online communion (Sacrament)


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I think the religion & info conference I attended last summer has put me on a mailing list for a religious blog. This week's entry was about online communion.

What do LDS think of such a thing? I am all for online communities, I have studied them academically, and I understand how many people would find an online church community just right for them. That said, communion?? online??

It's an interesting mental challenge to think about communion not only outside of the physical ritual, but also, outside of the communion of our fellow congregants. Once you start doing online communion, why have a physical church? Why have ritual in which we are engaged with other people? Does being with other people matter?

I'd be very interested to see what prisonchaplain, as a non-LDS, has to say. I have a feeling that online communion wouldn't fly with most Christian denominations, but I could be wrong.

It's not a long piece, so you can read for yourself and see what you think:

Ministry Matters™ | Blog | Why I'm Open to Online Communion

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I think it should be an option available for persons who NEED it, such as persons with compromised immune systems, persons with physical ailments that make sitting in church difficult, mothers recovering from childbirth, those who live in extremely rural areas, etc. In other words, it should be an available accommodation, but not the rule.

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Moroni 6:5

5 And the church did meet together oft, to fast and to pray, and to speak one with another concerning the welfare of their souls.

According to the scripture, being with other people do matter.

The sacrament is administered through the Aaronic Priesthood, which is headed by a Bishop. Doing "online sacrament"... would effectively release these priesthood holders from their stewardship and duty in their local areas.

To have spiritually uplifting programs, there's always BYUTV... but it won't replace your local sacrament services.

However, I've been wrong before. I never thought that social media was an effective way for MISSIONARIES to share the gospel, but our missionary program uses it. But that's probably more about policy instead of the doctrines of running the kingdom, as the scripture above discusses.

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The Church can and will make available to local meeting houses the equipment necessary to webcast Sacrament meeting. However, the broadcast is supposed to be turned off during the administration of the sacrament. This is an option made available for members who cannot attend services due to physical and health limitations. If at all possible, it is still preferred that priesthood holders administer the sacrament in the individual homes.

I think this arrangement, if done well, is a brilliant balance of involving isolated members with the regular goings on of the ward and the need for personal and intimate interactions.

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I think it should be an option available for persons who NEED it, such as persons with compromised immune systems, persons with physical ailments that make sitting in church difficult, mothers recovering from childbirth, those who live in extremely rural areas, etc. In other words, it should be an available accommodation, but not the rule.

My ward sent deacons and a Melchizedek priesthood holder to administer the sacrament for people in that situation.

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The idea of an online service or communion seem to encompass something more than just having services or communion available to shut ins. It would seem that one makes the choice not to be with the physical community of the church, and do your worship as an online group. I think that communal worship is meaningful we need to be physically with our brethren at least some of the time (or why have a 'church'? Why not just hang out in your TV room and read the Bible?

The issue makes me think of a similar issue - online voting. Many scholars will say that you need the public sphere, you need to get out with the people, talk about the issues, and make your vote publicly. One should have to put out some effort to vote.

Others contend that online voting in the privacy of one's home may encourage those who don't vote, to vote, and lead to people truly voting their conscience instead of voting based on compromises reached in debate with their neighbors. As long as one votes, what difference does it make if it is done in public or in private?

Interesting stuff to think about. Personally, I rather think about these kinds of things than what name I had in the pre-mortal existence, etc.

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I'd be very interested to see what prisonchaplain, as a non-LDS, has to say. I have a feeling that online communion wouldn't fly with most Christian denominations, but I could be wrong.

It's not a long piece, so you can read for yourself and see what you think:

Ministry Matters™ | Blog | Why I'm Open to Online Communion

My initial gut reaction to the idea of line communion that I hated it. Communion should be done in community. The presence of Christ in it and amongst us. As we remember his death we share life.

Even in hospitals, and in the most secure prison facilities, chaplains offer live in-person communion. So why this?

Well...okay, so a person is truly isolated. They cannot leave their home, and there is no one who is able to visit them. They are incarcerated, and their faith tradition does not allow them to take communion with the available chaplains. They are so remote, no fellowship is available.

I could list 20 reasons, and still not cover 5% of our church members. My expectation is that more people will be seduced away from church fellowship, using the virtual options as feeble excuses.

Then again, podcasts did not destroy the local church. We may survive these to. Color me a strong skeptic of this approach, though.

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