Cedar City Utah Temple Groundbreaking announced


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The Church has announced that the groundbreaking ceremony for the Cedar City Utah Temple will be held on Saturday, August 8, 2015, at 10:00 a.m.


Attendance at the temple site will be by invitation only. However, services will be transmitted live to the 17 stake centers in the proposed temple district. All are invited to participate in the broadcast of this historic event. Sunday dress is requested. President L. Whitney Clayton of the Presidency of the Seventy will preside at the ceremony, and Elder Kent F. Richards of the Second Quorum of the Seventy will conduct.



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From what i understand only Stake Presidents and Bishops (and their wives hopefully?) are invited to the site. But it's being transmitted to local stake centers which i imagine will be bursting at the seams on Saturday. It's been a while since i drove by. Last time i did it was just a big lot full of juniper trees.

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Well, CO

I suspect that it may be a little boring.

The suits (well, here we are all suits) the big wigs arrive at the last minute, some speeches are made, a blessing given, prayers said, then a fancy shovel is brought out, and the top big wigs turn over a few scoops of dirt.


So it could be boring but if you are young enough, and I think you are, you will be able to attend Temple (your district, I think) there and have an extra feeling to remember that you were there at the birth or conception so to speak of that Temple.

Myself, at the Manti Temple, I couldn't help but think of the 1890s and the Saints going in there by horse, or horse and buggy, or just walking.

You will be able to have lived a little of the history of it.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Just a few thoughts about the groundbreaking.


1. The weather was beautiful, the choir was terrific, and the remarks were inspiring.


2. For me personally, I felt the greatest measure of the Spirit during the hymn, "High on the Mountain Top". But then that has always been my favorite hymn, so perhaps a measure of prejudice taints my opinion.  :)


3. Based upon the placement of the flags, which marked the four corners of the temple, I had a seat (ignoring altitude) somewhere inside the future Celestial room. Then they requested that we all slide over to accommodate some late comers and I spent the remainder of the ceremony sitting inside a future wall.  :D


4. The deal with the invitations was a little odd. Our invites stated in bold letters "ADMIT ONE", and contained instructions making it clear that we needed to bring the invitations with us. 

Then when we arrived we discovered there was no one at the gate checking invitations?? People waltzed in and out at will, and as far as I could tell it was pretty much a free-for-all. Many of the guests had their entire families in tow including kids as young as 2 or 3. Another bishop I know brought all six of his kids. I saw one guy in jeans and a ball cap (it was supposed to be "Church Dress") taking pictures. Not really sure what the point was in issuing invitations?  :huh:


5. Honestly---unless you wanted to collect a rock from the grounds as a souvenir (which many did), or take a turn behind a shovel in the sandbox (which many more did), I think a nice bench in a chapel, watching it via satellite would have been every bit as rewarding. 

But I have no complaints and was glad I went. Can't wait for the completed project and dedication!
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