What would you like to see made into a movie?


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I vote for the Book of Alma. Many exciting battle scenes but I can't keep them straight!


I believe that the book of Alma, perhaps ironically, would be very hard to make into a good movie. There's plenty of violence, a Hollywood staple, but focusing on the violence misses the core of the work. I think it could be done well, and it would make a great movie if it were treated correctly; but I think e.g. 1-2 Nephi would be easier to make into an engaging film that reflects the teachings of the book.

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I would love to see Brandon Sandersons Mistborn trilogy made into a movie. 


As well as the Les Miserables musical movie redone with a completely unknown cast who can actually sing. 


For SciFi it would be cool to see Old Man's War by John Scalzi made into a movie.


And lastly I would love to see a TV series based off Patricia Briggs Mercy Thompson series.

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Alright, so I'm finishing off The Witcher trilogy and I've decided that I would adore a film based on the series. I think Geralt of Rivia is the kind of hero we don't see much of but need to see more of.

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