard time, tell them to talk to me."

Apparently he had a simiilar conversation with his Stake President.

I like this story, because the Stake President and Bishop were firm about the boundaries that the Lord has set, but also loving to this individual as the Lord would also have us be. It seems like the best possible combination in this situation.

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My hope is that the Church will adopt a practice similar to how we act toward people who undergo elective gender changing surgeries--the will be invited to be baptised, but may not be able to hold the priesthood or attend the temple.

Are you meaning that they would also be able to continue in their current relationship if any? Just not hold the priesthood or attend the temple?

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