Noah Movie


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I wonder if they will address why the unicorns didn't make it onto the ark? :cool:

because the west wind came and took unico from the Garden of Eden (to hide the unicorn from the Lord's gaze) as God realized he had made something too great. If unicorns were left to live, they'd have risen up against man and... that's how Equestria was made:lol:

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Be still my heart! Russell as I like to see him - all manly man.

When 'Man of Steel' came out, I read that Crowe took his kids to it, that it was the first film he was in that he could let them see. I assume some of that had to do with the kids' age, rather than the content of the movies, but anyway, I wonder if we'll see him in more family appropriate movies now? He's older, the glam parts are going to younger guys, who knows... And then there's Anthony Hopkins, who, for me, will always be Richard from 'A Lion in Winter.' Yay!

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  • 3 months later...

2014 is the year of the Bible in Hollywood, seems like.

Out today - Son of God.

Then Noah next month.

Then Heaven is Real.

Then Exodus.

Then Mary, Mother of Christ (prequel to Passion of Christ) towards the tail end of the year.

Should be interesting to see how these movies hold up in Box-office Sales.

About Noah... interested to see Hermione without her Petrificus Totalus charm.

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I want to see Noah, but I was on 'Movie to Movement' on FB and people were complaining that it wasn't Biblically correct. I couldn't find any specific complaints. I do know, however, that some folks will find fault with anything, so I'm not going to let it deter me. If the film has Noah, water, and animals, it's pretty correct as far as I'm concerned. I can take a little playing around with the details. And of course, there's Russell Crowe to look at. : )

Movie to Moment is an effort to change Hollywood by changing the type of films produced. Christians like Jim Caveziel and Chuck Norris post to the site and there is info about new films coming out.

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I want to see Noah, but I was on 'Movie to Movement' on FB and people were complaining that it wasn't Biblically correct. I couldn't find any specific complaints. I do know, however, that some folks will find fault with anything, so I'm not going to let it deter me. If the film has Noah, water, and animals, it's pretty correct as far as I'm concerned. I can take a little playing around with the details. And of course, there's Russell Crowe to look at. : )

Movie to Moment is an effort to change Hollywood by changing the type of films produced. Christians like Jim Caveziel and Chuck Norris post to the site and there is info about new films coming out.

If that's the case that they want to change the type of films produced in Hollywood, they should stop being so picky with details when a morally good movie actually comes out of Hollywood.

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I want to see Noah, but I was on 'Movie to Movement' on FB and people were complaining that it wasn't Biblically correct.

For me that would only be a deal breaker depending on just how it isn't biblically correct. The narrative of Noah isn't overly detailed and you are going to have to go outside the text to flesh it out, and prune it into, into a movie (and would have to do so even if it was very detailed). The only way this movie wouldn't have extra-biblical content is if it consisted purely of someone reading the narrative from the Bible to the camera. So in my mind, it wouldn't be a question of, "But that's not in the bible!" but rather if the deviation either harms or subverts the moral and purpose of the narrative or if it removes me from the narrative*.

*Say the second act involved a Klingon Bird of Prey and a landing party that make off with the Unicorns.

Edited by Dravin
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  • 1 month later...

OK, so we saw Noah yesterday. Has anyone else?


It was an interesting movie but barely Biblical. For a while I wondered if I was in a Transformers movie.


I won't say it was a bad movie in itself. But if you're looking for the Biblical story of Noah, this ain't it.


It did show what happened to a couple of strange animals that never made it.


I did think for the story they told the acting was good.


Spoiler Warning (synopsis ahead):




















The premise was man was evil and destroying itself and the planet. Fallen Angels (looking like a cross between Earth Elemental's from World of Warcraft and Transformers) help Noah build and defend the Ark.

Tubal Cain was a King in the area, breaks into the Ark and lives (for a while at least) Only one of Noah's son's has a wife and then she bears twin daughters, supposedly becoming the other two sons wife's.

Noah is torn between killing off his family, leaving the (now) perfect creation to the animals or letting his whole family live thus starting the whole mess over again.

A couple things they did get correct: the waters not only came in the form of rain but also broke through the Earths Crust. Tubal Cain (besides being the local king in the movie) was also a metal worker.

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If your looking for some kind of spiritual gospel doctrine lesson from this movie then im afraid you will be bitterly disappointed.

Producers are only interested in the bottom line and since Mel Gibsons "passion of Christ proved that christians worldwide were willing to dive deep into their pockets to see their faith come to life on the "Big Screen" this movie has been made for the masses. 75million in the first weekend has proved them right. Russell Crowe in my opinion probably saved this film from being swept away with the Ark. However the real applause goes to the director (co script writer) and Ari Handel (script writer ) for proving to us that you can really weave a creative tale when you combine scripture with the philosophies of men.

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If your looking for some kind of spiritual gospel doctrine lesson from this movie then im afraid you will be bitterly disappointed.

Producers are only interested in the bottom line and since Mel Gibsons "passion of Christ proved that christians worldwide were willing to dive deep into their pockets to see their faith come to life on the "Big Screen" this movie has been made for the masses. 75million in the first weekend has proved them right. Russell Crowe in my opinion probably saved this film from being swept away with the Ark. However the real applause goes to the director (co script writer) and Ari Handel (script writer ) for proving to us that you can really weave a creative tale when you combine scripture with the philosophies of men.

That's been proven long long long long time ago. Ever heard of a midrash?

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