Horrific 13 Year Old Crime Spree.


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Oregon, the bastion of hippies and politically correct yuppies. Guess I thought it had to be Oregon when I read the headline on another site:




Any comments? Is the school and the DA doing what is right?

From the Oregonian newspaper article:

The two boys tore down the hall of Patton Middle School after lunch, swatting the bottoms of girls as they ran -- what some kids later said was a common form of greeting.

But bottom-slapping is against policy in McMinnville Public Schools. So a teacher's aide sent the gawky seventh-graders to the office, where the vice principal and a police officer stationed at the school soon interrogated them.

After hours of interviews with students the day of the February incident, the officer read the boys their Miranda rights and hauled them off in handcuffs to juvenile jail, where they spent the next five days.

Now, Cory Mashburn and Ryan Cornelison, both 13, face the prospect of 10 years in juvenile detention and a lifetime on the sex offender registry in a case that poses a fundamental question: When is horseplay a crime?

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I would have to disagree with you, big_pic. It was unruly horseplay, it was inappropriate behavior, yes. But I seriously doubt it was intended as sexual assault. It's another case of over-reaction by the officials in charge. It is ridiculous to think that these boys will permanently have the label of "sex offender" pasted by their names. It is ridiculous that their parents had no contact with them during the first 48 hours they were in police custody.

Somewhere I read the Obituary of Common Sense. Perfect example.

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We live 20 minutes north of McMinville and this is one story that has most all of Oregon mad. They are talking about ruining these young boys lives for this ridiclous horseplay...and that was all it was....plain and simple horseplay. Damned overzealous government fools who are trying to do this to those boys...heck even the girls that were slapped on the butts say it was just in fun....but no...our beaurocratic machine is out to make an example of these kids. Hmmmm.....maybe they just should have robbed someone at gunpoint, they'd get a few years in a state run facility and be out around 16-17 and have no labels on their heads. Stupid, stupid, stupid liberal Oregon morons....I wish they'd spend a little more time on catching real criminals like the drug dealers and manufacturers.

Thanks for letting me vent.

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They didnt know what they did was sexual at 13? They didnt seem to be retarded :angry2:

They molested girls they got what they deserved.

Oh please....I have teenage boys and something like that would be nothing more than horseplay. Inappropriate of course but in no way deemed sexual. Especially if they were just running down the hall swatting behinds. Give me a break.

We live 20 minutes north of McMinville and this is one story that has most all of Oregon mad. They are talking about ruining these young boys lives for this ridiclous horseplay...and that was all it was....plain and simple horseplay. Damned overzealous government fools who are trying to do this to those boys...heck even the girls that were slapped on the butts say it was just in fun....but no...our beaurocratic machine is out to make an example of these kids. Hmmmm.....maybe they just should have robbed someone at gunpoint, they'd get a few years in a state run facility and be out around 16-17 and have no labels on their heads. Stupid, stupid, stupid liberal Oregon morons....I wish they'd spend a little more time on catching real criminals like the drug dealers and manufacturers.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Hey Brother Dorsey, I have been to McMinville many times. I have an aunt and many cousins that live there.

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They didnt know what they did was sexual at 13? They didnt seem to be retarded :angry2:

They molested girls they got what they deserved.

10 years in the slammer and a lifetime designation as a sex offender for slapping some behinds?

What a perverted sense of justice you have.... like the Taliban perhaps.

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They didnt know what they did was sexual at 13? They didnt seem to be retarded :angry2:

They molested girls they got what they deserved.

How is splapping a girls behind molesting? How is is sexual? Chances are the girls themselfs had a laugh about it...

Maybe a warning at school or something on a school level would have been more appropriate.. I mean they are 13 years old for crying out loud

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we are facing something similar with my brother today his case comes up in court. His ex girlfriend (he has shared a house with her for 3 years until she beat him up) had been sending him loads of text messages and basically stalking him, so drunkenly on his birthday last year he sent her a naked picture of herself (one she had originally consented to having taken by him). He has been charged with threatening behaviour (she was the one that physically abused him for years) and faces the possibility of being placed on the sex offenders register.


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First, I guess it is true that teachers who can't teach get go into administration.

Also, they were not with parents when they were being interrogated by the police? Isn't that illegal? I can only hope it is and that there has to be some lawyers out there who will take their case and hopefully get the school district to pay for these boy's college educations and maybe some neat things for the lawyers as well.

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I have a daughter (grown now) but when she was in the 7th grade a boy grabbed her breast and squeezed. She sent him to the hospital.

She got suspended for 3 days for beating the kid up, but it was only 3 days because the principal felt it was justified.

I'm sorry but while it is definitely inappropriate, they are still kids and while corrective action should be taken, putting them on a sexual offenders list for LIFE is beyond ridiculous! Why not just chop off his hand? or take him out in a field and shoot him? It amounts to the same thing.

Whatever happened to "Paying one's debt to society"? Lesson learned, forgive and forget etc. Is this America or Iraq?


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The two boys tore down the hall of Patton Middle School after lunch, swatting the bottoms of girls as they ran -- what some kids later said was a common form of greeting.

But bottom-slapping is against policy in McMinnville Public Schools. So a teacher's aide sent the gawky seventh-graders to the office, where the vice principal and a police officer stationed at the school soon interrogated them.

After hours of interviews with students the day of the February incident, the officer read the boys their Miranda rights and hauled them off in handcuffs to juvenile jail, where they spent the next five days.

Now, Cory Mashburn and Ryan Cornelison, both 13, face the prospect of 10 years in juvenile detention and a lifetime on the sex offender registry in a case that poses a fundamental question: When is horseplay a crime?

That is ridiculous. I went to a a strict, old fashioned Girls grammar school that dates back to the 17th century. I loved it. However, the year I started there one of the teachers was suspended and later sacked for sticking his hand down a sixth formers blouse, and taking photographs of pupils, and then putting them on the computer and doing things to them. He was only sacked, not put onthe sex offenders register or anything or jailed. However, he was banned from teaching. He was a 50 something man that should have known better. To put these poor boys up as criminal sex offenders is, well, criminal. That makes me so angry!!!

N.B-We also had a teacher who used to be friends with the sacked teacher. He was a physics professor and used to do dodgy things like turn the lights off at any oppurtunity to 'demonstrate' things, take us into cellars, and HE took photos too that we never saw. He also had this naked barbie he used as a prop when explaining things to us. We thought he was a bit of a perv, but harmless and naive. Nothing was ever done while I was at the school, and as far as I know, he's still teaching there. What he did was worse than those boys in my opinion.

The Goddess xx

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I'm still scratching my head as to what this has to do with "hippies and politically correct yuppies!"

In any case, I agree that they're making too big a deal of it. I would say give them detention or something the first time, and notify their parents. If they continue the behavior they could work their way up to a suspension. Only if they're truly incorrigible would I have gotten the police involved. Yes, teens can commit serious crimes, but patting somebody's rear end, while definitely inappropriate, is not as serious as other things they could be doing.


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Why aren't the school officials being brought onto the carpet about this? Apparently this "Spanking Day" is common, and it shouldn't be.

I feel that the boys should be punished, and they have been - beyond the limit right now. But the School authorities who knew of this activity and overlooked it should be punished more than the boys.

I too am scratching my head over:

Oregon, the bastion of hippies and politically correct yuppies. Guess I thought it had to be Oregon when I read the headline on another site:

What does that have to do with anything? Other than to show a prejudice over anything Oregon?
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I'm still scratching my head as to what this has to do with "hippies and politically correct yuppies!"

In any case, I agree that they're making too big a deal of it. I would say give them detention or something the first time, and notify their parents. If they continue the behavior they could work their way up to a suspension. Only if they're truly incorrigible would I have gotten the police involved. Yes, teens can commit serious crimes, but patting somebody's rear end, while definitely inappropriate, is not as serious as other things they could be doing.


The ideological foundation of an area will determine not only laws but attitudes. The Willamette Valley area of Oregon is very politically liberal -- many hippies stuck around after the 60s and make up a large percentage of the professionals in education and as for yuppies who get really bothered by anything that goes out of the area of political correctness...

And I am actually not all that adverse to Oregon. Then again, most of my friends are either agnostics or atheists so I tend to get along with a broad range of fold (I've been told more than once by Muslims I have known that I would make a terrific Muslim yet at the same time I can greatly enjoy being at the Oregon Country Fair (google that one, filter off if you dare). The only people I have encountered that I really can't stand are people in administrative posts in Oregon schools. If I lived there again I think home-schooling would be a must. Don't get me started on how schools in Oregon shortchanged my kids.

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The ideological foundation of an area will determine not only laws but attitudes. The Willamette Valley area of Oregon is very politically liberal -- many hippies stuck around after the 60s and make up a large percentage of the professionals in education and as for yuppies who get really bothered by anything that goes out of the area of political correctness...

I see. I hope, though, that you're not saying all of us liberals are products of the same mold! And I believe the core principles of "political correctness" are basic courtesy and tact, such as not using the "n word" in reference to black people, etc. Of course, being the liberal I am, I firmly believe in freedom of speech, and would defend people's right to say offensive things (though I would advise against it)! PC? Maybe not, but freedom of speech is, in my book, a higher value.

And I am actually not all that adverse to Oregon. Then again, most of my friends are either agnostics or atheists so I tend to get along with a broad range of fold (I've been told more than once by Muslims I have known that I would make a terrific Muslim yet at the same time I can greatly enjoy being at the Oregon Country Fair (google that one, filter off if you dare). The only people I have encountered that I really can't stand are people in administrative posts in Oregon schools. If I lived there again I think home-schooling would be a must. Don't get me started on how schools in Oregon shortchanged my kids.

Is the culture in the eastern part of the state different? I have an LDS friend from eastern Oregon who is VERY conservative.

I think this hysteria about sex offenses has gotten a bit out of hand. I've heard of six-year-old children getting in legal trouble for kissing other children!! When I was a kid that was considered cute. 'Course, I remember the days before trick-or-treating was considered life-threatening.



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The ideological foundation of an area will determine not only laws but attitudes. The Willamette Valley area of Oregon is very politically liberal -- many hippies stuck around after the 60s and make up a large percentage of the professionals in education and as for yuppies who get really bothered by anything that goes out of the area of political correctness...

I see. I hope, though, that you're not saying all of us liberals are products of the same mold! And I believe the core principles of "political correctness" are basic courtesy and tact, such as not using the "n word" in reference to black people, etc. Of course, being the liberal I am, I firmly believe in freedom of speech, and would defend people's right to say offensive things (though I would advise against it)! PC? Maybe not, but freedom of speech is, in my book, a higher value.

And I am actually not all that adverse to Oregon. Then again, most of my friends are either agnostics or atheists so I tend to get along with a broad range of fold (I've been told more than once by Muslims I have known that I would make a terrific Muslim yet at the same time I can greatly enjoy being at the Oregon Country Fair (google that one, filter off if you dare). The only people I have encountered that I really can't stand are people in administrative posts in Oregon schools. If I lived there again I think home-schooling would be a must. Don't get me started on how schools in Oregon shortchanged my kids.

Is the culture in the eastern part of the state different? I have an LDS friend from eastern Oregon who is VERY conservative.

I think this hysteria about sex offenses has gotten a bit out of hand. I've heard of six-year-old children getting in legal trouble for kissing other children!! When I was a kid that was considered cute. 'Course, I remember the days before trick-or-treating was considered life-threatening.



Hey. ovrall Oregon is a very special place. The only down side is that too many environmentalists who have never even seen a spotted owl or been to Oregon have caused many small towns to collapse by shutting off timber sales, there is a really arrogant education bureaucracy in the state, and taxes are too high.

As for rank and file people you have an ecclectic mix of spoiled yuppies in the Portland area (many California transplants who didn't get the hint in 1970 when the governor then asked them to visit but not to stay), red necks and librtarian hippies in the southern section, hard-core conservatives west of the Cascade Mountains, aging hippies in Eugene who vote more liberal than any place except San Francisco or Berkely, and mixes in between. Nice thing is people generally are very tolerant and laid back. So yeah, Mormons there are very conservative but not at all judgemental for the most part (if born ansd raised there), hippies go to home school meetings with Christian fundamentalists and you feel totally at ease dressing up in a cowgirl outfit and going to a rodeo (if you are female, or male in many parts of Portland) and then the next day running around at a hippie festival in a tie.dyed bra the next day. And hippies there belong to the NRA.

It's really a fun place. But as I said I would definently home school if I lived there now.

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the Oregon Country Fair (google that one, filter off if you dare).

What the?? Looks like something you would expect in San Fransisco.

And as an education major, don't get me started on liberal influences on our schools, its all over the place not just in the blue states.

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Guest the_big_picture

<div class='quotemain'>

They didnt know what they did was sexual at 13? They didnt seem to be retarded :angry2:

They molested girls they got what they deserved.

10 years in the slammer and a lifetime designation as a sex offender for slapping some behinds?

What a perverted sense of justice you have.... like the Taliban perhaps.

You think these where little children? My dad started teach me how to drive at 12, by 14 I was ready to go.

These are not children but young men, in the old days this was the marrige age. I guess we have diffrent views on ages. in Mexico a 12 year old can have sex, in America its 18. In Denmark a 15 year old can go out and get drunk in America you have to be 21.

Maybe in the future a 22 year old will be a child, it is possible, and when he molests people he is just a child!

I have a daughter (grown now) but when she was in the 7th grade a boy grabbed her breast and squeezed. She sent him to the hospital.

She got suspended for 3 days for beating the kid up, but it was only 3 days because the principal felt it was justified.

I'm sorry but while it is definitely inappropriate, they are still kids and while corrective action should be taken, putting them on a sexual offenders list for LIFE is beyond ridiculous! Why not just chop off his hand? or take him out in a field and shoot him? It amounts to the same thing.

Whatever happened to "Paying one's debt to society"? Lesson learned, forgive and forget etc. Is this America or Iraq?


Why do you people mix this with islam? Islam is bad in its own way but not uniqe. Honour killings exist in Greece and Serbia to, Conservative ortodhox ukrainians wear a veil cause the bible tells you to dress modestly.

In Ireland women that got raped would get life time imprisonment to "clean themselves from sin", untill 1986! This was a western nation.

Stop saying taliban and Iraq its just as common as in western nations. In Turkey and Azerbaijan they are just as liberal as americans with sex et c, and they are islamic nations.

I agree with all of you except TBP, sorry but it was only a piece of horseplay...and I imagine that most of the girls it happened to had a laugh about it...they shouldn't be imprisoned or placed on the sex offenders list for only this action.

If these girls would have enjoyed these things they wouldnt tell their parenths to help them.

Do you people think these where kids that didnt know what was going on? I belive I know why you think that, its cause you saw 2 young boys cry in a video making them look innocent. I bet the girls where crying to, and the mother didnt want them on the video cause people might get anry and harass them.

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If these girls would have enjoyed these things they wouldnt tell their parenths to help them.

Do you people think these where kids that didnt know what was going on? I belive I know why you think that, its cause you saw 2 young boys cry in a video making them look innocent. I bet the girls where crying to, and the mother didnt want them on the video cause people might get anry and harass them.

Did you even read the article linked? It clearly states there were other boys AND girls slapping each other's bottoms. Did you listen to the report linked? It clearly states that the parent of ONE girl said she was "offended". Not physically injured. There is a big difference. This was a fanny-slap, not molestation, not rape.

And the prosecuting attorney, Bradley Berry, says his "office 'aggressively'pursues sex crimes that involve children. 'These cases are devastating to children,' he said. 'They are life-altering cases.'

Whose life has been altered here? I don't think any of these "victims" have had their lifes altered. Only the lives of these boys and their families have been altered by what took place because of a gross overreaction to the situation.

I generally detest litigation, but once this case (hopefully) gets thrown out of court by the last sensible judge in Oregon, I really hope these boys' parents sue the heck out of the school system, the prosecuting attorney and the arresting officer.

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Guest the_big_picture

No I did not read the link, I guess I was wrong then.

I still stick to that calling it taliban and iraq like when both islamic and western nations cheer the same view depending on the naton...

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You think these where little children? My dad started teach me how to drive at 12, by 14 I was ready to go.

These are not children but young men, in the old days this was the marrige age. I guess we have diffrent views on ages. in Mexico a 12 year old can have sex, in America its 18. In Denmark a 15 year old can go out and get drunk in America you have to be 21.

Maybe in the future a 22 year old will be a child, it is possible, and when he molests people he is just a child!

Oh yoohoo! Earth to the_big_picture:

We are not talking about you driving a car at 14 or poor parenting and immorality in Mexico. We are talking about a 13 year kid that slap someone.... and for that you think they should be sent to prison for ten years.

You have a perverted sense of justice that the Taliban would be proud of.

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<div class='quotemain'>

If these girls would have enjoyed these things they wouldnt tell their parenths to help them.

Do you people think these where kids that didnt know what was going on? I belive I know why you think that, its cause you saw 2 young boys cry in a video making them look innocent. I bet the girls where crying to, and the mother didnt want them on the video cause people might get anry and harass them.

Did you even read the article linked? It clearly states there were other boys AND girls slapping each other's bottoms. Did you listen to the report linked? It clearly states that the parent of ONE girl said she was "offended". Not physically injured. There is a big difference. This was a fanny-slap, not molestation, not rape.

And the prosecuting attorney, Bradley Berry, says his "office 'aggressively'pursues sex crimes that involve children. 'These cases are devastating to children,' he said. 'They are life-altering cases.'

Whose life has been altered here? I don't think any of these "victims" have had their lifes altered. Only the lives of these boys and their families have been altered by what took place because of a gross overreaction to the situation.

I generally detest litigation, but once this case (hopefully) gets thrown out of court by the last sensible judge in Oregon, I really hope these boys' parents sue the heck out of the school system, the prosecuting attorney and the arresting officer.

Thanks for stepping in there for me Alaskagain, I share your thoughts completely.

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