Rightous Anger?


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Rascal Flatts - Stand


Cause when push comes to shove

You taste what you’re made of

You might bend ‘til you break

Cause it’s all you can take

On your knees you look up

Decide you’ve had enough

You get mad, you get strong

Wipe your hands, shake it off

Then you stand, then you stand


i'm angry. more angry than i think i've ever been. i've been hurt, scared, a lot of things. this feels like pure anger, i can't find the other emotions. where are they? something, anything, i need another emotion right now, something else to focus on. where is the line between the good anger, that makes you stand, and the anger that makes you damed? how do you not cross it if you can find it? how do you get back to the proper side of it if you have? is there good anger? can you have rightous anger? i want to feel something other than what i do right now.

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i'm angry. more angry than i think i've ever been. i've been hurt, scared, a lot of things. this feels like pure anger, i can't find the other emotions. where are they? something, anything, i need another emotion right now, something else to focus on. where is the line between the good anger, that makes you stand, and the anger that makes you damed? how do you not cross it if you can find it? how do you get back to the proper side of it if you have? is there good anger? can you have rightous anger? i want to feel something other than what i do right now


This too shall pass:) You WILL make it through and start feeling other things again. Wonderful emotions.

Just don't sit down and quit. What good will that do?

Some things that help me-

Read positive things-quotes, poems etc (not even necessarily scriptures. Cause when you're that mad sometimes you have to work your way up to the scriptures:) ) If you have none ask. When people see another worked up they do want to help. Its a good way to get these things.

Get a good clean comedy video. Something where you don't have to think-just laugh.

Keep a special lift you up box full of special things that might help you personally. (Since life can throw a lot at someone get it together now because you might need it another day. If not at least you are prepared)

Think about the eternal scheme of things. What YOU can do about it whats making you so mad. If you can do something fine. If not you're going to really have to use your faith, patience and long suffering ;) . Trust in the verses that you will not be given more then you can bear. Worry not for tommorow type things. Repeat them over and over.

Seek your DAILY BREAD from God. When all your spiritual food storage is gone

You've ultimately got three places to turn to God, Satan, or nobody/back to dust.

Best wishes to you.

(just to let you know you made my day by sharing that song ;)

also don't forget we got the good and bad to deal with right now. Unfortunately your getting hit hard by all the bad stuff :angry2: .

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Why are you so angry?

not something i think i have the time nor is it appropriate to rehash here. it is in reguards to some stake leadership (anyone who knows me knows i usually defend when others start attacking leadership and have commented on how wonderful of leadership we have always had). my husband commented that i was to quick to "judge" the leadership and that my anger was going to lead me to personal apostacy. i have to ask myself if he is right, have i crossed a line. though i do not think his statments are entirely fair or accurate. i critisize and analize myself more than i do anyone. when it comes to conflict i have given and do give many many chances and benifits of the doubt to everyone. but when i draw my line in the sand i have a tendency to fill it with concreat.

rosie, thank you for your thoughts. sleeping has toned down the intensity of my feelings for the moment, but i still have a lot to figure out.

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I am glad that you said sleep has helped some and that you were able to sleep. :)

I think sometimes we are so angry because we think another person has won and we have lost. I know that the Lord loves us and we are not in charge. As human beings we want fairness and accountability but it doesn't always come the way we want it and in our time.

Knowing a bit about what has gotten you to this point The fact is that the end result is what you really want and it will happen just not the way and time you want it too.

Use that anger to channel something positive for you today. Clean out a closet. Get in a good workout. Write an expressive letter to file away and you will be ok.

Hugs to you my friend.

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<div class='quotemain'>

Why are you so angry?

not something i think i have the time nor is it appropriate to rehash here. it is in reguards to some stake leadership (anyone who knows me knows i usually defend when others start attacking leadership and have commented on how wonderful of leadership we have always had). my husband commented that i was to quick to "judge" the leadership and that my anger was going to lead me to personal apostacy. i have to ask myself if he is right, have i crossed a line. though i do not think his statments are entirely fair or accurate. i critisize and analize myself more than i do anyone. when it comes to conflict i have given and do give many many chances and benifits of the doubt to everyone. but when i draw my line in the sand i have a tendency to fill it with concreat.

rosie, thank you for your thoughts. sleeping has toned down the intensity of my feelings for the moment, but i still have a lot to figure out.

Don't know your particular situation and am certainly not tryiing to push you to share it -especially online-when your thoughts will probably change on it in a couple of days.

Some thoughts for you-

Sure anger very might well lead someone to apostasy or it could change things for the better. But I wouldn't fear the anger. The question is which way are you trying to steer that anger? What lies beneath it? How can it be directed? Fearing it will not direct the anger for good. Master the anger :)

I think of Christ clearing the temple. Many observing were probably convinced he lost it. But given the knowledge that Christ hadn't sinned though tempted in all things I'd probably go with it being righteous anger. So anger even with religious leaders isn't all bad. After all they are prone to error and sin too. Who knows maybe the authorities need to have their perspective changed on an issue. Your expressions may help them change. Or maybe you can help the situation from outside their influence. How might this situation be used for good? Or maybe God's trying to work on some aspect of you.

Most people don't know how to deal with anger and it destroys them :( . It fills them with hate instead of love. Instead of wanting to help they want to hurt. At the initial stages I have found that anger can be so strong in a situation. Its hard to see anything positive. I think of it as the sand in the lake being kicked up. You can't see for a bit for a while but the dirt and sand. Eventually it settles down though. Don't try making huge decisions in your anger if you can avoid it. Your perspective is not clear. (in the downtime moments, when the storm has past you might think of ways you can handle the next dust storm in different areas)

Don't panic-hang in there.

Remember you will be tested and tried in all things ;)

You've got lots of people out here pulling for you.

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thanks again rosie. sf i know you have a lot going on in your world, thanks. i'm starting to find some other emotions. think about it some rather than just being mad. like the sand in the lake comparison. i very much feel like that at the moment. i know some ppl that have gotten angry and stayed that way. never became anything more productive than to keep stirring the sand. their lives revolve around it. i don't want to become that. i know it can be a catylist for change and things to happen but i've never felt so close to the line as i did last night. i feel more in control of me this afternoon.

xhenli, i looked up the info on the movie, not heard of it before. looks good, i could probably use a movie at the moment.

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Guest Username-Removed


Well my only advice is to get humble, and for goodness sake, dont pray for humility!! WHAMO!

Do some study, contemplate your own failures, and when you learn that you can get forgiveness by forgiving others, then it may become more clear for you.

I've always been the guy that used to wonder why people do what they do. But to be honest, I've seen so much now, sometimes you just have to shake your head and laugh! I've learned through some mistakes of my own, that I just keep moving on and Im not too worried what people do around me, and I certainly dont act on what they do. Its difficult, but I think there is way too much energy wasted on people worrying about what others do. I know what I must do and Im not worried about the rest.

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sometimes the lord speaks to us in the oddest of ways.

my 6 yr old said the prayer for dinner last night. in his prayer he said, "and help us to always remember that sometimes things aren't right when they should be, but in the end they will always be right"

so sweet, so inocent, so tender, such a kick in the rear. i'm not so mad today. feeling a lot of things, lacking the faith i know i should have, but the anger is subsiding.

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sometimes the lord speaks to us in the oddest of ways.

my 6 yr old said the prayer for dinner last night. in his prayer he said, "and help us to always remember that sometimes things aren't right when they should be, but in the end they will always be right"

Wow, that is potent :)

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Guest Yediyd

Righteous anger is an oxymoron.

So, you don't think Jesus was righteous when he drove out the money changers?

BTW...does anybody know why there was a need for money changers?

Because the money of that time period had a picture of Ceaser on it and the Jews believed it was an abomination to have graven images...so, to pay their tithes....they had to change their money into "Temple currency" The money changers were corrupt, and would most often cheat the people. They were doing this on the grounds of the Temple, And Jesus accused them of turning his father's house into a den of thieves.

But, if you read the account...notice that he tuned over the tables of the money chagers, but not of those who sold doves. He turned over their chairs...because even in his anger he knew that if he turned over the table that held the bird cages that the birds would be hurt or killed. He was angry, but he was in FULL control of himself.

God never loses his temper, he just looses it.

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Don't you think we were given all our emotions? If they are given to us then wouldn't as any other thing we have been given, there would be good and bad ways to use them. (IOW righteous and unrighteous).

If we are created in the image of God then wouldn't he possess emotions too? He would have them properly mastered.

Anger isn't all bad.

Anger can motivate, express displeasure, identify sin and redirect someone (positive) or it can cause a person to lash out in hatred and harm someone (negative).

Hatred is another emotion. We are called to hate sin.

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I take "righteous" anger to mean "God's" anger, since he is ultimately righteous.

My interpretation of that is from the D&C, where it is explained that Eternal and Endless are other names of God.

I don't know that we can have "righteous" anger. We aren't perfect enough to have that type of anger...

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I take "righteous" anger to mean "God's" anger, since he is ultimately righteous. ok agree

My interpretation of that is from the D&C, where it is explained that Eternal and Endless are other names of God. Ok

I don't know that we can have "righteous" anger. We aren't perfect enough to have that type of anger...

We might not ever obtain righteous anger any more than we can completely be perfected in this life. Does that mean that anger is itself bad or would it rather be something that we should learn to master the powers of just as anything else. Use it as necessary as prudent.

Just as I may have food storage, weapons etc. They may only be used in rare occasions but they can be used as tools so I believe anger to has its place and usage even only if in rare instances.

we should become perfected in ALL things.

I believe the Bible, but not literally, and not all of it.

I believe we are in the image of God, but so is everything else in the Universe

What parts do you believe in and what parts do you not?

How do you pick and choose what you will believe or not.

The bible is very clear that everything else was created after their kind but man was created in His Image-woman was taken from man and they were to become one. So I'd have to include the female gender too. Everything else in the universe was not created in the Image of God ;)

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I believe the Bible, but not literally, and not all of it.

I believe we are in the image of God, but so is everything else in the Universe

What parts do you believe in and what parts do you not?

The good stuff is Godly, the dark stuff is not.

How do you pick and choose what you will believe or not.

Listening to the Spirit.

The bible is very clear that everything else was created after their kind but man was created in His Image-woman was taken from man and they were to become one. So I'd have to include the female gender too. Everything else in the universe was not created in the Image of God ;)

I believe God is a power, not a white-bearded man.

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<div class='quotemain'>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE
<div class='quotemain'>I believe the Bible, but not literally, and not all of it.

I believe we are in the image of God, but so is everything else in the Universe

What parts do you believe in and what parts do you not?

The good stuff is Godly, the dark stuff is not. What is dark stuff and what is not? Anger and getting mad for can be good. For example think about abusees getting the tar beat out of them or not getting treated like they have anyworth. Should they just be sweet and loving too. Thats not healthy. Sometimes they need to get mad and angry to make changes and say hey I have worth. STOP IT! The lovey dovey lets all get along peace in the world stuff will not help that person. It will stop them up and become a darkness more than going along and being a victim.

Also for those who've suffered loss- such as a murder. Anger is a step in the grieving process. It acknowledges loss. The person or thing gone had value. Its how you use the anger that can become troublesome.

Anger can be a guide and aide.

Like a coin anger has two sides ;)

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE
The bible is very clear that everything else was created after their kind but man was created in His Image-woman was taken from man and they were to become one. So I'd have to include the female gender too. Everything else in the universe was not created in the Image of God ;)

I believe God is a power, not a white-bearded man.

To be very honest I could care less what God looks like. I'm sure we'll all find out one day ;)

sorry somehow I melded my thoughts into your quotes jason :(

Here this post trying to fix up the last a little and the blending together

The good stuff is Godly, the dark stuff is not. What is dark stuff and what is not? Anger and getting mad for can be good. For example think about abusees getting the tar beat out of them or not getting treated like they have any worth. Should they just be sweet and loving too? Thats not healthy. Sometimes they need to get mad and angry to make changes and say hey I have worth. STOP IT! The lovey dovey lets all get along peace in the world stuff will not help that person. It will stop them up and become a darkness more than going along and being a victim.

Also for those who've suffered loss- such as a murder. Anger is a step in the grieving process. It acknowledges loss. The person or thing gone had value. Its how you use the anger that can become troublesome.

Anger can be a guide and aide.

Like a coin anger has two sides ;)

The bible is very clear that everything else was created after their kind but man was created in His Image-woman was taken from man and they were to become one. So I'd have to include the female gender too. Everything else in the universe was not created in the Image of God ;)

I believe God is a power, not a white-bearded man.

To be very honest I could care less what God looks like. I'm sure we'll all find out one day ;)

Ok it just added it on to the end :rolleyes:

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Almom, I'm pleased to hear that you're feeling a little better today too.

Sometimes when we feel really angry or upset about something, it's worthwhile to write it all down..or type in my case, write down all the events that have made you feel this way, and then your feelings about why it has made you angry.

At the end, you could look at what you've written and try to decide whether or not your anger is really necessary over what's happened, try to understand why events have happened in the way they have, and whether or not you can do something to prevent that from happening in that way again...as Rosie said, you can turn your anger into a positive feeling of knowing better how to view and handle things/events in the future, which it may be beyond your control to alter, and to come to terms with the fact that you can't alter everything that you feel is wrong in some circumstances..what will be, will be kind of thing.

Hope that ramble helped a little!! :)

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