Women in combat


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From human biology, MOE. Hence the reason for chivalry. It's not just ingrained in the male psyche because it's a cool thing to have...

You're going to have to provide justification for your claim that chivalry is a biological construct. I don't buy it.

Men hitting women in the field of play desensitizes them in real life. Playground games are simply a kid's training ground - that's a Montessori principle. A woman asking to play contact sport with men is doing the men a disservice in the same manner that a dying patient asking a doctor to kill him may be good for the patient but is doing the doctor a disservice as it is putting a doctor at odds with what his nature needs to be.

Oh I see! It's about women curbing their passions and desires for the benefit of men?


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I thought your kids were all girls? :P

They are. But I work with a lot of scouts, too. And I don't tell them to not hit girls. I tell them not to hit people.

But when we play dodgeball with the Venture Crew, they are to throw the ball as hard at the girls as they throw it at the boys.

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I would have to disagree that chivalry is biology. I think chivalry is part of what separates man from animal. If I'm to considerate our primal instincts, I think very little chivalry exists therein. It's biology for male animals to pursue and mate with female animals if they're in heat -- there's no consent or chivalry involved. I don't think it'd be a far stretch to assume that in early civilisation chivalry was a foreign idea, men took of women what they wanted, and it was acceptable. Some cultures still do but for most modern societies, forcing such, is rape.

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From a practical "don't wander into the freeway" standpoint:

Women in the military experience sexual harassment from their groping, boorish, drunken, sexist, horny male counterparts constantly. If you are a woman who is capable of handling such behavior easily without much negative impact, go be in the military. If you are a woman with notions of social re-engineering, you will be in for a very rough ride, because either you will break, or you will break the military.

(That's how I'm billing things to my daughters. I'd be proud if they choose to serve in the military, but I will make sure they go in prepared to handle the realities of things.)

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I am somewhat amused at the movie style civilian discussion though, as the talk of ideals don't really exist when bullets are flying.

I have not seen combat, but I have trained with women and frankly, I don't have any qualms about their trained combat abilities, generally speaking. During my infantry course, there was abut 26 males and 5 women, but the details are hazy as that was ten years ago, but I did notice a few types.

1. The Morale NCO - This woman tended to treat her comrades like a buffet and most men are not too choosy. These ones also tended to manipulate the situation to their advantage by flirting.

2. The Man Beater - This woman tended to always believe that she needed to compete with the men, but on doing so, overachieved and became the physical goddess.

3. The Femnazi - This woman took it upon herself to blame all men for her circumstances and made sure they knew it. A horror show when they became instructors.

4. The Comrade - This woman laughed with us, didn't play the female card to get out of work and did the best that she was able, which is what was expected.

You get all kinds in the military, but frankly, watching my 5 ft petite section mate hump the C-6, without complaint, despite it being her privilege to carry it more than the rest of us, helped me realize that the individual within the unit, matters less than the gender.

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Guest Mc7donald

Anyway, what do y'all think about women fighting along side men? I thought they already were but I guess not..Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

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