Mormon Mythology

Average Joe

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First of all "accused" is a pretty strong word that gives the wrong impression of our misunderstanding.


No, I think it gives an extremely accurate impression of your misunderstanding with estradling.


Second what is confusing is after we appeared to come to an understanding, you then jumped back to an earlier point in our conversation and started the discussion up again. I'm still to sort that out.


That was apparently confusing to you, but it was not confusing to me or to many others following your conversation. It was obvious.


Third, I notice that you still have not answered any of my questions while continuing to ask your own.


Given your open dodging of questions throughout, I am appalled at your audacity in making any such accusation toward estradling, who has answered each of your questions far more thoroughly than you have done to his (or mine).


The answer to your question is - I agree why would we and yet this thread is evidence that of what I have suggested. We give lip service to the idea that our leaders aren't perfect but the moment any one like Average Joe or I mention it most of the people on this board seem to assume we are not better than Kate Kelly, and go into full defense mode.


This is blatantly false. At this point, you appear to be simply remaking the conversation in the image you would have us believe. But since the thread is still here, open to be read by one and all, your claim simply will not stick. We can just go back, read what has been written, and see the falsity of your claims.


And yet after all of that you still continue (or so it appears to me) to view any one who sees this topic differently than you do as apostates in embryo whose ideas you must confront.


Can any claim be more clearly false, or more easily disproven by simply reading the foregoing thread?


If I'very misunderstood you, then please feel free to correct me.


estradling has done so numerous times, to no effect. You appear not to accept anyone's correction.

Edited by Vort
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Since you are clearly an intelligent man, and I, probably not so much, you should know I can't read your mind given the brief statement you made. 


I have no idea what you're alluding to. Ask a straightforward question and I'll answer it.


And apparently you can't read mine since your presumption is 100% wrong.


It has nothing to do with reading your mind, because I am making no presumptions about your intentions. That is what I'm looking for clarification on - and why I asked you, and ask again -- what is your point? What's your objective in the end here? What I do presume is the end result, regardless of your intentions.


I hold no ill will toward you for what I perceive as wrong in your OP and the whole idea of pointing out how human our leaders are. Most people have good intentions in what they do. But the pathway to hell is paved with good intentions, as it's said.

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