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I have 2 callings, both of which will be ending in July when I get married and move out of the ward.

I am the 30+ Male Singles Rep for our ward (I no longer attend planning meetings as I no longer consider myself single)

I'm also the 11 year old Blazer Scouts Co-leader.

I rather enjoy the Blazer leader calling, but the singles rep was a little hard to take sometimes.

After I get married, me and my wife :wub: are going to lie low (at least try) for a few months until we get settled.

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Just released two weeks ago as High Counselor in the Stake. Currently 1st assistant to HP Group Leader. Have been informed that with Stake Presidency's approval will be next HP Group Leader since our current one is moving out of state next month.

Best Friend of Bishop :)

Wife is Young Women President in the ward and has been for two years.

Ben Raines

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Guest Username-Removed

Right now...

Im the Ward Emergency Coordinator.

Im a Home Teacher

In the past ...

Elders Quarum Teacher

Gospel Doctrine Teacher

Ward membership Clerk

and a few others .....

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After I get married, me and my wife :wub: are going to lie low (at least try) for a few months until we get settled.

good luck with that....2 weeks after getting married i was called as EQ sec...had same calling in prior ward.

past sunday school teacher to 16 yr olds

wife has been primary pianist on several occasions.

no current callings...and not planning on accepting any.

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I don't think the LORD has called me for much because I have been too involved in time-consuming economic pursuits. However, in this past year, that has changed. I am currently the Ward Executive Secretary. I like teaching though, I was a teacher in the Elders Quorum until a week or two ago.

I must admit I am not sure I like the idea of giving out callings on the forum. If someone takes someone else's statement wrong, they could think things like: 'That was an ex-bishop!!!' or 'He is a High Priest!' or 'She was in the Primary Presidency!!!' etc.

Magnify those callings yall!


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I've ignored this thread for awhile, just now read through it. So here goes, my callings in chronological order. ;)

Deacon's Quorum Pres.

Teacher's Quorum Pres.

1st Assistant to Bishop (priest's quorum)

Gospel Doctrine teacher

Stake missionary (back when they had those)

Full-time missionary

2nd Counselor in Elder's Quorum Presidency

Elder's Quorum President

Seattle Temple veil worker

Right now I'm inactive. ;) I haven't attended church for 17 months. Something about caring for my brain injured father 24/7.

Boy do I look forward to having time to get back to church! B)

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I'm also the 11 year old Blazer Scouts Co-leader.

Canuck, Im confused by this. Scouts? Thats not a calling surely?

After I get married, me and my wife are going to lie low (at least try) for a few months until we get settled.

sixpacktr Posted

good luck with that! They had my calling lined up before we were even married and before I was in the ward!!!!

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For a few more weeks I am the second counselor in Young Men, teaching the Deacons. Before that I had the five-year-olds in Primary, and before that was the first counselor in Elders Quorum. They've all been fun.

Next, my Bishop says I'm going on another "mission" to Iraq... :lol:

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let's see.....7 yrs ago i was stake ysa rep. for the sis. after meeting my husband and getting married i moved to a small branch. almost imeadiatly upon arriving i became youth sunday school teacher. before marrying hubby was branch clerk (records and financial), and just after was called to el quarm pres.

in the last 6 yrs, i've progressed from there to counselor in primary, then primary pres., then rs pres (implied activities cordinator), now yw's pres. i had counselors before, but not at the moment.

hubby is still the el quarm pres, and clerk, no asst or counselors. though he did have one for a few months once. lol 3 yrs ago he was called as scout master, still there.

i think that is all the official stuff. lol

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Since I am a member of a very large active singles ward, we have callings in our ward that regular family wards don't have. My calling is being a member of the Relief Society Friendshipping Committee. I have served under 3 RS presidents with this calling for a total of 6 years. We have quarterly brunches for all of the new sisters as well as plan activities (outside of the enrichment and regular ward activities) so that the sisters can all get to know each other on a small group level. This would be the best calling EVER!

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CK, you are currently inactive too? :)

My hubby and I were released as members of the activities committee when my daughter and I moved into our second home a year ago while she completed high school there. We moved back into our Primary home in the first part of April. A few weeks ago we got a call from our bishop (a very good friend of ours) expressing sorrow about my broken wrist which he heard about after his daughter had seen us at our second home. I believe that we will become active in a ward again just not sure which one because we are considering a move.

Callings are an interesting thing. I believe that many times that we gain an identity by our calling, sometimes our identity is the church seem more important than others.

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I don't believe in turning down callings. If a person turns down a calling, what they are really saying to their priesthood leader is "I don't recognize your authority to receive revelation from the Lord to extend this calling," or simply "I choose not to obey the Lord."

The only exception to this would be severe medical conditions that would prevent a person from fulfilling the duties of that calling. Even then, the Lord knows our abilities and will not ask us to run faster than we have strength. He will not ask us to do anything we can't do.

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I don't believe in turning down callings. If a person turns down a calling, what they are really saying to their priesthood leader is "I don't recognize your authority to receive revelation from the Lord to extend this calling," or simply "I choose not to obey the Lord."

The only exception to this would be severe medical conditions that would prevent a person from fulfilling the duties of that calling. Even then, the Lord knows our abilities and will not ask us to run faster than we have strength. He will not ask us to do anything we can't do.

I believe that some callings are just to fill a empty spot.

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True, but we don't choose our own callings. Those who do choose our callings do so by revelation. Revelation comes from the Lord. If we reject a calling we reject the Lord.

Not so. Some calling are only to fill a spot. If you don't believe me look at some ppl who have many callings.... Revelation...or desperation?

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