Doctrines of the church


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Yes, prophets can receive revelation and not reveal it. Nephi is a perfect example who was told not to reveal anything because the Lord had already designated someone else to reveal it. All this information that has been sealed has been revealed to a prophet, but has not been given to the people, as of yet. This could be due to faith, disobedience, or not the right time. Either way...not revelaed yet to us, although it has been revealed to prophets. Remember some prophets were revealed the beginning and the ending of this earth life...yet we have no revelation from them with regard to the same things they have seen.

Yes, things which haven't been revealed can be revealed to a member of the Church who is not supposed to reveal any information. In other words, the member recognizes the only person on earth to reveal new doctrine, even if he has received it, is through the prophet -- the Lords annointed.

The Holy Ghost promise is that he can reveal all truths...this doesn't mean only truths revealed. This means even truths which have not yet been revealed and we keep them to ourselves knowing the proper method which the Lord reveals additional truths to the Church.

I think it might have been Lorenzo Snow, or George Albert Smith, who was revelaed...before it was even revealed by a prophet..."As man is, God once was, As God is man may become" (paraphrased). He mentioned he never revealed this truth to anyone until he heard the prophet speak the same truth.

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If people are seeking pure doctrine go to

Yes there are many here using the philosophies of men mingled with scripture.

As one of those non-Mormons that's being protected here, I have learned that if I want official "quotable" doctrine I must go to If I want an official explanation of that official doctrine I should start with something like Gospel Principles. If I want to discuss how members understand and apply those truths, I come here again and again, and never take one poster's opinions as the be-all and end-all of the discussion.

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As one of those non-Mormons that's being protected here, I have learned that if I want official "quotable" doctrine I must go to If I want an official explanation of that official doctrine I should start with something like Gospel Principles. If I want to discuss how members understand and apply those truths, I come here again and again, and never take one poster's opinions as the be-all and end-all of the discussion.

Having spent several years on other forums, I would have to say that you are the rare exception rather than the rule, but then again the forums I have been on have had a lot of hard core close minded people who look for any little thing to twist and turn to make a point that they know is inaccurate. They troll the internet looking for anything they might use to make the church look bad. So perhaps I am being a little protective. I have read several of your posts and find you to be pretty fair minded in what I have read and I thank you for that.


Edited by gfchase
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I will disagree with this particular statement.

Typically, at church, we don't get into heated debates as we do in forums.

Of course not, because our faces are uncovered. :lol: I can bet that a lot of posters who have so much to say here are the ones sitting quietly in the back of the class during Sunday school. :satan:

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Of course not, because our faces are uncovered. :lol: I can bet that a lot of posters who have so much to say here are the ones sitting quietly in the back of the class during Sunday school. :satan:

As that guy who sits in the last row of Gospel Principles and only speaks when asked to read a verse of Scripture, I agree with this.

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Of course not, because our faces are uncovered. :lol: I can bet that a lot of posters who have so much to say here are the ones sitting quietly in the back of the class during Sunday school. :satan:

ROFL.... Not me! I'm actually far more reserved on here than in real life*.

ADHD = Decades of becoming used to being willing to say anything, any time, to anyone.


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