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-- Including disrespectfully discussing Temple Ceremonies.

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Links to Anti LDS or anything else offensive will not be tolerated, this includes cut and pasteing articles from or by anti. If you want to discuss something put it in your own words and discuss.

Comments of offensive, dis-respectful, or ill nature towards the leaders of ones faith or church, that bother members of this board are not acceptable.

Consequences to these rules could result in the following, and are determined on a case by case/post by post basis.

Offender be placed on moderator status for no less than 2 weeks.

Post will be locked for no less than 24 hours if has gotten out of hand.

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Please make a conscious effort to stay on topic and respect your fellow posters, and please report and problems you have, That’s what we’re here for and we want to make this a better place for you.

This list is ever changeing and updated as we see necessary.

-LDSTalk Staff

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Speak up if you don't understand the rules. Otherwise, moderators have no obligation to PM someone to tell them, "We're going to delete your account for breaking such-and-such rule." You are assumed to know the rules. If you don't take the time to read them when signing up, don't expect special treatment. Thanks.

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Guest Yediyd

What is the purpose of this thread? Have the rules changed? Or do the mods just feel the need to tell the world that they are mods?

No, some people are just questioning the decisions of the mods lately....we all agreed to abide these rules when we signed up....they are just reminding some of us of all.

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"Comments of offensive, dis-respectful, or ill nature towards the leaders of ones faith or church, that bother members of this board are not acceptable." (bold mine)

I do have a question about this part. As one of the LDS members who post here, I want to be sure I'm not crossing this line. If I say, "[A particular belief of yours] doesn't make sense to me because [A, B, C]... I believe [A, B, C] instead, for this reason..." - am I breaking this rule?

Some members of the board are offended when you disagree with them... period... so this rule isn't cut and dry. We are allowed to debate to some extent... right?

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My opinion and understanding of that rule Shantress is to feel free to state your belief about the topic. Lets say "God, The Father being also Christ and the Holy Ghost." To say " I think you are stupid or irrational to believe that they are seperate beings" would be wrong.

I also think to question someones education level, to call them an idiot, to question if their parents were first cousins because you do not agree with their belief is wrong.

This is not kindergarden here. Almost everyone who posts here is an adult. Treat everyone with respect that a human being is due and as a spirit brother and sister they are due.

Diverse opinions are welcomed. Cutting, putdown and hurting remarks are not welcome.

If you wish to use satire or be tongue in cheek with your comments then use parentheses or funny faces to denote it. We are not all able to catch the nuance of your comments in typed words.

In real world I choose my friends by those who I like to be with. If someone never has a kind word to say, if they are constantly putting down the others in the group or just never have anything positive to add to the conversation I personally don't invite them around anymore. I look for those who are uplifting to be around.

I also know that there are those who misery loves company. For some reason it is not my nature to hang around with them.

the_jason. I hope your comment about moderators was tongue in cheek. This group of moderators that I work with give of their time freely and have a genuine concern for those who post here and to maintaining the standards of LDS belief and of fairness to those who post here.

Ben Raines

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That makes it very clear, Ben... understood!

And hopefully I haven't broken these rules lately. It is a fine line to walk here when you are posting as a non-LDS.


I don't think you break these rules at all. You disagree but very respectfully, IMO.

I'm not sure why the rules needed to be posted again, but I'm glad they did. It reminds me of what I need to be doing.

Thanks guys...

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Guest Yediyd

I try to follow the rules...but I must admitt that I have allowed myself to be "drawn in" by of those who said mean and insensitive things to me was a mod who should know the rules by now...Nobody is perfect and I have made mistakes up here as well, I just hope this new reminder of the rules will help us ALL to think about what we post and other people's feelings. :)

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There is a tendency by some to lose all inhibitions on the internet, and to engage in sometimes childish antics. When I first came here, I did not know completely what to expect. My knowledge of the LDS faith was mediocre, and frankly much of what I thought I knew came from antagonistic sources. So, when in the early weeks, I posted a little, read a lot, and watched how others did. Over time, some of my fellow evangelicals made boors of themselves, and I came to be embarrassed by them. Others proved immature, and seemed intent on "hit and run" debate.

What I found is that if I ask questions, explain what I've come to understand, and engage in occasional humor (can be risky though), most people will appreciate my efforts and contributions. Also, there is much that people from other perspectives have to share, and the conversations can be fruitful, if entered into with patience and openness.

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Guest Yediyd

There is a tendency by some to lose all inhibitions on the internet, and to engage in sometimes childish antics. When I first came here, I did not know completely what to expect. My knowledge of the LDS faith was mediocre, and frankly much of what I thought I knew came from antagonistic sources. So, when in the early weeks, I posted a little, read a lot, and watched how others did. Over time, some of my fellow evangelicals made boors of themselves, and I came to be embarrassed by them. Others proved immature, and seemed intent on "hit and run" debate.

What I found is that if I ask questions, explain what I've come to understand, and engage in occasional humor (can be risky though), most people will appreciate my efforts and contributions. Also, there is much that people from other perspectives have to share, and the conversations can be fruitful, if entered into with patience and openness.

So, PC...are ya ready to convert, yet?

JK :sparklygrin:

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There is a tendency by some to lose all inhibitions on the internet, and to engage in sometimes childish antics. When I first came here, I did not know completely what to expect. My knowledge of the LDS faith was mediocre, and frankly much of what I thought I knew came from antagonistic sources. So, when in the early weeks, I posted a little, read a lot, and watched how others did. Over time, some of my fellow evangelicals made boors of themselves, and I came to be embarrassed by them. Others proved immature, and seemed intent on "hit and run" debate.

What I found is that if I ask questions, explain what I've come to understand, and engage in occasional humor (can be risky though), most people will appreciate my efforts and contributions. Also, there is much that people from other perspectives have to share, and the conversations can be fruitful, if entered into with patience and openness.

PC though we are not of the same faith..your insight into subjects gives me much to ponder on. I appreciate your thoughts and your posts and I personally am so glad you come here. I also love and appreciate our new friendship.

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Guest Yediyd
<div class='quotemain'>

There is a tendency by some to lose all inhibitions on the internet, and to engage in sometimes childish antics. When I first came here, I did not know completely what to expect. My knowledge of the LDS faith was mediocre, and frankly much of what I thought I knew came from antagonistic sources. So, when in the early weeks, I posted a little, read a lot, and watched how others did. Over time, some of my fellow evangelicals made boors of themselves, and I came to be embarrassed by them. Others proved immature, and seemed intent on "hit and run" debate.

What I found is that if I ask questions, explain what I've come to understand, and engage in occasional humor (can be risky though), most people will appreciate my efforts and contributions. Also, there is much that people from other perspectives have to share, and the conversations can be fruitful, if entered into with patience and openness.

PC though we are not of the same faith..your insight into subjects gives me much to ponder on. I appreciate your thoughts and your posts and I personally am so glad you come here. I also love and appreciate our new friendship.

Ditto...that goes for Dr.T , too.

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Guest Yediyd
<div class='quotemain'>

So, PC...are ya ready to convert, yet?

JK :sparklygrin:

Nah. I'm afraid that if I do people will quit being nice, and they'll start asking me to do stuff. :wow: (please note the emoticon indicating a tongue-in-cheek response, per Ben's excellent advice). That made me laugh, because I was thinking along those lines...actually HAVE put some of the people up here who claim to be LDS to shame...I too, enjoy your presents...

You have taught us all a valuable lesson in Christ-like behavior! :)

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PC, you're perilously close to making me irrationally mad and we all know that will lead to your deletion from this site, so shape up buster!!! :lol: (refer to PC's parenthetical about emoticons signifying intent)

For a half-second there I thought I was going to actually have to start getting some work done. :blush:

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<div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotemain'>

So, PC...are ya ready to convert, yet?

JK :sparklygrin:

Nah. I'm afraid that if I do people will quit being nice, and they'll start asking me to do stuff. :wow: (please note the emoticon indicating a tongue-in-cheek response, per Ben's excellent advice). That made me laugh, because I was thinking along those lines...actually HAVE put some of the people up here who claim to be LDS to shame...I too, enjoy your presents...

You have taught us all a valuable lesson in Christ-like behavior! :)

He gave you presents? Where's mine? Maybe I'd be nicer to him if he gave me presents, too. You can just Paypal me, PC, if it's easier.

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<div class='quotemain'>

He gave you presents? Where's mine? Maybe I'd be nicer to him if he gave me presents, too. You can just Paypal me, PC, if it's easier.

Bro. John, I've given you 2,240 presents already...what more do you want??? :dontknow:

Well, now that you bring it up, I could use a large pepperoni pizza delivered to my home every Tuesday night at 7:30 sharp. For a year. You pull that one off, and we can talk about the friendship dues later. :D

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<div class='quotemain'>

<div class='quotemain'>

He gave you presents? Where's mine? Maybe I'd be nicer to him if he gave me presents, too. You can just Paypal me, PC, if it's easier.

Bro. John, I've given you 2,240 presents already...what more do you want??? :dontknow:

Well, now that you bring it up, I could use a large pepperoni pizza delivered to my home every Tuesday night at 7:30 sharp. For a year. You pull that one off, and we can talk about the friendship dues later. :D

Yes PC if you can pull that off...I know where to go for dinner every Tuesday night at 7:30 sharp.

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