Can you progress through from the bottom to the top of the celestial kingdom?


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DEar Bros & Sis, can we progress from the bottom to the top of the celestial kingdoM. (Sorry about the caps,) So if you manage to slip in on the basement floor (bargain basement for remnants!) with a dented halo and scabby, dung-coloured wings can you eventually make it to the top. Remedial righteousness 101. Divinity for dummies. If so, is there a conference talk or scripture that references this? Thanks!

Edited by Sunday21
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@Sunday21, Short answer from me (my opinion): I don't think we know for sure.  I don't think we can be entirely certain there are three levels - that is an interpretation of D&C 131:1-4, and some think it is an incorrect interpretation, and that these verses are referring to the Telestial, Terrestrial, and Celestial kingdoms.  (When I read this and D&C 76, it seems that the requirements for the "highest" in 131 match the requirements for the Celestial Kingdom in 76, thus making me wonder.)

My attitude toward the conflicting interpretations is simply that we are commanded to seek the highest degree of glory, and are given sufficient to know how to obtain it, and therefore we have no need to know details about the rest (since we will obtain those simply through failure to obtain more, thus naturally obtaining the highest we were able and willing to attain); we have no excuse not to reach for the highest; and I personally am not bothered by not having more details since I'm confident I already have more than I can live up to, and that I will learn all I'm able and willing to learn, eventually.

Long answer: I suspect we hashed out everything we know, and all our speculations in the following threads started by Zarahemla:



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I see the “final” judgment different than most.   I do not see G-d as a dictator forcing anyone into a situation and circumstance that they do not want or would exercise their Agency to choose.   I see the final judgment more along the lines of a scientific peer review were the discussion of a project is discussed to determine intent and completion.  Thus as we prepare for resurrection into eternal we will review with our Father and Jesus (and others assisting us) the status of our mortal and spirit world probation.  That status review will determine if we have completed all our mortal and spiritual tasks preparatory for resurrection and eternal life. 

Thus I see progression from one state to another in the resurrection as a reflection to some degree of incompleteness or flawed process in determining our resurrection with our Father in Heaven.  For all that arguments I have hears that such is possible – I personally have come to the conclusion that it is unlikely and not worth any practical consideration.


The Traveler

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25 minutes ago, Sunday21 said:

@Traveler So you do not feel that in the celestial kingdom we will progress through thr ranks? I had pictured it more like high school where you learn and progress

I do not see the Celestial Kingdom as a place to enhance our personal glory or position but rather as a means to bring about the immortality and eternal life of others.  I believe that those interested in advancing themselves will find better opportunities for that kind of thing in other Kingdoms.


The Traveler

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25 minutes ago, Traveler said:

I do not see the Celestial Kingdom as a place to enhance our personal glory or position but rather as a means to bring about the immortality and eternal life of others.  I believe that those interested in advancing themselves will find better opportunities for that kind of thing in other Kingdoms.


The Traveler

Thank you.

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7 hours ago, Sunday21 said:

DEar Bros & Sis, can we progress from the bottom to the top of the celestial kingdoM. (Sorry about the caps,) So if you manage to slip in on the basement floor (bargain basement for remnants!) with a dented halo and scabby, dung-coloured wings can you eventually make it to the top. Remedial righteousness 101. Divinity for dummies. If so, is there a conference talk or scripture that references this? Thanks!

I think we cannot advance in righteousness after the resurrection. We obviously advance in other areas and interests within our sphere of righteousness, but not in righteousness and therefore continue in the glory by which our bodies are quickened. I believe the Atonement is sufficient for all God's children to obtain a quickening by the celestial glory, through grace, prior to the resurrection. Those who do and are exalted are those who are willing to receive it on the terms outlined in D&C 76 and 131. In this way, God shows His perfect love for us and also His perfect integrity by not taking back the agency He gave us.

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