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So in the last month or so I have discovered the Church of Latter Day Saints. After reading as much as I possible could on and praying daily, I have discovered that this is the faith that is right and I am looking to join the Church. The only problem is I am only 15 and I don't think my parents would want me to convert considering they do not agree with the beliefs of the Church. How should I approach this issue? Should I just start to go to church on my own without telling them or should I try and talk to them about it? I'm in contact with missionaries and they said I should try to go to church with one of my friends who is mormon. The issue still lies as to how my parents will react with me not attending the church we are currently at. So what should I do? 

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So in the last month or so I have discovered the Church of Latter Day Saints. After reading as much as I possible could on and praying daily, I have discovered that this is the faith that is right and I am looking to join the Church. The only problem is I am only 15 and I don't think my parents would want me to convert considering they do not agree with the beliefs of the Church. How should I approach this issue? Should I just start to go to church on my own without telling them or should I try and talk to them about it? I'm in contact with missionaries and they said I should try to go to church with one of my friends who is mormon. The issue still lies as to how my parents will react with me not attending the church we are currently at. So what should I do? 


1) Keep praying daily.

2) Read the scriptures- free in many formats on

3) Talk to your folks about possibly being able to attend church.  They may need time to come around to the idea.  In the mean time (and always) be respectful to them and show them you can be mature (keep your grades up, get the chores done, etc).  I would NOT recommend doing anything behind your parents' back (that's always a bad idea).  

4)  As a minor, to officially join the church via baptism, you will need your parents' consent.  If they're open to the idea, great.  If not, you can still attend church, learn, pray, and all of that stuff without officially being a member.  Once you're 18 you won't need their consent anymore.   

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First and foremost, honor the wishes of your parents.  Talk with them and see what their reaction is.  


Once you are of age, then it is your decision

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had a friend in high school who wanted to join, but couldn't. She kept going to church with her parents and also came to the LDS church with friends and would always come to our youth activities too. Her parents made friends with some other parents and talked to the missionaries to understand more about her desire. She had to wait until she was 18, but her parents were okay with it overall because everything was open and honest. Good luck talking to your parents! Keep praying for help & Heavenly Father will help you all along the way! Ask the missionaries for a priesthood blessing too.

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So in the last month or so I have discovered the Church of Latter Day Saints. After reading as much as I possible could on and praying daily, I have discovered that this is the faith that is right and I am looking to join the Church. The only problem is I am only 15 and I don't think my parents would want me to convert considering they do not agree with the beliefs of the Church. How should I approach this issue? Should I just start to go to church on my own without telling them or should I try and talk to them about it? I'm in contact with missionaries and they said I should try to go to church with one of my friends who is mormon. The issue still lies as to how my parents will react with me not attending the church we are currently at. So what should I do? 

Welcome and thank you for sharing :)

We are commanded to honor our father and mother. Honesty is the best policy.

I"d suggest first praying about what you should do.

I imagine the hard path is probably going to be the right one- something along the lines sitting down with your parents and sharing that you've recieved answers that you should go to a differnt church, the LDS one.

If they forbid you, youmay have to wait till you're 18 or move out (whichever one happens first) either way I'd suggest pray an dfast so that they may have softened hearts and understandeing.

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