Houston mayor bullying Christian pastors over sermons on homosexuality


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In general I believe the saints should be prepared and thoughtful when speaking at church and refrain from speaking off the cuff.  this is assuming that - at least for me - there is a big difference in being directed by the spirit and speaking off the cuff or just rambling.


I do not ramble. And I'm always thoughtful.


But I challenge you to a speak-off the next time we're both speaking in the same meeting - you with your preparation and me with my off-the-cuff.  :shootout:


Thanks for the reproof. Now where's my increase of love?!   :angry:



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My concern is the slippery slope.  I know it's a logical fallacy.  Nevertheless, in light of the cultural shifts we see in society, I cannot help but think that what is outrageous today will be controversial tomorrow, will be somewhat aggressive next week, and will be standard operating procedure in the near future.  The most aggressive LBGT activists have publically said that when religious liberty contrasts with "human rights" the latter wins every time, in their book.  That the question is even raised tells me that for some, there is a contrast--and they intend to vanquish, rather than co-exist.

it is a good concern.

Sooner or later it will slip, perhaps not with the movement of today but it will prepare the path. The Spirit does not remain with men for long when they are in sin, and when the spirit leaves so too will love eventually, when love leaves anger and hatred will replace it, and the value for the life of others will leave. It might not be the LGBT movement that falls completely to this way altho I think many in it are well on that road. there are many others in other movements who also fall on that path. My guess will be something that follows up these movements will take it to its final end.

If you havent read the book of mormon I'd highly recommend reading the book of 3rd nephi, it will shed a lot indication of how things will go with america today- this is the record of the people from about the time when Christ came to the americas after he told his disciples in jerusalem that there were other sheep he needed to visit, namely what occurs before he visits them.

The society and events found in that record were a lot closer to what we have today, and in rereading it, i'd have to say events are getting scary paralel, but not quite there yet.


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I read a column at Patheos that made that point.  Yet another suggested that ministers across the country all send our sermons to the mayor.  Let her receive truckloads of them.  Of course, what rankles is that the demand feels very Soviet.  I came of age while the Wall still separated Berlin.  Government demanding sermons from clergy just feels totalitarian. 


So yeah...part of me says, "Here...have them...publish them."  Another part says, "Wait...the government wants my religious teachings, as part of a legal battle????"



Just as a case in point - I would think that any minister would want to make known and very clear - exactly what it is they are teaching and preaching.  Asking that they submit their sermons should not in my mind be a problem and I would think them glad to do so for anyone interested regardless of the reason.  Someone else writing their sermon for them - that I see as a problem.

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To back up my "creepy Soviet" complaint against the Houston Mayor's office, I discovered that two of the five pastors subpeoned  came from Communist countries.  One is Vietnamese, and the other is Cuban.



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I read a column at Patheos that made that point.  Yet another suggested that ministers across the country all send our sermons to the mayor.  Let her receive truckloads of them.  Of course, what rankles is that the demand feels very Soviet.  I came of age while the Wall still separated Berlin.  Government demanding sermons from clergy just feels totalitarian. 


So yeah...part of me says, "Here...have them...publish them."  Another part says, "Wait...the government wants my religious teachings, as part of a legal battle????"

in this case it's the from which direction its coming from which makes it good or bad.

forcing people to do good backfires sooner or later. but when people do good from themselves, it is very good.


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