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I dont mean to disrespect

But i was wondering why religios denomination

Bully and pick on each other and one is alway better

Than the other or one bible is better than the other

It doesnt make sense .because jesus is the bible

The word sit at the right hand of god . Jesus is the word

So why does everyone assume their way is right or thier bible

Is right when we meer mortals dont really know we are not

Jesus or god .


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I don't find the question disrespectful. The questions we must ask ourselves is God an author of confusion? Or is God an author of order?

I firmly believe God is an author of order and not an author of confusion. Thus, who then has the right to determine which religion is right and which religion is wrong? If all are right, then why are there conflicting doctrines which appear to be taught by the same God -- via different religions? If all the doctrines are right, then which path does one choose, when one religion specifies another religion's interpretation is incorrect? Each religion teaches something different, then the author (God) is the only person who has the right to say who is right and who is wrong.

We profess simply that it is not us who has declared which religion/faith is correct, but God. Although, we declare the words of God pertaining to the truthfulness of this work, as Quin mentioned, "we allow all men to worship how, where, or what they may." Our Lord has given us the our agency, the freedom to choose between error and truth. We receive consequences and blessing according to our choices.

The irony behind this question is that the question itself determines a "right" way that others should follow -- that there is no right religion; however, what we all should be considering is truth. If one bible teaches error (that God is not Heavenly Father), and the other teaches truth (God is our Father), then we have a choice to choose the truth, in order to accept Jesus Christ who is "the truth, the way, and the life." If one religion teaches from the Holy Bible that Jesus is not God, and one religion teaches from the Holy Bible that Jesus is God -- both cannot be correct -- these teaching by nature are opposites and both cannot be true. If one religion teaches that baptism is unnecessary, and another teaches baptism is necessary -- both cannot be correct -- and again one teaching is false and the other teaching is true. Who then decides? The author (God) decides. Thus, it is very important that we are actually desiring to follow the author -- Jesus Christ -- in order to obtain any blessing from him. This is why knowing which gospel is from God.

Edited by Anddenex
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I do not find the OP to be disrespectful, because begging to differ should not necessarily be viewed as disrespectful. In the same spirit, I do disagree with the OP. God has revealed himself through some very specific scriptures. Some doctrines are better than others. Some churches are more closely aligned with God's precepts than others. There is right and wrong, black and white, and not nearly as much gray as many seem to want.

Having said all of that, our role is to respectfully state our cases, and to not be offended when someone politely disagrees. All views are not created equal, nor do they stand equally well to tests of fact and logic. However, everyone deserves a respectful hearing.

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God heart and intention was that all the disciples of His Son should be one. Jesus prayed for that in his last hours. All disciples of his should seek that.

However people having free will or agency however can make choices. The reasons for the divisons are many and varied, sometimes culture, tradition get between people, somtimes we react against another person, or someone offends us so we look for fault. I could go on for pages for things that have caused division.

We are all hopefully doing our best to follow the light that Jesus left us thorugh his Word and example. I would however point out for all the pain of division and my personal desire for Christian unity, God has crafted some beautiful things from the brokeness of his people.

The exuberance and vibrancy of Pentecostal worship, the dedication to socail service of the Salvo's, the beautiful simplicity of breaking bread amongst Christian Brethren, the exisquite cathedrals of more traditional churches, the depth of theolgical thought in the Reformed churches.

Just as race was brought about by sinfulness of people at Babel and despite the awful things that division has been used for, still I see incredible beauty in difference displayed amongst various people. So I think ouir sinfullness has led to us being splitt but God has still worked to transform a single vase into a mural that in many ways He has made more beautiful.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I suppose I would say that the one common thread running through Christianity is that 2000 years ago Jesus lived, he taught something important for our salvation, and then he died in atonement for our sins. That being said, those things that he taught are both hotly contested and very important. In an ideal world, we would try to convert each other out of a legitimate desire for the salvation of the other, all the while recognizing our own limitations an keeping our minds open to they themselves espouse in the event that we ourselves are the ones who are wrong.

For reasons known only to God, we do not live in an ideal world, and often our attempts to bring people to the truth can lose sight of the love with which we should bring others to the truth. Never-the-less, perhaps naively, I like to believe that at the center of even the most hate-filled rhetoric is a sincere desire for the good of the other.

Christian unity is the ideal, but to achieve it we must first reach a consensus on what it means to be Christian. May God guide us in the endeavor.

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Two main reasons:

1.) Devout Christians have different interpretations of what Jesus taught as necessary for our salvation. A Catholic, a Baptist, and an LDS, for example, can read the exact same verse in the Bible and come away with 3 completely different interpretation of what it says. And because they all care very much for man's eternal soul, they try to convince, debate, force people to follow what they think is the path to salvation to save them. The devout LDS who care very much for man's eternal soul may be a little bit more relaxed about it because they know that death is not the end of the work for man's salvation. Some Protestants may also be a bit more relaxed about it because they believe that as long as you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are saved.

2.) People are prideful. This may be in a very mild of form of getting offended and defensive if somebody tells them they are wrong. Or this may be the extreme form of using their religion in whatever manner for self aggrandizement.

That's really all I can think of.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I dont mean to disrespect

But i was wondering why religios denomination

Bully and pick on each other and one is alway better

Than the other or one bible is better than the other

It doesnt make sense .because jesus is the bible

The word sit at the right hand of god . Jesus is the word

So why does everyone assume their way is right or thier bible

Is right when we meer mortals dont really know we are not

Jesus or god .


Because its easier to destroy than to create, and when men are weak and their hearts wander then they are more likely to choose the easier path.

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  • 3 months later...

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