Are we all martians?


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A friend posted this on my Facebook feed and I found it rather interesting: Higher Perspective: 'We are all Martians': Chemist's Otherworldly Claim Stirs Debate Maybe some of you will too. It certainly stirs feelings as you can see in the Comments section. Many maintain that we are children of God, yet others question where our true beginnings stem from -- of course -- nothing new, right?

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It doesnt matter to me. There may be truth as to some part of what makes us coming from Mars. I dont know how to make a human so sure, a dash of Mars and pinch of Asteroid, bake for umph million have a human. I cannot even comprehend how God made us.

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It doesnt matter to me. There may be truth as to some part of what makes us coming from Mars. I dont know how to make a human so sure, a dash of Mars and pinch of Asteroid, bake for umph million have a human. I cannot even comprehend how God made us.

It's probably this exact recipe.

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Starbuck & Apollo, with a dash of Xylon.

Because this has all happened before, and will again.


or, or, or...

The Galactic Overlord Xenu imprisoned several thousand alien races and tossed them into a volcano here on earth. The spirits awoke, were caught and imprisoned again, being brainwashed-and set loose inhabiting prehistoric men.

We are possessed by these Thetans who poison our minds and twist our understanding....

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In all seriousness... Here're 3 of my favorite quotes:

We are all connected;

To each other biologically,

To the earth chemically,

To the rest of the universe atomically.

- Dr Neil DeGrasse Tyson

The cosmos is also within us,

We are made of star stuff.

We are a way

For the cosmos

To know itself

- Carl Sagan

The beauty of a living thing is not they atoms that go into it...

But the way those atoms are put together

- Carl Sagan


Edited by Quin
2, 3... Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
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Maybe not exactly, I left out a few items. "There is no flavor. There are no spices. Where are the chips?"

This is from a movie but I'm only 80% positive on what movie that is. So I won't say but I LOL'd bad.

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Matter is co-eternal with God. It may be that God allowed some DNA or bacteria to be sent from one planet to another, and used it to begin the process of life on earth. In fact, Brigham Young speculated that Adam and Eve were born on another planet in the normal process of child-birth, and were later transplanted to our planet to begin human life here. Other GAs have talked about Pre-Adamites.

So, there is an ongoing discussion of concepts that may or may not be how God worked things. And we may find out that God used many of the possible methods to bring life to pass on earth.

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There is an old engineer saying - that until you can make it work you really do not know how it works. There is a lot of "scientific" speculation concerning the origins of life. But the point is - unless we can reverse engineer the process and make it happen we really do not know how it happened.

But there are too many unanswered questions!!! Even if we are able to initiate new life we still do not know if that is the only method. However, (and I do not want to give the religious thinkers too much fodder here) the point is that during the period of time in which life should have first developed the conditions on earth - the probability of life beginning here does not give us a lot of hope. The on the other hand no one seem to have much of a clue how life developed around the volcanic vents on the ocean floor.

The one point I find both absurd and laughable is that any educated and intelligent person (scientist) would believe that random possibility has a better chance to initiate life than the concentrated and deliberate efforts of the worlds best scientists - or for that matter - the universes best minds. Going back to my initial statement on this post - if we do not know how life started it is ridiculous to eliminate G-d or other intelligence as a possibility. And if we were able to initiate life - that does not prove that G-d could not have done the very thing we have discovered.

The Traveler

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