The Price Is Right


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Okay it's sad enough that Bob Barker retired from The Price is Right. The show will never be quite the same. But to find he is now backing Rosie O'Donnell to replace him....ugh. If that happens I will never watch that show again.

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Guest Emma Hale Smith

Okay it's sad enough that Bob Barker retired from The Price is Right. The show will never be quite the same. But to find he is now backing Rosie O'Donnell to replace him....ugh. If that happens I will never watch that show again.

Sorry, I love Rosie. I think she is fabulous. Did you see the new Arts School she just built for inner-city children in New York that just opened? Why isn't the press covering that?

She is an honest, loving, energetic, and compassionate person who isn't afriad to speak her mind and I love that. She gives more love than you'll ever see, because all the press does is show the "fat, loud-mouthed lesbian."

I think she's right-on about the war and the Bush administration.

I'm sure I'm a lone voice here. But I defend Rosie, even when others do not.


My favorite Rosie YouTube:


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I can see this turning into the next CBS news sexism scandal.

Rosie replaces Bob, ratings plummet to record historic lows ....and the media will blame it us all being sexist.

Just like what is happening now to the CBS Evening News, when Katie Couric took over for Bob Schieffer.

Another part of my says that a game show is exactly where this nutcase belongs..

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CrimsonKairos Posted Today, 01:26 AM

Rosie is truly disturbed...and disturbing.

MrsS Posted Today, 04:42 AM Rosie is just one of the many, many reasons why I no longer watch TV, and why I no longer miss watching tv. She stinks!


Boy I come back and post. Look what I find? :tears:

No body likes me. :ph34r::tears:

or maybe a little paranoia has set in? :crazytongue:

MrsS does this mean you won't be posting either anymore? No tv.. no posting? What can you do? :P:D:rolleyes:

(Sorry couldn't resist a little fun)

Just for public record :)

Disclaimer: The Rosie on this forum known as Rosie321 bears no intentional or unintentional connection to the publically known Rosie (formerly of the View and the Rosie O'Donnell show). Any resemblance is purely coincidental (acribed from birth). :D

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Okay it's sad enough that Bob Barker retired from The Price is Right. The show will never be quite the same. But to find he is now backing Rosie O'Donnell to replace him....ugh. If that happens I will never watch that show again.

Sorry, I love Rosie. I think she is fabulous. Did you see the new Arts School she just built for inner-city children in New York that just opened? Why isn't the press covering that?

She is an honest, loving, energetic, and compassionate person who isn't afriad to speak her mind and I love that. She gives more love than you'll ever see, because all the press does is show the "fat, loud-mouthed lesbian."

I think she's right-on about the war and the Bush administration.

I'm sure I'm a lone voice here. But I defend Rosie, even when others do not.


My favorite Rosie YouTube:


You know, Rosie got away with what many Asians considered an ethnic slur against Chinese but Don Imus got fired. Wonder why?

On another note, personally I couldn't care less about who is hosting a game show or CBS News. However, I wonder what would happen to the ratings of Naked News if Rosie were hired there an an anchor? :sparklygrin::sparklygrin:

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They should stop the show with his departure.


I totally agree with you. Like I said earlier...the show will never be the same without him. And about a later post about his looks. I only hope I look as good as him when I am 80 years old. I think he is one handsome man.

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Okay it's sad enough that Bob Barker retired from The Price is Right. The show will never be quite the same. But to find he is now backing Rosie O'Donnell to replace him....ugh. If that happens I will never watch that show again.

Sorry, I love Rosie. I think she is fabulous. Did you see the new Arts School she just built for inner-city children in New York that just opened? Why isn't the press covering that?

She is an honest, loving, energetic, and compassionate person who isn't afriad to speak her mind and I love that. She gives more love than you'll ever see, because all the press does is show the "fat, loud-mouthed lesbian."

I think she's right-on about the war and the Bush administration.

I'm sure I'm a lone voice here. But I defend Rosie, even when others do not.


My favorite Rosie YouTube:


You know, Rosie got away with what many Asians considered an ethnic slur against Chinese but Don Imus got fired. Wonder why?

On another note, personally I couldn't care less about who is hosting a game show or CBS News. However, I wonder what would happen to the ratings of Naked News if Rosie were hired there an an anchor? :sparklygrin::sparklygrin:

EWWW the mental image makes me gag.

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I can see this turning into the next CBS news sexism scandal.

Rosie replaces Bob, ratings plummet to record historic lows ....and the media will blame it us all being sexist.

Just like what is happening now to the CBS Evening News, when Katie Couric took over for Bob Schieffer.

In fact, it will be perky little Katie that will champion that with some sort of in depth 14 hour look at how cruel it is that people are tired of and turned off by loudmouthed lesbians and why it is THEIR problem, not the loudmouth's problem...

Those that practice evil turn further and further from the light until they can no longer be happy.

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Guest Username-Removed

They should stop the show with his departure.


True that. But they wont, because there is too much money in it. They will try and find someone that will bring it in like Bob did. Ultimately they wont be able to, then the show will die.

Who cares anyways? Its not like it changes people lives for good. I realize people need to be entertained, but Im not sure it will go down as something that people will remember in 10 years, much less 5.

This thing reminds me when I had one of the most successful quad parts ATV websites on the internet. I had a huge following, was swamped by folks every time I would go to the dunes. I engineered many unique parts, and made a decent living. I was inactive at the time I had the business. I decided to sell it and I did. While I learned a lot about business and made many good friends, including some very famous with at least 3 millionaire friends, in the end, it was just quad parts. It didnt change anybody's life, just their recreation.

Bob who? ..... Marky Who?

Are you ready? :rolleyes:

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Guest Username-Removed

I think we have some good programming here in Utah. I dont have a problem with TV, Cable, Sat, Newspapers, Magazines or even the Internet. Its not the medium, but whats on the medium. While I realize that everyone must be entertained, The price is right didnt really do it for me. There are a lot of other good choices out there in my opinion.

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Guest Emma Hale Smith

Rosie is truly disturbed...and disturbing.

I disagree. I find her talented, compassionate and brave. She is willing to say what needs to be said, including what many want to say but are afriad in today's society that often inhibits dissent. She does this knowing she will be ridiculed for it, and I find that courageous.

I often wonder, if she were a man would people be so quick to call her "disturbed," "loud-mouthed b****," "fat pig," etc. Frankly, I find the bigotry that dogs Rosie to be contemptuous.

Emma, so you think that USA planned the 9/11 attacks, or that we deserved them? That's what Rosie says. :huh:

No, I do not, and neither does Rosie. I defy you to provide a quote from her where she literally says "I believe the USA planned the 9/11 attacks and that we deserved them," or something even close to that. I can promise you in advance, however, you will find no such thing.

I suspect you're getting your information from the extreme right-wing pundits who find her . . . "disturbed...and disturbing." They take her concerns, which are admittedly liberal, and left-wing, and spin them until they end up meaning nothing close to what she actually said, and it's despicable, because people like you end up thinking she really believes her government would do such a terrible thing when she doesn't. What she does have is questions, and as an American, that is allowed.

For example, the following is a transcript of a discussion from The View where she clearly states she does not believe the government had anything to do with the desctruction of the Twin Towers on 9/11; however, she does have questions about how Tower 7 was destroyed, and believes in should be investigated because many people say it looks like a planned demolation. Still, when asked who she thinks was behind this, if it truly is a planned demolition, she says "I have no idea."

How anyone gets " USA planned the 9/11 attacks and that we deserved them," from that is beyond me.


You Tube Rosie, Tower 7


Elizabeth: Do you believe that the government had anything to do with the attack on 9/11? Do you believe in a conspiracy in terms of the attack of 9/11?

Rosie: No, but I do believe that in the first time in history that fire has melted steel. I do believe that it defies physics for the World Trade Center Tower 7, Building 7, which collapsed in on itself. It is impossible for a building to fall the way it fell without explosives being involved. . . . World Trade Center 1 and 2 got hit by planes. Seven miraculously, [for] the first time in history, steel was melted by fire. It is physically impossible.

Elizabeth. And who do you think is responsible for that?

Rosie: I have no idea. But to say that we don't know, that it imploded, that it wasn't an implosion in a demolition, is beyond ignorant. Look at the films, get a physics expert here, from Yale, from Harvard, pick the school, it defies reason.


I am not a conspiracy theorist, but there are many people who do believe 9/11 was an inside job. I am not interested in them at all.

However, when I look at the Tower 7 information, it is compelling, and I can see why Rosie asks the questions she does. It is not because she believes the government thinks innocent civilians "deserved" to die--if you actually have listened to her for any period of time you'd know how insane that is. She's also not sayiing the government did this--she doesn't know who did it, if it indeed did happen.

And I wish so much all of you who ridicule her could see what a humanitarian she is, how much she cares about people, especially children. She's a wonderful mother, and does an amazing amount of charity work for kids. I mentioned she just built and opened an Arts school for inner city kids in New York. Where were all the right-wing journalists who have villified her for months now? Did any of you see that on the news?

So, please, the next time you feel compelled to tell someone Rosie believes the government was behind 9/11, please at least take a moment and consider if you're sure it's really true. Spend some time listening to Rosie instead of the people who despise her. Go to the source. You don't have to like her, but you should at least be telling the truth when talk about what she says.


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Guest Emma Hale Smith

However, when I look at the Tower 7 information, it is compelling, and I can see why Rosie asks the questions she does.

I found these websites that explain the Tower 7 controversy. I am only presenting them for informational purposes. I am not saying I believe them to be true.

Tower 7 Controversy

Tower 7 Controversy 2

Again, I am not saying I am committed to these controversies. I just think they are compelling.


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Guest Emma Hale Smith

You know, Rosie got away with what many Asians considered an ethnic slur against Chinese but Don Imus got fired. Wonder why?

I think this is a very good question. The only thing I could think of was that I had heard Imus had a history of slurs, and had been warned to tone it down, whereas this was the first time Rosie had committed such an offense.

However, I wasn't sure if I was right about Imus, so I did a search. Oh. My. Goodness. The following is what I found.


The Wit and Wisdom of Don Imus

April 10, 2007

On blacks:

"William Cohen, the Mandingo deal." (Former Defense Secretary Cohen's wife is African-American.)

"Wasn't in a woodpile, was he?" (Responding to news that former black militant H. Rap Brown, subsequently known as Abdullah Al-Amin, was found hiding in a shed in Alabama after exchanging gunfire with police. Imus is here alluding to the expression "nigger in the woodpile.")

"Knuckle-dragging moron." (Description of basketball player Patrick Ewing.)

"We all have 12-inch penises." (After being asked what he has in common with Nat Turner, Malcolm X, Minister Louis Farrakhan, Latrell Sprewell from the New York Knicks, and Al Sharpton.)

"Chest-thumping pimps." (Description of the New York Knicks.)

"A cleaning lady." (Reference to journalist Gwen Ifill, possibly out of pique that she wouldn't appear on his show. "I certainly don't know any black journalists who will," she wrote in the April 10 New York Times. The Chicago Tribune's Clarence Page used to appear, but after he made Imus pledge not to make offensive comments in the future, he was never asked back.)

On Jews:

"I remember when I first had [the Blind Boys of Alabama] on a few years ago, how the Jewish management at whatever, whoever we work for, CBS, or whatever it is, were ######ing at me about it. […] I tried to put it in terms that these money-grubbing bastards could understand."

"Boner-nosed … beanie-wearing Jewboy." (Description of Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post, a frequent guest.)

On women:

"That buck-tooth witch Satan, Hillary Clinton." […] "I never admitted it when I went down there and got in all that big jam, insulting Bill Clinton and his fat ugly wife, Satan. Did I? Did I ever say I was sorry for that?"

On Native Americans:

"The guy from F-Troop, Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell." (This is a reference to the zany Indian characters on the 1960s TV sitcom F-Troop. They had names like "Roaring Chicken," "Crazy Cat," and "Chief Wild Eagle.")

On Japanese:

"Old Kabuki's in a coma and the market's going up. […] How old is the boy? The battery's running down on that boy." (Reference to Japanese Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi, who died the following week.)

On gays:

"I didn't know that Allan Bloom was coming in from the back end." (The homosexuality of the author of The Closing of the American Mind became widely known when Saul Bellow published Ravelstein, a novel whose protagonist was based on Bloom, who by then was deceased.)

"The enormously attractive [NBC political correspondent] Chip Reid, I can say without being accused of being some limp-wristed 'mo."

On the handicapped:

"Janet Reno's having a press conference. Ms. Reno, of course, has Parkinson's disease, has a noticeable tremor. […] I don't know how she gets that lipstick on (laughter) looking like a rodeo clown."

So, whether or not you believe he deserved to be fired for his reference to nappy-headed whores, comparing his words to Rosie's is a strawman.

On another note, personally I couldn't care less about who is hosting a game show or CBS News. However, I wonder what would happen to the ratings of Naked News if Rosie were hired there an an anchor? :sparklygrin::sparklygrin:

Oh, gee, isn't this nice. Once again someone has to comment on Rosie's weight. We don't like the big fat loud mouth ______ ______ _____ ______, Sigh . . . . Am I the only one who sees the bigotry in this?

How about pill-poppin' fat arse Limbaugh? You ever discuss him going on a Naked News show? Now that makes me vomit a little bit. :P


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Emma, if Rosie was a guy named Ross and held the opinions she does, I'd be as vocal about her/his lunacy.

I've actually watched excerpts from "The View" where Rosie says that the U.S. brought 9/11 on itself through foreign policy. Yeah, and the Jews brought the holocaust on themselves through their financial success. :huh:

So Emma, I have listened to Rosie. I think her political views are absurd. I'm not commenting on her humanitarian work. I was talking solely about her public views and opinions.

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Guest Emma Hale Smith

Emma, if Rosie was a guy named Ross and held the opinions she does, I'd be as vocal about her/his lunacy.

If you say so, I will believe you. I don't believe this is true for the majority of people who berate her.

I've actually watched excerpts from "The View" where Rosie says that the U.S. brought 9/11 on itself through foreign policy.

I'm sorry, but I think your bias has twisted her sentence just a tiny bit. What I have heard her say is that our foriegn policy has contributed to the fanaticism that caused 9/11. Yes, it's similar, but there is a slight difference. You see her blaming the U.S., while I see her looking at the larger picture. You see her saying the U.S. is to blame for the people who died on 9/11, and I don't see that at all. I see a distinction that apparently you don't.

What I hear her saying, and I agree with her, is that to simply say "the terrorists hate us because they hate our freedom" is obtuse and propaganda. They don't hate our freedom--they hate our intrusions. This has fed into an insanity that none of us could see coming. That's what Rosie is talking about when she talks about our forieng policy.

Only when we understand how our past foreign policies have contributed to the fanaticism that eventually led to the creation of an extremist group called Al Qaeda will we be able to truly understand how to eliminate them. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that it may be too late due to Bush's impetuous bullying to go to war with a country that had nothing to do with bin Laden, obliterating 600,000 Iraqi civilians, 3,000 Americans, displaying an ignorance of the Iraqi people that is mind boggling. The neocons focus on war, war, war, with no focus on comprehending the Islamic fanatic motivation, is only going to perpetuate this horror forever.

And to compare the Jews to the United States of America is a strawman. The Jews were never the superpower of the world. Only America could have insisted it was going to war no matter what the rest of the world thought.

Emma, I have listened to Rosie. I think her political views are absurd. I'm not commenting on her humanitarian work. I was talking solely about her public views and opinions.

Then I owe you an apology and say you as informed as I am--we just disagree.


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Only when we understand how our past foreign policies have contributed to the fanaticism that eventually led to the creation of an extremist group called Al Qaeda will we be able to truly understand how to eliminate them.

Actually, Al Qaeda refers to the Muslim resistance to the Russians in Afghanistan. The word "al" means "the" in Arabic, and "qaida" means "base" or "fort." The Muslims called their training camp in Afghanistan Al Qaeda (the base) and the name stuck (this according to Osama Bin Ladin). The USA had nothing to do with prompting the formation of Al Qaeda. I suggest reading the excellent book "Inside the Kingdom" by Carmen bin Laden (Osama's sister-in-law). She writes as a moderate muslim woman and sheds much light on the Islamic fanaticism that sweeps the globe today.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid that it may be too late due to Bush's impetuous bullying to go to war with a country that had nothing to do with bin Laden, obliterating 600,000 Iraqi civilians, 3,000 Americans, displaying an ignorance of the Iraqi people that is mind boggling.

You do know that the USA is on the U.N. security council, right? And that Iraq voluntarily joined the U.N., right? And that Saddam flaunted U.N. resolutions for near 20 years, right? And that he denied weapons inspectors access to certain sites, giving the impression to the whole world (not just the USA) that he had more wmd's than he turned out to have (and he did have wmd's).

Seeing as how you're a historian/scholar, I recommend a few books to you, Emma, because it seems you are unaware of some key facts (as is Rosie). Pick up a copy of "Saddam's Secrets," written by one of Saddam's Generals who knew Saddam before his rise to power as well. Then, look through "The Bomb in My Garden," written by one of Saddam's lead nuclear scientists, who shares how in a few years Iraq could have had enriched uranium had not the war removed him from power (as per the U.N. resolutions).

Yeah, maybe there was only one or two measely Al Qaeda training facilities in Iraq (one of which was the hull of an airliner), maybe that wasn't really enough reason to go to war...but everyone forgets the decades of ignored U.N. resolutions and Iraqi govt. arrogance. We had plenty of right to go in, and the fact that we received only limited help from the other members of the U.N. Security Council shows that the USA is the only nation serious about following the rules and enforcing international law.

The neocons focus on war, war, war, with no focus on comprehending the Islamic fanatic motivation, is only going to perpetuate this horror forever.

Not really. We don't need to understand what could make someone strap a bomb to their child and detonate it. We just have to stop it. The best way is to get Muslims to reject fanatic Jihadists. That entails encouraging and supporting moderate Muslim states and governments, which Iraq is hopefully going to be (for a few years anyway). You're right, you can't shoot every Jihadist because they're always recruiting (from the Philippines to Chechnya). But if you get the people to reject the ideology, you will have success. You can't do that when a dictator rules with brutality and absolute power.

Only America could have insisted it was going to war no matter what the rest of the world thought.

Yeah, the funny thing is the world (i.e. the U.N.) told Saddam for 20 years to stop this or that or else. He didn't stop. Then when the USA says, "Alright, let's hold Saddam accountable as per our resolutions," the world chickens out. It was the world who betrayed the USA, not the other way around. Britain was a great help, but other than that, everyone else talked the talk but then lacked the political and national will to walk the walk. God bless America, the world's last great hope for peace and prosperity.

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Guest Emma Hale Smith

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Only when we understand how our past foreign policies have contributed to the fanaticism that eventually led to the creation of an extremist group called Al Qaeda will we be able to truly understand how to eliminate them.

Actually, Al Qaeda refers to the Muslim resistance to the Russians in Afghanistan. The word "al" means "the" in Arabic, and "qaida" means "base" or "fort." The Muslims called their training camp in Afghanistan Al Qaeda (the base) and the name stuck (this according to Osama Bin Ladin). The USA had nothing to do with prompting the formation of Al Qaeda. I suggest reading the excellent book "Inside the Kingdom" by Carmen bin Laden (Osama's sister-in-law). She writes as a moderate muslim woman and sheds much light on the Islamic fanaticism that sweeps the globe today.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid that it may be too late due to Bush's impetuous bullying to go to war with a country that had nothing to do with bin Laden, obliterating 600,000 Iraqi civilians, 3,000 Americans, displaying an ignorance of the Iraqi people that is mind boggling.

You do know that the USA is on the U.N. security council, right? And that Iraq voluntarily joined the U.N., right? And that Saddam flaunted U.N. resolutions for near 20 years, right? And that he denied weapons inspectors access to certain sites, giving the impression to the whole world (not just the USA) that he had more wmd's than he turned out to have (and he did have wmd's).

Seeing as how you're a historian/scholar, I recommend a few books to you, Emma, because it seems you are unaware of some key facts (as is Rosie). Pick up a copy of "Saddam's Secrets," written by one of Saddam's Generals who knew Saddam before his rise to power as well. Then, look through "The Bomb in My Garden," written by one of Saddam's lead nuclear scientists, who shares how in a few years Iraq could have had enriched uranium had not the war removed him from power (as per the U.N. resolutions).

Yeah, maybe there was only one or two measely Al Qaeda training facilities in Iraq (one of which was the hull of an airliner), maybe that wasn't really enough reason to go to war...but everyone forgets the decades of ignored U.N. resolutions and Iraqi govt. arrogance. We had plenty of right to go in, and the fact that we received only limited help from the other members of the U.N. Security Council shows that the USA is the only nation serious about following the rules and enforcing international law.

The neocons focus on war, war, war, with no focus on comprehending the Islamic fanatic motivation, is only going to perpetuate this horror forever.

Not really. We don't need to understand what could make someone strap a bomb to their child and detonate it. We just have to stop it. The best way is to get Muslims to reject fanatic Jihadists. That entails encouraging and supporting moderate Muslim states and governments, which Iraq is hopefully going to be (for a few years anyway). You're right, you can't shoot every Jihadist because they're always recruiting (from the Philippines to Chechnya). But if you get the people to reject the ideology, you will have success. You can't do that when a dictator rules with brutality and absolute power.

Only America could have insisted it was going to war no matter what the rest of the world thought.

Yeah, the funny thing is the world (i.e. the U.N.) told Saddam for 20 years to stop this or that or else. He didn't stop. Then when the USA says, "Alright, let's hold Saddam accountable as per our resolutions," the world chickens out. It was the world who betrayed the USA, not the other way around. Britain was a great help, but other than that, everyone else talked the talk but then lacked the political and national will to walk the walk. God bless America, the world's last great hope for peace and prosperity.

Hi CK,

I'd like to respond, but before I do I was wondering, should I do it here? It seems very off topic. What do you think?


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