Millennium wait for 87 years


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I have been looking into the second coming of the Lord. Here is a short description:

A millennium is a period of 1,000 years. When we speak of “the Millennium,” we refer to the 1,000 years following the Savior's Second Coming (see Revelation 20:4; D&C 29:11). During the Millennium, “Christ will reign personally upon the earth” (Articles of Faith 1:10). (See: Millennium)

Whose calendar do we use? How do we apply the time frame for the start of the said Millennium. 87 years from now we'll look back and wonder. By our (Gregorian) calendar Adam was four thousand years before Jesus. We are now two thousand years past Jesus, plus 12. The millennium we are now in started in the year 2001 (count starts at the number one). The our current calendar millennium ends in 87 years (2101 is the next even start of a calendar millennium, 2101-3100). The Hebrew calendar would have been the 6th of Tevet, 5761 on January 1, 2001. That is 239 years difference in between the dates (6000-5761). We are waiting 239 years on the Hebrew calendar. So what is the beginning of the next millennium? What is wrong with the story? Why do we think that the Savior's Second Coming is at the beginning of a calendar millennium?

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yeah human's can't really seem to agree wholly even what year it is, how to tell what year it is.

Personally I don't think anyone can pinpoint a day in time Jesus will actually return, or even completely prove that he will (it wouldn't be faith if it was proven).

I do not think we can pin point a date. However, a thousand span and generalities as to about when shows us lacking something in the information about the event.

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Nothing in that blip you provided implied the second coming would happen in accordance with any calendars millennium, only that the time span would occupy a miilenniums worth of years.

Thank you for reading the post and the link.

What you did not go into is how general a statement it is and how misunderstood prophecy must be. All that ink writing prophecy applied to Gods word to man and we cannot event put together the beginning of a thousand year time period? Why is it that we do not understand prophecy to understand about when the second coming is? Other then the general statements that we apply to the event.

Prophecy is very clear that there is a time appointed for these things to happen.

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During the time of Law of Moses in ancient Hebrew society a great feast was held at the first day beginning the New Year. The first day of the New Year was determined by the first Sabbath to follow the first new moon following the vernal equinox. This is similar to how we now determine when to celebrate Easter. According to the tradition each “sign” must be witnessed (twice) before a judge of Israel before the New Year feast could be officially scheduled and declared.

Because of the complexity of the “signs” and witnessing there was a common saying as the time of the New Year approached and the question was asked as to when the event would be. In essence the saying was similar to the English saying of “Heaven only knows”. But there is more to this. When the weather hid the sun during the day and the moon and stars at night there was a problem in being able to see the signs obscured by clouds. Under such conditions the question of when to begin the feast was answered with the phrase, “The day and hour no man knows, not even the angels of heaven but G-d only”.

It is from this one symbolic reference that many in Christianity have come to believe that the approaching event of the Messiah is a great secret hidden from everybody. I am not of this belief. I find the scripture of Amos 3:7 to be more applicable and direct. I personally interpret the saying recorded by Matthew as symbolic of confusion that will arise concerning the “signs” of the Last Days. I believe that as the time approaches that many faithful saints and devout believers in Christ will know and be prepared – and from the symbolism in scripture those that know and are prepared will be about half?

HINT – If you do not have a very good idea of the exact day within at least 10 years or so before it occurs – I do not think you are paying very good attention – spiritually or physically.

ANOTHER HINT – there is approximately (up to) a 270 year discrepancy in calendars. I would not recommend the use of any known calendar.

The Traveler

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Not even Christ knows when he is coming. Also, 2000 was the starting point of the new millennium 0 to 1 is the first year 1 to 2 is the second year 2 to 3 is the third year etc.

Not quite.

Because there was no year "0" on the gregorian calendar (1BC went right into 1AD). The first post-BC millennium began in the year 1 AD (Or CE, as one prefers), and thus ended with the conclusion of the year 1000.

1001 began the next, concluding in 2000.

2001 began the next.

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Not even Christ knows when he is coming. Also, 2000 was the starting point of the new millennium 0 to 1 is the first year 1 to 2 is the second year 2 to 3 is the third year etc.

Not quite. There was no "year 0". The first year, putatively the year of Christ's birth, is called year 1. So the first thousand years include years 1 through 1000, the second thousand years include years 1001 through 2000, the third thousand years include years 2001 through 3000, and so forth. In this counting system, the year 2000 was the last year of the second millennium, and 2001 was the first year of the third millennium.

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Ok. Here is a choronicle ordered understanding of Prophecy. This is from the earliest mentioned occurrence until the most recent:

  • First two Kings of Macedonia 359-323 B.C.
  • First King of Greece 198-196 (This is nested)
  • Last Two Kings of Macedonia 221-168
  • Birth of & life of Jesus Christ 1-33 A.D.?
  • Gospel of Jesus Christ given to the Nephites 33-34?
  • Last Roman Emperor 284-305
  • Three Roman Emperors signing letters of Toleration 311 & 313
  • The Nephites reject the gospel of Jesus Christ 400
  • Four dominate Monarchs 1509-1649
  • Discovery of the new World 1492
  • Colonization of the promised land 1620-1642
  • The United States of America 1783-1946
  • The Gentiles receive the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ 1830 (via The Book of Mormon)
  • The United Nations 1946-2001
  • The first year of the Seventh Millennium from Adam 2001
  • Seventh King & little Horn 2002-2004
  • Land brought back by the sword 2007-2008
When Zion is established the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ will be taken from the Gentiles and given to the house of Israel. The house of Israel will be gathered to the Kingdom of God.

The order is with dates from the Gregorian calendar. Other events fall into these time periods and are consistent across the board with the prophecies pointing to our day.

These events (that have been generalized) are an understanding of the prophecies directly out of the Bible and Book of Mormon. Why is that the prophecies from these books are confusing? Why do we use generalities to what these events and time periods are in prophecy?

If you disagree with the above events and time periods can you do better? Can you put together an order of the events in prophecy from the Bible and Book of Mormon from your own understanding without pointing to third party for information?

Why are we waiting for a millennium that is already here?

(See: Spring Phenomena 25 BCE to 38 CE — Naval Oceanography Portal for BCE transition to CE dates. 1 BCE moves into 1 CE without a zero date.)

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Ok. Here is a choronicle ordered understanding of Prophecy. This is from the earliest mentioned occurrence until the most recent:

  • First two Kings of Macedonia 359-323 B.C.
  • First King of Greece 198-196 (This is nested)
  • Last Two Kings of Macedonia 221-168
  • Birth of & life of Jesus Christ 1-33 A.D.?
  • Gospel of Jesus Christ given to the Nephites 33-34?
  • Last Roman Emperor 284-305
  • Three Roman Emperors signing letters of Toleration 311 & 313
  • The Nephites reject the gospel of Jesus Christ 400
  • Four dominate Monarchs 1509-1649
  • Discovery of the new World 1492
  • Colonization of the promised land 1620-1642
  • The United States of America 1783-1946
  • The Gentiles receive the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ 1830 (via The Book of Mormon)
  • The United Nations 1946-2001
  • The first year of the Seventh Millennium from Adam 2001
  • Seventh King & little Horn 2002-2004
  • Land brought back by the sword 2007-2008
When Zion is established the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ will be taken from the Gentiles and given to the house of Israel. The house of Israel will be gathered to the Kingdom of God.

The order is with dates from the Gregorian calendar. Other events fall into these time periods and are consistent across the board with the prophecies pointing to our day.

These events (that have been generalized) are an understanding of the prophecies directly out of the Bible and Book of Mormon. Why is that the prophecies from these books are confusing? Why do we use generalities to what these events and time periods are in prophecy?

If you disagree with the above events and time periods can you do better? Can you put together an order of the events in prophecy from the Bible and Book of Mormon from your own understanding without pointing to third party for information?

Why are we waiting for a millennium that is already here?

I disagree - the Gregorian calendar was created in 1582 to correct known problem at the time with the Julian calendar. We now know that the year 1 of the Gregorian calendar is off by at least 6 years.

The problem with using the Bible is similar - The first book of the Bible (Genesis) was written over 2000 years from the inception of the calendar. The ancient book of Enoch has perhaps the most accurate of ancient calendars but this calendar is obscured in history. Because of the ratio of day lengths given in the gates to heaven we can conclude that the calendar was devised at approximately the 45th latitude. According to the Book of Enoch this is where Enoch would have lived.

As I stated in a previous post there is a discrepancy between the Book of Enoch and the Biblical based calendars for as much as 270 years. BTW there is about 70 discrepancy by time we get to Abraham just within the Bible for anyone that takes the time to follow the years from birth to death of various leaders. Also of note - It appears that Jesus and his Apostles (also Zacharias ) used a calendar more closely associated with the Book of Enoch than what has been extrapolated from modern day Bible sources.

The Traveler

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I disagree - the Gregorian calendar was created in 1582 to correct known problem at the time with the Julian calendar. We now know that the year 1 of the Gregorian calendar is off by at least 6 years.

The part of the story that is always misunderstood is that it is Gods story to man not mans story to man.

The Gregorian calendar in fact is most correct to the understanding the time period that the prophecies are fulfilled in. Human opinion is not of value in the story. The story was written before the foundation of the world. Time as we understand it did not apply then. Time as it applies to the events related to those in prophecy are correctly understood with the Gregorian calendar.

If we attempt to apply some other calendar we miss the story. Research requires three things to be able to make an identity:

1. Time frame.

2. Name of character/event.

3. Geographical local

The identity of these three items must come together for research to move forward. I can give all three items for nearly all things related to prophecy pointing to our day.

The council in heaven was along time ago. How does one apply the clock in that time period to the history of humans? I cannot, it has no application as far as I determine. However, prophecy given to man from God is about human history on this earth, it is not about calendars. However, it must be understood in terms of human history with a calendar that is accurate. The events in prophecy as I have them listed walk hand in hand with Gregorian calendar and human history.

All prophecy in the Bible that points to our day runs in a parallel time period and has common events with the vision in 1 Nephi chapter 11 to 14. Now tell me how the vision in 1 Nephi can be understood with out using the Gregorian calendar? Nephi lived long before the Gregorian calendar came into being. Christopher Columbus sailed on his first voyage in 1492? Was the American Revolution from 1775–1783? Remember old style (O.S.) (before the Gregorian calendar) and new style (N.S.) (Gregorian calendar) dates were in use at the time of the Revolution. 1752 was the first year in England to officially begin on 1 January (See: The National Archives | Palaeography tutorial - Quick reference) So which date is correct and why do we except which date?

Gregorian calendar noun (Concise Encyclopedia)

Solar dating system now in general use. It was proclaimed in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII as a reform of the Julian calendar. By the Julian reckoning, the solar year comprised 365 days. The addition of a “leap day” every four years was intended to maintain correspondence between the calendar and the seasons; however, a slight inaccuracy in the measurement of the solar year caused the calendar dates of the seasons to regress almost one day per century. By Pope Gregory's time, the Julian calendar was 10 days out of sync with the seasons; in 1582, to bring the vernal equinox (and thus Easter) back to its proper date, 10 days were dropped (October 5 became October 15). Most of Catholic Europe soon adopted the new calendar; Great Britain and its colonies (1752) and Russia (1918) followed much later. The Gregorian calendar differs from the Julian only in that no century year is a leap year unless it is exactly divisible by 400 (e.g., 1600, 2000). A further refinement, the designation of years evenly divisible by 4,000 as common (not leap) years, will keep the calendar accurate to within one day in 20,000 years. (Gregorian calendar - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

I disagree - the Gregorian calendar was created in 1582 to correct known problem at the time with the Julian calendar. We now know that the year 1 of the Gregorian calendar is off by at least 6 years.

A six year discrepancy and your going to complain because some somebody wants to rewrite history to discredit it? Revisionist history can be fatal to the truth and to the understanding.

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The part of the story that is always misunderstood is that it is Gods story to man not mans story to man.

The Gregorian calendar in fact is most correct to the understanding the time period that the prophecies are fulfilled in. Human opinion is not of value in the story. The story was written before the foundation of the world. Time as we understand it did not apply then. Time as it applies to the events related to those in prophecy are correctly understood with the Gregorian calendar.

If we attempt to apply some other calendar we miss the story. Research requires three things to be able to make an identity:

1. Time frame.

2. Name of character/event.

3. Geographical local

The identity of these three items must come together for research to move forward. I can give all three items for nearly all things related to prophecy pointing to our day.

The council in heaven was along time ago. How does one apply the clock in that time period to the history of humans? I cannot, it has no application as far as I determine. However, prophecy given to man from God is about human history on this earth, it is not about calendars. However, it must be understood in terms of human history with a calendar that is accurate. The events in prophecy as I have them listed walk hand in hand with Gregorian calendar and human history.

All prophecy in the Bible that points to our day runs in a parallel time period and has common events with the vision in 1 Nephi chapter 11 to 14. Now tell me how the vision in 1 Nephi can be understood with out using the Gregorian calendar? Nephi lived long before the Gregorian calendar came into being. Christopher Columbus sailed on his first voyage in 1492? Was the American Revolution from 1775–1783? Remember old style (O.S.) (before the Gregorian calendar) and new style (N.S.) (Gregorian calendar) dates were in use at the time of the Revolution. 1752 was the first year in England to officially begin on 1 January (See: The National Archives | Palaeography tutorial - Quick reference) So which date is correct and why do we except which date?

Gregorian calendar noun (Concise Encyclopedia)

Solar dating system now in general use. It was proclaimed in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII as a reform of the Julian calendar. By the Julian reckoning, the solar year comprised 365 days. The addition of a “leap day” every four years was intended to maintain correspondence between the calendar and the seasons; however, a slight inaccuracy in the measurement of the solar year caused the calendar dates of the seasons to regress almost one day per century. By Pope Gregory's time, the Julian calendar was 10 days out of sync with the seasons; in 1582, to bring the vernal equinox (and thus Easter) back to its proper date, 10 days were dropped (October 5 became October 15). Most of Catholic Europe soon adopted the new calendar; Great Britain and its colonies (1752) and Russia (1918) followed much later. The Gregorian calendar differs from the Julian only in that no century year is a leap year unless it is exactly divisible by 400 (e.g., 1600, 2000). A further refinement, the designation of years evenly divisible by 4,000 as common (not leap) years, will keep the calendar accurate to within one day in 20,000 years. (Gregorian calendar - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

A six year discrepancy and your going to complain because some somebody wants to rewrite history to discredit it? Revisionist history can be fatal to the truth and to the understanding.

There is a flaw in ancient mathematics that you have overlooked in attempting to have a understanding of time between events. It is similar to what happens in a football game concerning distances gained between downs. That is, that fractions or partial years are not considered - or as in football partial yards. So when it is stated that the time from the birth or other event to the birth of another - or any other significant event was so many years. Because fractions are not included there is an accumulation error that begins to take place in mapping how many years has transpired over several different events.

Because the Gregorian calendar ties events to years historians have learned that calendars such as the Enoch calendar, Zoroastrian calendar and the Mayan calendar that tie historical events to various astrological events in their calendars rather than to years are far more accurate.

This is not an attempt to re-write history but to understand it more accurately.

Interestingly an ancient society that called themselves "The Sons of Zadok" living in a place they called Damascus pinpointed the birth of the Messiah to very near the time of the birth of Christ - and as some scholars believe - to the very month in which Jesus was born. Sertain priestly societies (Levitt's) were - BTW - using the Enoch calendar when Zacharias was in the temple burning incense.

So - if you will consider the possibility - that history has been rewritten by the use of the Gregorian calendar. Not the other way around. But you may believe as you will. It is not hard to play games with number and the ancient scriptures to prove a great many things that have ended up to be false.

The Traveler

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Personally, Im in no hurry for the end of days. I can never quite wrap my head around why so many fanatics are not only intent on it happening NOW, but speeding the process along by whatever violent means necessary.

If we're going to pinpoint a date... Lets have it be as distant as possible, please.


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So - if you will consider the possibility - that history has been rewritten by the use of the Gregorian calendar. Not the other way around. But you may believe as you will. It is not hard to play games with number and the ancient scriptures to prove a great many things that have ended up to be false.

The calendar does not and can not rewrite history. It is a means to understand an order and relationship between two different moments in time. The clock serves the same purpose. Time is relative and yet has meaning. We put to much meaning into time (specially time by the clock).

You can apply any calendar you want, but it must be able to be applied to the whole story. Picking and choosing what period the events in prophecy take place without understanding how the story goes together is not a fruitful way to bring about an understanding of the story leading from the past to the present. Redefining the past by present understanding is a rewrite by definition. It is a sad way to learn.

We will probably never know what day Jesus was born. However, we are human and we have put things in place so that we can understand the world around us. The calendar is one tool that we can use to make an application of toward understanding.

My understanding of the world is from my present moment, as is everyone else's during their present day. We want to rewrite everyone else history that came before us. We are an arrogant people, after all we know and understand better then those who came before us. It is sad that we think so little of our ancestors.

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If we're going to pinpoint a date... Lets have it be as distant as possible, please.

I agree. However, my experience with the story tells of last day events that have been going on since just after WWII that continue to follow through to this day and beyond. You can watch the current events on your local TV News programming. They do not happen fast, it takes time. We have two of three different things happening in parallel at the moment. The third will run parallel with the other two soon. It has been an eventful summer.

I do not look forward to the next main event. And yet I do look forward to it. As does everyone else. Simply need to follow the correct story.

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The calendar does not and can not rewrite history. It is a means to understand an order and relationship between two different moments in time. The clock serves the same purpose. Time is relative and yet has meaning. We put to much meaning into time (specially time by the clock).

You can apply any calendar you want, but it must be able to be applied to the whole story. Picking and choosing what period the events in prophecy take place without understanding how the story goes together is not a fruitful way to bring about an understanding of the story leading from the past to the present. Redefining the past by present understanding is a rewrite by definition. It is a sad way to learn.

We will probably never know what day Jesus was born. However, we are human and we have put things in place so that we can understand the world around us. The calendar is one tool that we can use to make an application of toward understanding.

Most certainly we will not know the day of Jesus' birth by means of any calendar of man - the only accurate possibility would be through revelation that comes from understanding our covenants. I would submit that we would do much better in understanding our Sabbath covenant.

Now here is a thought - that during the flood the ark of Noah was driven west and lost a day in travel and that through the resurrection of Christ the original Sabbath was restored giving meaning to old and new Sabbaths and various covenants. This would mean that the actual resurrection of Jesus is the original Sabbath and that the old Sabbath celebrated at the time of Christ was not the 7th day of Adam. This would not be good news for 7th Day Adventist.

My point has been from the beginning of my posts on this thread - that it is impossible to determine the beginning of the millennium through any means of human calender - especially the Gregorian calender based on Pagan concepts of the Julian calendar.

The Traveler

My understanding of the world is from my present moment, as is everyone else's during their present day. We want to rewrite everyone else history that came before us. We are an arrogant people, after all we know and understand better then those who came before us. It is sad that we think so little of our ancestors.

Who should write history? - Those that destroyed the library of Alexandria with the intent of creating their own history - or perhaps those that attempted to rewrite history through the Great Apostasy?

The Traveler

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i always thought the jewish calender was the one to follow but im not sure any more it gives us to many more years and looking @ the signs in the world it looks closer . When ever it comes it comes You can see the Lord hastening His work The best thing is to prepair now and be ready for when it does come!!!

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i always thought the jewish calender was the one to follow but im not sure any more it gives us to many more years and looking @ the signs in the world it looks closer . When ever it comes it comes You can see the Lord hastening His work The best thing is to prepair now and be ready for when it does come!!!

Hmmm ... The Jewish (Hebrew) calendar is hard to follow when the prophecies are about Gentile kongdoms. The standard calendar that the Gentiles use is the calendar in which the Gentiles can understand the times and the seasons by. Trying to change dates by using another calendar will not change the standard calendar that the Gentiles use. We are who we are in the time period in which we live.

Prepare for (the next moment) tomorrow for we do not see what is coming. So how to prepare? We think we understand. Let us pray and hope we understand correctly.

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Hmmm ... The Jewish (Hebrew) calendar is hard to follow when the prophecies are about Gentile kongdoms. The standard calendar that the Gentiles use is the calendar in which the Gentiles can understand the times and the seasons by. Trying to change dates by using another calendar will not change the standard calendar that the Gentiles use. We are who we are in the time period in which we live.

Prepare for (the next moment) tomorrow for we do not see what is coming. So how to prepare? We think we understand. Let us pray and hope we understand correctly.

its easy to tell the seals of time!!! My memory is off so I appolgsie

If Im right every thousand yrs is a seal their are 7 seals the jewish calender were in the year of 5774 if this is so we r going into the 6th seal soon, the calender the world goes by where in the year 2013 which would put us in the 2nd seal. We are farther that that. I dont know I think were even closier then the 5774 yrs. but it is the closest we have Speakzeasy but I dont think its on the dot I think were closer but who am i??? No one knows the time, the date, the year. When it comes hopefully were on the right track. :)

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7th Day Adventist.

William Miller's story is interesting, one of my favorites.

My point has been from the beginning of my posts on this thread - that it is impossible to determine the beginning of the millennium through any means of human calender - especially the Gregorian calender based on Pagan concepts of the Julian calendar.

It is not so much the calendar, but the people to whom it is applied. The prophecy that point us to the last days are all about the Gentile nations, starting with Macedonia during the reign of Philip II of Macedon (b. 382– d. 336 BC). The prophecies then move forward in time until the present moment and beyond. The calendar that the Gentiles apply to their own history is the calendar that best fits the story. Its application to Gentile history gives order and understanding to the events that occurred in relationship to other events in Gentile history.

Dating an event several years off one way or the other wont change the fact of the event. However, changing a timeline in which the events occurred or the relationship of the events to each other will. Not knowing the event or how the event is applied to the over all story changes the understanding. Even if somebody is using a calendar.

Bringing the story together is about bring the entities that make up the story together. However, this is usually a matter of having a starting point then working from there. The Gregorian calendar is applicable for the purpose of understanding how to place the events in prophecy to the events in Gentile history. Prophecy is better understood if one applies prophecy to history rather then history to prophecy. Using a meaningful calendar to organize the events is useful.

Who should write history? - Those that destroyed the library of Alexandria with the intent of creating their own history

I took a moment to refresh my memory about the library of Alexandria. Thank you for the thought that gave me that opportunity.

Who Destroyed Alexandria's Famous Library? : Media History Project : U of M

perhaps those that attempted to rewrite history through the Great Apostasy?

This is a long story outside of this thread. We could take it to another thread? Or expand this one?

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thousand yrs is a seal their are 7 seals the jewish calender

Interesting thing about the seven seals being one for a thousand years is that everybody I have talked knows nothing about the events. Nor have they any idea how to make application of the seals.

Point of reference:

We are to understand that it contains the revealed will, mysteries, and the works of God; the hidden things of his economy concerning this earth during the seven thousand years of its continuance, or its temporal existence (D&C 77:6).

It would seem that if somebody that had information that there are seven seals representing one for each of thousand years of earth temporal existence, one would be willing to provide the answers to the following question: "What event is represented in the opening of each of these seals?"

Joseph Smith, Jr. may or may not have been asked or had to answer that question. Unless I simply have not come across the solution he provides in my studies. I, nor anybody I have spoken to about this, have never seen a solution to the difficulty that D&C 77:6 poses.

The purpose of the seven seals are within reach for all of us to seek out an understanding as to what they mean. The Book of Revelation (5:1) and the story told by Nephi in first Nephi chapters 11-14 (1 Ne. 14:8) tell us what the seals represent.

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