If you don't get one in return, is that a good indicator?


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My little family does holiday greeting cards every year. We send out about fifteen without fail every year. We probably only receive about five or so consistently. I've come to enjoy sending out holiday greeting cards to family and friends, and I really don't mind not getting any in return. I know everyone gets busy, especially around the holidays, and sometimes these little things just aren't priority. The thing that I've started wondering about is whether not receiving one from someone is a good indicator that they'd rather you not send one to them? My best friend is a total hit and miss about sending us a holiday greeting card. It doesn't bug me one bit, I still enjoy sending her and her husband ours, and when we do get around to catching up she is always appreciative of the effort. Just wandering about folks that you don't see often or communicate often with but they're still in your immediate-ish family knit. I'm not going to ask them, that seems tacky. Maybe someone here that receives but doesn't give out holiday greeting cards can chime in?

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As you mentioned not everyone sends out cards. I've been rather hit and miss over the years myself. That doesn't mean that I don't enjoy receiving cards from someone. If you enjoy sending them out, whether you receive one in return or not, continue to do so.

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I think in the age of instant communication and social networking, many people can't think of anything to put in a card that isn't already out there.

As for myself, I buy a box of cards every 2 years or so and have literally never mailed a single one out. I do like getting them!

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We still send out Christmas Card each year & enjoy doing so. We generally write a 1 or 2 page letter of the happenings in our lives to include in the cards.

We receive rather few cards in relationship to the number we send out. Some have gone to e-mailing an annual letter, though most have never been communicative much.

A few years ago due to some serious disruptions in life we did not send out cards/letters 1 year. The next year time slipped by us & the holidays passed without realizing that we had not sent out cards. The 3rd year it was easy to say "next year".

We started getting letters from those we rarely heard from .... seems that not hearing from us had raised concerns. They all expressed how much they enjoy hearing from us, having us share the happenings of our lives, & expressed their wonders of what/where we were & their hopes & prayers that all was well with us.

Not receiving cards in return really is not a reflection of how one feels or receives your card, rather it is simply not everyone sends cards, not everyone writes letters.

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For many years I sent out about 70 Christmas cards along with a newsletter. I used to get quite a few cards in return. I never expected others to send me cards back, but it was always nice when they did. Since I joined Facebook, I probably only send out about 10 cards a year, if that many. And, I am also not receiving as many cards. I'm okay with that. My Christmas cards/newsletter was a way of connecting with family and friends. I now do that with Facebook.

I love receiving Christmas cards that are a picture of the family.

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My little family does holiday greeting cards every year. We send out about fifteen without fail every year. We probably only receive about five or so consistently. I've come to enjoy sending out holiday greeting cards to family and friends, and I really don't mind not getting any in return. I know everyone gets busy, especially around the holidays, and sometimes these little things just aren't priority. The thing that I've started wondering about is whether not receiving one from someone is a good indicator that they'd rather you not send one to them? My best friend is a total hit and miss about sending us a holiday greeting card. It doesn't bug me one bit, I still enjoy sending her and her husband ours, and when we do get around to catching up she is always appreciative of the effort. Just wandering about folks that you don't see often or communicate often with but they're still in your immediate-ish family knit. I'm not going to ask them, that seems tacky. Maybe someone here that receives but doesn't give out holiday greeting cards can chime in?

I don't think so. There are many reasons people might not send cards. The only way to know if they would rather not get one is to ask and of course that's uncomfortable. But I doubt many people don't appreciate a Christmas Card.

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Our Christmas card list is very long. We've lived in4 different cities in our married life so have friends all across the country. I usually enjoy sending out cards. But there are a few on our list that we haven't heard from for many years, haven't talked to them, didn't get invited or notified of their kids weddings, etc. So I think we'll just drop them. And I don't really think they'll mind. After all, every card and stamp adds up. Sometimes those old relationships have fizzled out and aren't worth the 75 cents. Sad to say but that's the way things go.

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