How do Mormons feel about interfaith dating?

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I'm sure you'll get some great advice on this as we do have several members here that are or were in this exact situation.

My thoughts are that the Church generally encourages members to court other members. I think the idea behind this is building a solid relationship with someone that shares the same core values, which is especially important when planning and proceeding with a family. But for those that are not members, and are investigating, the Church is aware and understands the difficulties of sometimes blending differing beliefs. It's not uncommon for an investigator to join, yet, their spouse is not a member and never becomes one. All I know is that the Lord has plans for everyone if we stick to our guns and trust Him.

Now, in your case, I'm understanding that you're in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. If you wish to take steps in becoming a LDS member, there will be requirements that will be asked of you that you live by, and one of those is keeping the Law of Chastity. This means that if you and your girlfriend are living together in the same household, or have an intimate relationship, that will need to be discontinued in order for you to be baptised.

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We also believe that in order to receive the highest glory in the celestial kingdom we must be sealed to a spouse that also obeys and honors the covenants made in the temple.

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Hello! :)

Welcome to our forum. I'm so glad about your decision to learn about the Church. :) What Bini said in her first paragraph is pretty much right. Over the long run (say, you were single now, joined the Church and then had a choice between a lovable member and a lovable non-member), we are encouraged to date members. But really, it's between you, her and the Lord. Whatever works for you. A Church with 15 Million members has people in just about as many different life situations. There isn't *one* perfect approach to this.

In your case, it is absolutely not necessary to end your relationship. Just make sure that you live the Law of Chastity. You may date all day long, hold hands, even kiss, but avoid sexual conduct before marriage. Also, if you live together in the same household, you will either have to move out or get married if you want to be baptized.

I would be open about your desires to learn about and investigate (as we call it) the Church. Talk to your girlfriend, bring her along for Church, etc...she might be interested as well and if not, she will most likely be more understanding at least. This will help you greatly in case you get serious about baptism. :)

That's all I can think of right now. Let me know if you have any questions :)

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I'm looking into the church right now. But I have no intention of dumping my beautiful girlfriend of two years. And all though she isn't a believer she is supportive of my beliefs. How would this situation be received by the members of the church?

I would begin by referencing a statement and concept presented by Shakespeare. It goes something like this, "To thine own self be true and it shall follow as the night the day - thou cannot be false to any man."

Perhaps there are no two more important relationships in life than the relationships one forges their in religious belief of G-d and marriage. The simple truth is - and this is not just an LDS concept (others like Dr. Laura of past radio fame) that the two very important relationships must be well integrated in order to have much hope of either being meaningful in the long run. Giving up one for the other has never worked - ever. Some may say that since they have somehow survived that they have made the impossible work. But I think they fool themselves; which is never a good formula for happiness and joy.

If you cannot share with your best friend and eternal lover your most intimate feelings and beliefs concerning G-d then you kid yourself in thinking that they are really your best friend and eternal lover. And if they cannot share with you their most intimate feelings and beliefs concerning G-d (as compatible to yours) then you kid them in thinking you are their best friend and eternal lover.

The Traveler

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I'm looking into the church right now. But I have no intention of dumping my beautiful girlfriend of two years. And all though she isn't a believer she is supportive of my beliefs. How would this situation be received by the members of the church?

Probably mostly concern, there may be some that would be more vocal about it however. we are taught that to obtain the highest blessings people have to be married with in the priesthood, which means that both parties need to be members.

So generally we are cautioned strongly about marrying outside the church.. but, it's not a sin nor is it strictly commanded against, nor do we really dwell on it much. (it happens pretty often).

In the end it's going to be up to you and your date and what you decide to do with your relationship. And also what you decide about what you want your relationship to God to be, no matter what anyone else says.

In my experience I don't hear about other individuals who date or marry outside the church very often if at all, nor does it bother me.

Probably it would be more proper to go to God in prayer and see what your thoughts and feelings are on it afterwards.

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If you get more involved with the Church, no one is going to tell you to dump your girlfriend. There is no hard and fast rule here.

The encouragement of like with like isn't so much about some vague rule about marrying people of the same faith, but more about peoples' spiritual views being a legitimate part of who they are. As has been said, you see this in all walks of faith.

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I'm looking into the church right now. But I have no intention of dumping my beautiful girlfriend of two years. And all though she isn't a believer she is supportive of my beliefs. How would this situation be received by the members of the church?

It would appear you have much to ponder KingintheNorth regarding your current decision. I have been wondering whether or not to share my thoughts, and have felt to do so.

The situation with your girlfriend should you keep the commandments of God regarding the "law of chastity" there will be no problems and you will be received with open arms, or at least should be.

As Blackmarch pointed out, the greatest gift our Heavenly Father gives us is Eternal life, the ability to receive an exalted state by which we receive of the fullness of the Father. In order to receive the fullness of the father, we must be sealed with our companion for time and all eternity, through the priesthood and within the temples.

Once a person discovers the truthfulness of the gospel then they have decisions they must make. At times these decisions result in unforeseen circumstances, or uncomfortable situations. These situations will be helpful to receive guidance from the Lord in prayer.

Thus, an important question to ponder is whether or not she will be likely to join the Church, such that you could take her to the temple and be sealed. If not, then this leaves you in a quandary, once you receive a witness.

Thus, I second the notion, go to your Father in heaven and prayer and receive an answer from him and once received follow it with all your heart, and let the consequence follow.

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