Mormon Urban Legends


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Hmph.  I lost my bestest friend in the world at age 7.  She was 5.  We were going to get married when we grew up.  But her dad packed up an moved to Jackson County Missouri, so his family would be there when it all happened.  The details escaped my 7 yr old mind, but she explained to me it was a church thing about the second coming.



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So why do they keep emphasizing it? Every time I hear it, the Church ramps up its push on provident living.


It is a doctrine within the gospel.  As Elder Ballard declared in this past regional conference, the prophets teach, warn, and then they watch.


Provident living is an aspect of the gospel, which means it will still be taught through standard courses.  As to what was expressed in our stake trainings that they (apostles and prophets) will rarely, if not at all, teach it from the pulpit during General Conferences.  They have spoken enough on the matter, now they are watching.


Do a quick search on and see how often it has been taught (this was training about 7 years ago we received while I was the EQP in my ward, and now how often it is taught in the general assemblies, last Conference address, not by an apostles or prophet, 2007 -- Keith B. Mcmullen. In 2004, Wirthlin mentioned it.  None sense then.


We weren't trained that it would never be taught.

Edited by Anddenex
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I am still dumb founded when I hear this one still among members, 



4) It will be a band of Elders/High Priest that will charge toward the white house and take back this country




See this article from FairMormon

So what references have Church leaders made to the Constitution "hanging by a thread?" Brigham Young said:

Orson Hyde said,

Will the Constitution be destroyed? No: it will be held inviolate by this people; and, as Joseph Smith said, "The time will come when the destiny of the nation will hang upon a single thread. At that critical juncture, this people will step forth and save it from the threatened destruction." It will be so.

With regard to the doings of our fathers and the Constitution of the United States, I have to say, they present to us a glorious prospect in the future, but one we cannot attain to until the present abuses in the Government are corrected.[5]


It is said that brother Joseph in his lifetime declared that the Elders of this Church should step forth at a particular time when the Constitution should be in danger, and rescue it, and save it. This may be so; but I do not recollect that he said exactly so. I believe he said something like this—that the time would come when the Constitution and the country would be in danger of an overthrow; and said he, If the Constitution be saved at all, it will be by the Elders of this Church. I believe this is about the language, as nearly as I can recollect it.

Brigham Young and Orson Hyde both clearly state that the Constitution will be in grave danger of being destroyed. If the constitution is to be preserved it will be because the "Elders" of the Church will step forward and provide the support that will help to preserve the Constitution. The Elders of the Church will always be in support of the constitution, and will not ever be in a position to replace or supplant the constitutional principles in that document. Note that this belief has nothing to do with the so-called "White Horse" prophecy, but in fact preceded the date claimed for that prophecy.

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So why do they keep emphasizing it? Every time I hear it, the Church ramps up its push on provident living.


I'll lend my concurrence with Anddenex.  


Pres. Hinckley told the 12 (training video) that we they were to no longer preach about it in Gen. Conf.  It is still part of the lesson plans as much as anything else.  But it is the EMPHASIS that is no longer being followed.

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See this article from FairMormon



Another thing to point out about this is that the prophecy by Joseph Smith is not clear.  No one at the time wrote down the words he spoke.  Years after the prophet's death a few who were present began talking about it, but all had slightly different accounts of what was said (having to piece together a then years old statement).


Common threads:


1) Constitution hanging by a thread.  -- Not much more detail that is common on that.

2) Something about saving it. -- One account said that it would be saved; another, if it is to be saved; another, could be saved...

3) The Elders of the church will have something to do with the matter of saving it. --Again differing accounts.


Given that the differing accounts have a lot of missing pieces it would be difficult to say how valuable it would be to spend time thinking about this one.

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I don't know if this would qualify as an urban legend.. Maybe more of an interpretation of how bad are things going to get before the second coming..

Sometimes members will talk about preparedness and that guns are a vital component because otherwise how will you protect your family's food and supplies.. The scenario of one brother taking food (at gunpoint) and or supplies from another brother because his family is in dire need. Granted, for most this would hopefully be no more than a tongue-in-cheek scenario.. I mean, hopefully such a thing would be absolutely unthinkable to most endowed covenant-keeping LDS. I guess what I'm questioning is that do some of us really think things are going to get so bad that even our ward and stake system of taking care of one another is going to break down so that we no longer belong to wards and stakes and we're all just hunkered down with our guns in our own houses and everybody else is an enemy or potential enemy?

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See this article from FairMormon



I am aware of this article as given by FairMormon, and have read other supporting articles.  My post emphasizes that the Elder/High Priest will rush the white house (guns a blaring) and take back the country.  This has never been emphasized, thus the urban legend.


We are a people of defense, not offense, when it comes to war, and if by Elders we wouldn't act without the guidance of the prophets and apostles.  


There are many ways the Constitution could be saved by the Elders, which will hang by a thread.  Orson Hyde and others have prophecies of more civil unrest in this nation leading to other civil wars.  This could mean that during this time, the Church will continue to uphold the Constitution which God said it was inspired.  Thus, people could run to where the Saints are and know that their rights will be protected. They will not have any fear of their possessions being robbed, plundered.  Thus the notion, run to Holy Ground or the stakes of Zion.  We are a people of defense meaning we will protect ourselves if the cause is just, and if just God will protect us and uphold us.  This may mean similar to the Book of Helaman and how all the Nephites gathered into one place for protection from plunderers and robbers.


Thus, urban legend, that Elders/High Priest will somehow create a warring party, march on the white house and then take back the country.  



Hahahaha, stupid autocorrect somehow changed Helaman to Hellman -- doh!

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I don't know if this would qualify as an urban legend.. Maybe more of an interpretation of how bad are things going to get before the second coming..

Sometimes members will talk about preparedness and that guns are a vital component because otherwise how will you protect your family's food and supplies.. The scenario of one brother taking food (at gunpoint) and or supplies from another brother because his family is in dire need. Granted, for most this would hopefully be no more than a tongue-in-cheek scenario.. I mean, hopefully such a thing would be absolutely unthinkable to most endowed covenant-keeping LDS. I guess what I'm questioning is that do some of us really think things are going to get so bad that even our ward and stake system of taking care of one another is going to break down so that we no longer belong to wards and stakes and we're all just hunkered down with our guns in our own houses and everybody else is an enemy or potential enemy?


I believe this is one reason we are told to strengthen the stakes of Zion.  Here in Utah alone, imagine the strength that would exist if we all began to be "one."


Some may have to hunker down depending on where they are, and protect themselves, or as the scriptures specify -- run to Zion. My personal thoughts, the stakes of Zion will be the strength against the storm.  We already have leadership, we have guidance, we have people who are industrious and know how to act.  Truly, as a people, we LDS are very fortunate regarding brotherhood and sisterhood, and imagine if all of us were truly seeking to be one!

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Another thing to point out about this is that the prophecy by Joseph Smith is not clear.  No one at the time wrote down the words he spoke. .....


Given that the differing accounts have a lot of missing pieces it would be difficult to say how valuable it would be to spend time thinking about this one.


It's at the top of things I think about, along with the question of whether there was death before Adam.


I already have "repentance" pretty much nailed down -- whether there are four steps or five.

Edited by cdowis
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