What is the best service you have ever received?


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Question for you all.


What is the best service you have ever received?  This would be service such as an act of kindness or compassionate service received.  Like you were having a bad day and a friend came by and cheered you up.


Your response just might be featured in an upcoming article.

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After being newly divorced and having three young children, I had no finances to purchase anything for my children for Christmas.   The ward took care of that and provided a wonderful Christmas for my children and even a few things for me.


They have no idea how grateful I was.  

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Does it have to be church related?


My wife was on bed rest while pregnant with our second kid.  A lady from her mom's group created a website to track and organize volunteer mommies who were willing to babysit our first kid, so mom could rest and daddy could work.  Mommies could go to the website and schedule a day, I logged in and found where I was taking my kid that day.  After it was all over, over two dozen mommies had participated - in and out of the church.  Kid #1 had a blast.  Mom got to avoid the activities that threatened the life and health of the growing life inside her.  Dad got to go to work and keep the bills paid.  

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My family has been given so much service.  I'm so grateful.


One of the sweetest services given was from my RS President and another lady in our ward. After the death of my 19 year old daughter, my time was consumed with taking care of her 2 month old baby and getting funeral services prepared. I had no time for anything. They took my 12 year old daughter to help pick out and buy a dress for her sister to be buried in. What a wonderful and tender act of service. My younger daughter was able to participate in a last gift for her sister.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

The best service I ever received was the people that stood by me when I went through a very dark time of depression because I was working through emotions about being sexually abused as a child.  I felt like I became an "emotional leper".  People were afraid to approach me.  They truly were.  I was told, "People want to help, but they don't know what to say and are AFRAID to say something that will make things worse."  Ummm, silence didn't do much to help either.


So the best service I received was from the people that overcame their own fears, and reached out to me.  They listened.  They took time to say, "How are you?"  They showed me with cards, or just a "hello" that they cared.


There were not a lot of them, but those few made a HUGE difference.  I will never forget their love and support.

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Recently my daughter's bike was stolen from our front yard.  She cried a lot about it.  When two ward members heard about it they both gave her bikes.  Now she has two bicycles.


One of the same ward members also gave my son a bike to replace his older one.  My daughter was very happy about it as we go for bike rides several times a week.


I was very happy about it as finances have been tight lately.

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  • 3 weeks later...

When I was a youth I played competitive volley ball for a club team. We had a few trips planned that year, one to Moab UT and the other to CA.


My best friends mom worked at a local bank and knew that I or my family wouldn't have enough money to pay for the trip charges. She took it upon herself to open a donation account and make a sign that would sit in the lobby to raise money for me. When customers would come in that she knew well, she would mention me and often they donated. I knew her family well, but the fact that she would do this without being asked, and without any personal gain (like if her son was involved with my team) still astounds me.


I was able to go to the tournaments with her help. These trips stick out in my mind to this day as well as her kindness she showed me. What they allowed me to do was at a time that helped sculpt my life for the better.

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This won't make a good article but thought I'd share...


What I consider the greatest service that has ever been given to me in my entire life (and I'm no spring chicken) is from my sister.


I was a month from turning 16 when I graduated from High School (normal age in the Philippines) as the class valedictorian.  No parties, but the family went out to dinner.  It was a quiet affair... seemed like it was no big deal as it was what was expected of us.  But there was a full page article on it on the newspaper written by my uncle so at least that made it feel like a big deal.


I was turning 16 and all my friends have already had their 16th bday and they all had a debutante ball or a cotillion (all the rage for 16th bdays in those days).  I don't normally get my own bday party as my brother celebrates his bday a week before mine, so our bday parties are always combined.  But that year, I wanted my own party.  It doesn't have to be a debutante ball or a cotillion but I want my own bday party to celebrate not only my 16th bday but my graduation from High School.  I asked my dad and he said, No.  No party.  It's a waste of money.  I begged, pleaded, cried, raged, did everything... the answer was No.  I was so depressed.  Looking back, I don't really know why it was such a big deal to me but at that time I felt like my life and everything I've worked for is worth nothing.


One day, my sister goes into my dad's bedroom (I will never forget this) and I hear some muffled yelling.  This is a big shock to me because my sister is the type of person who hides in the closet when a fight starts to happen - even if she started the fight.  She has this babyish style of talking that is very soft and very mild.  I hear my dad yell and I hear her yell back!  Not even my brothers do that!  I'm the only one who is stupid enough to stand up to my dad.  After a few minutes, my sister walks out of the room and she was crying and shaking.  I just stood by waiting for something to happen... My dad walks out of the room and says, "Go have your party.".  I was so shocked I couldn't move.


My dad has always had this soft spot for my sister but my sister is too timid to demand anything.  For her to come out of her shell for me was a big deal.  I had my party.  It wasn't as fun as I thought it would be (I tried to make it a formal affair so everybody was being stiff - not sure how they were supposed to act) but it was very special.


Interestingly, my husband has the same bday as my brother... so I haven't had my own bday party since I got married.

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