Video Games

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Okay, so I'm a not-so-secret video game lover.

Not all games, in fact there are only about ten or twenty games I enjoy playing. On any console or format.

Does anyone else enjoy the Xbox 360? I recently snagged a PS3 (a blu-ray player by itself costs about $900, and the PS3 has a blu-ray drive built-in and only costs $600 so that's a no-brainer if you're into blu-ray...which I'm not really but never mind).

One of the best games I've ever played was "Shadow of the Colossus" on PS2. The Tokyo Symphony did the soundtrack and it's just a beautiful game. A rarity. Anyone else know about it or ever played it?

Anyway, am I the only nerd on this site or do any of you other guys get into gaming?

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Guest Soul_Searcher

I was a big gamer, and in the next few weeks will be getting a xbox360 and ps3 as i need to know and be experienced with them for my new job. Won't have much time to play with them, but will be nice to learn them and experience them enough to sell people on the a bit easier.

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I'm not a video game junkie, so I don't have to be first in line to get the latest thing. I have a game cube that I've had for about 3 years. I mostly play sports games and I never buy the newest one. I particularly enjoy the 2 year old games that are under $10. I don't play often enough to justify anything else.

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Soul, what kind of job will you be having?

Any job that requires you to be familiar with the 360 and PS3 has to be cool. ;)

the_jason, I can't justify having the newest system, I just have them. :wow: Actually I enjoy playing on Xbox Live with a few distant friends.

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Guest Soul_Searcher

I'm training to be the guy in charge of the dept that sells then at Best Buy. In a day i sell 4-5 ps3 and 5-10 xbox360. Wish we had the Wii in i miss like 60 sales a day :(. It would be a lot easier for me to sell if i knew more about them so i want one of each.

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Major geek/nerd here. HOWEVUH, I really still like the 64. I found two of them at a garage sale recently with Golden Eye and Zelda, Ocarina of Time, and all the fun that 64 was after the Super Nintendo came back. I started going to Game Stop and finding all the old 64 games. What a hoot. But, Wii is on my birthday list of things to get myself. That and this AMD dualcore/dualchannel processor I have been coveting. Vidiot is the word I should have used. :wow:

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I have 4 boys and every game system exept the 2 new ones, after working at Target and watching people sleep in tents to get the wii i was alittle crazed! (exspcially when they had small children sleeping out side in the dead of winter with them) anyway it truley is amazing what people will do for the new stuff, I myself am a computer came junkie. but no way would i sleep in a line in the middle of winter to get a game or new system :P

neither my wife nor i are gamers,but are considering a ps2 and getting dance dance revolution...any suggestions?

Dance revolution is cool my oldest has it, him and his cusin lost alot of weight playing it, it looks fun
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I just stick with my PC for gaming, as used games are much cheaper for PC than xbox or PS2. I like MMORPGS, currently I am playing WoW. I also enjoy first person shooters as well, but have not had the opportunity to play any of the newer games. Unfortunately, I have not had the chance to play around with the 360 yet.. If they came out with an MMORPG I probably would though =) The only bad newsI have heard regarding the 360 is that a lot of them have overheated.

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I waited in line at midnight to get a Wii with my girlfriend... and own a nintendo DS as well as a very decent computer... but I haven't used it for any gaming for a while. Right now I'm mostly into the Wii, but there aren't too many good games out for it yet.

We have a Wii. A great game that you have to try is Rayman Raving Rabbids! I'm not gamer, but this is awesome. My husband is a gamer and loves it. The thing I like about the Wii is that it's so interactive. Some of them can actually give you a workout!

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Wow, I hadn't noticed all the replies to this thread until just now. So I'm not the only video game lover.


Sugarbay, you do know about emulators for computers, right? You can play tons of NES, SuperNES, and N64 games on your PC. The legality is questionable, unless you own the actual games and system, so I won't post any links, but if you Google "Project64" and "N64 roms" you should find some cool stuff. ;)

Yes, the Xbox 360 can overheat. That's why I have the Nyko intercooler (though the sucker's louder than sin).

That's one thing I'll give the PS3 credit's whisper-quiet compared to the 360.

The Wii looks fun, but I doubt I'll buy one. Being a cinematographer/videographer and into high-res (or HD if you wish), the Wii's 480p resolution is laughable compared to both the Xbox 360 and PS3's 1080i/p ability. Long live HD! B)

miztrniceguy: If you get a PS2, you have to get "Shadow of the Colossus!" Read about it here. Then again, you may not be into action adventure games.

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Sorry for the late reply on this one but I love my XBox 360. We have had video gaming systems from our original Nintendo to 64 and each upgrade to my PC has been a justification for PC gaming. I bought my son a 360 to take to school and then decided that it was not fair that he have all the fun.

My 360 is tied in to my surround system and played on a Mitsubishi 732 model tv. That is an HD tv with a 65 inch screen. When we play Gears of War or Splinter Cell we rock the windows to the house.

I also have the HD external drive for the 360 and watch HD movies on it.

I love technology.

Ben Raines

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Major geek/nerd here. HOWEVUH, I really still like the 64. I found two of them at a garage sale recently with Golden Eye and Zelda, Ocarina of Time, and all the fun that 64 was after the Super Nintendo came back. I started going to Game Stop and finding all the old 64 games. What a hoot. But, Wii is on my birthday list of things to get myself. That and this AMD dualcore/dualchannel processor I have been coveting. Vidiot is the word I should have used. :wow:

ME TOO! :wub:
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Dang Ben, I didn't know you played Gears of War!

Sometime we'll have to rev up a chainsaw on Xbox Live. B)

My username there guessed it...CrimsonKairos.

By the way, your entertainment system setup sounds ridiculously sweet!

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Okay, so I'm a not-so-secret video game lover.

Not all games, in fact there are only about ten or twenty games I enjoy playing. On any console or format.

Does anyone else enjoy the Xbox 360? I recently snagged a PS3 (a blu-ray player by itself costs about $900, and the PS3 has a blu-ray drive built-in and only costs $600 so that's a no-brainer if you're into blu-ray...which I'm not really but never mind).

One of the best games I've ever played was "Shadow of the Colossus" on PS2. The Tokyo Symphony did the soundtrack and it's just a beautiful game. A rarity. Anyone else know about it or ever played it?

Anyway, am I the only nerd on this site or do any of you other guys get into gaming?

I love my xbox 360. I recently achieved the rank of commander on Splinter Cell DA. Just started playing lost planet. I find it is really easy to talk to people when your playing games too.

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"Lost Planet" is freakin' awesome! I love that game. Haven't tried it online yet though. Have you? The in-game graphics look almost pre-rendered at times.


I just started playing Lost Planet. I will probably try the live version this week. My splinter cell friends keep inviting me to join their session. My gamer tag is like yours. VOID 1972

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Sugarbay, you do know about emulators for computers, right? You can play tons of NES, SuperNES, and N64 games on your PC. The legality is questionable, unless you own the actual games and system, so I won't post any links, but if you Google "Project64" and "N64 roms" you should find some cool stuff.

Thanks. I appreciate that. Hey, I am a cert tech for Microsoft. Legality? You wouldn't believe how many people "can't find" their OPSYS disk. I used Linux myself. I am a hard core geek.

But, I am going to check this stuff out today. Thank, CK.

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