Men who don't get sports


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Guest MormonGator
22 minutes ago, mirkwood said:

Yep, @zil simply got the question, "should I write void on your TR or have your bishop do it?"

Are you trying to tell me that cops don't open fire on jaywalkers and people with overdue library books? Statist. 

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This is my family's relationship with sports (for generations and generations and generations backwards and forwards):  Every kid has to be involved in some sport to keep them out of trouble.

Yep.  That's what my dad was taught by his dad and that's what my dad taught us.  The difference is, in my dad's time, only the boys have to be involved in sports - the girls can stay home with mom learning home economics.  In my time, my dad insists on us girls also involved in sports.  Supposedly, sports gets all our energy out on that sport so we don't have enough energy to do drugs, have sex, etc. etc.

Anyway, I carried the same tradition to my kids - both boys.  They have to pick a sport - any sport.  Have to.  So both boys are in jiu-jitsu because soccer didn't work out too well.

So, with my brothers - my oldest brother went on to play for the Philippine National Team, the other brother played volleyball in high school and never touched a sport after that.  But both of them played tennis because our subdivision has a tennis court (that my dad had built using fundraising money) and it was the thing in our younger years for all the neighborhood kids to play tennis. 

My older brother is now 50 years old and if you walk into his house there are only 2 things playing in any of the TVs in his house - sports or kpop.  He still plays soccer and tennis at his work - they have a sports league.  All his sons are in soccer, the daughter doesn't have a sport because she has the tendency to trip just walking to the front door and end up with an injury (this is not an exaggeration). 

My other brother doesn't do sports nor watch sports but he takes his kids to sports - his son has been in so many sports but he keeps getting not accepted into the competition team because he's not good enough, so he goes to try another one, so he is one of those kids that love sports but just doesn't have the skill to be good in any one.  The daughters are in ballet - they consider it their "sport". 

My sister hated sports even when she was young - she played volleyball only because my dad wants her to play a sport and my brother and I are both in volleyball.  She married a "don't get sports" guy and so none of her kids are in sports.

I was championship trophy awarded volleyball player in high school and table tennis champion in high school and college... then I came to America... realized 5'0" can't play volleyball in the US and table tennis is so unpopular there's not a single table tennis club within 100 miles where I lived.  And they're not on TV either except for a couple weeks every 4 years during the Olympics.  But then I married a guy who is more of a sports fan than my older brother.  So - we have seasons tickets to college football and NFL football and sometimes we get seasons tickets to NBA too.  And we get PPV for the UFC fights too.

One thing I noticed - my kids are better students when they're in jiujitsu... same as my brother's sons.  When soccer season is over, my brother's 2 boys start to do bad in school so we have to whip them back into shape.  We used to not go to jiujitsu within 2 weeks of state assessment tests to give the kids time to prepare... we noticed they do poorly in school in those 2 weeks so we stopped doing it - they go to jiujitsu year round now - including summer.

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4 minutes ago, zil said:

And naturally, he'll tell his wife something strange is going on, and she'll say, tell him you like zil better. :D

He will probably say we are both wonderful people and refuse to answer.  His wife may say differently, I suspect she knows you a whole lot better then she knows me.

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