Never Introduced Myself!


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I've been lurking here for a bit now, and realized I never introduced myself!


I'm Kayvax! I also go by several other names, but Kay and Vaxy work around these parts. I am a 19 year old true-blue born and bred member of the LDS church. I was born in Utah, moved to New Mexico when I was 2, and have lived in Georgia since I turned 10.


I love a lot of things. I am a major food-nut, and can basically eat my own tiny weight in delicious foods. Burritos are especially a favorite. I also enjoy all cultural foods I've ever tried (and my asian friends always gave me an accurate taste of what they could make). I also love steak, curry, boba smoothies (no tea of course), noodles, honey, and lamb shanks.


I'm currently in school studying Computer Science, with a focus in Computer Hacking. I have done a lot of hacking in my days, sketchy and not, but nothing illegal. I plan on becoming an ethical hacker for businesses to help consult them involving security and protecting their data and the data of their customers. It's a pretty good field these days!


For now though, I am a zoo keeper at a small zoo here in Georgia. I manage the reptile house! Snakes are a passion of mine, and I breed Hognose snakes as a hobby (cute little buggers!). I also work at a small robotics company as a programmer and assistant. It's a living!


Hobby-wise, I recently took up Warhammer 40k, and love the chaos of it all. I am also an avid gamer, playing everything I can find, but my genres are RPG's, free-roaming games, and survival horror! I also love cartoons, anime, and crime shows. I draw anthropomorphic animals for fun, and represent the people I know as animals (because I could never catch on drawing people!)


I'm marrying my wonderful fiance in December, and look forward to an awesome eternity with an incredible and patient man.



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