The Things Kids Say


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I can't believe I forgot about this.

When my daughter was four, she had a crush on the neighbor boy three doors down, who was also four and so adorable I'm sure he's a heartbreaker today.

Anyway, we were sitting together on the couch talking about him, and I asked her if she was going to marry him.

She said, "Isn't that up to you?"

I said, "Yes. Yes it is."

I still tell her it's up to me, but she doesn't listen to me anymore.


Heh heh...that's really funny Elphie.

On the topic of crushes....

My four year old daughter has a crush on Samuel the Lamanite at the moment.

She's been watching a DVD we received as a Christmas gift.

The crush must have well and truely entered her imagination...

She had a dream the other night that Samuel the Lamanite, his father and brother all came to visit her in her bedroom.

I asked her what he said.

Her response:

"He asked me to be his wife."

"So I'm not gonna marry Daddy anymore...

I'm gonna marry Samuel the Lamanite when I grow up."

I'll have to remind her of that when she is 21!!!

Onyx :D

I think the best one i can remember, a couple years ago, wasn't my kid, but the deacons quorum advisor's kid, i was blessing with another guy that was sporting a beard and wearing sandels (differnt issue i know) but his (DQA) lil girl looked up and the other gent and said "JESUS!" and pointed at him..she was about 2 or 3 at the time and had been learning about Christ.....very hard not to laugh hystaricaly on the stand.....


I remembered this story in sacrament meeting last Sunday.

Have to say that I got a fit of the giggles. :D

Thanks for sharing....Onyx

ok...I've got two more...

I already told the one about Katie and the big T's outside the "turch", right?

So this one happened within the last year as we were driving to church. My son asked me what some signs of the apocalypse are. His little sister (who's 11 mind you) pipes up with.. "Oh! I know! That's when the moon covers the sun!!!" ... close Katie. so close! :)

This one also happened while driving..I must spend my whole life in the car!! ... Well, as we were leaving church when son was in 1st grade and oldest was in 3rd he told me he couldn't remember why he didn't have school the next day and wanted to know which holiday it was. Before I could even really process what he was saying my know-it-all oldest says with such authority in her voice... "duh! It's Martha Stewart Living Day!" I almost crashed and then had to clarify... not Martha Stewart Living Day,honey, but rather Martin Luther King Jr. Day.... yeah. we were watching WAY too much Martha!! :blink:

Your kids are an absolute crack-up Siouxz!!!!


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When she was 3, my daughter had a massive crush on Brian May, guitarist with Queen. I was watching various Queen videos at that time and she 1st seemed to notice Brian whilst he was performing a song called Dragon Attack...afterwards she used to point to him and say Dragon and she carried the inner sleeve of an album of theirs everywhere she went, even to nursery school, because it had a photo of her beloved on it...ahhhhh :)

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When she was 3, my daughter had a massive crush on Brian May, guitarist with Queen. I was watching various Queen videos at that time and she 1st seemed to notice Brian whilst he was performing a song called Dragon Attack...afterwards she used to point to him and say Dragon and she carried the inner sleeve of an album of theirs everywhere she went, even to nursery school, because it had a photo of her beloved on it...ahhhhh :)

Young love!!!! :D

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When she was 3, my daughter had a massive crush on Brian May, guitarist with Queen. I was watching various Queen videos at that time and she 1st seemed to notice Brian whilst he was performing a song called Dragon Attack...afterwards she used to point to him and say Dragon and she carried the inner sleeve of an album of theirs everywhere she went, even to nursery school, because it had a photo of her beloved on it...ahhhhh :)

Awwwww, Pushka, please give your "baby" a :bighug: from me for that one. The thought of a little three-year-old carrying the inner sleeve of an album cover every where just tugs at my heart strings. :wub:

Did you take a photo of her with it? I really hope so!


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<div class='quotemain'>When she was 3, my daughter had a massive crush on Brian May, guitarist with Queen. I was watching various Queen videos at that time and she 1st seemed to notice Brian whilst he was performing a song called Dragon Attack...afterwards she used to point to him and say Dragon and she carried the inner sleeve of an album of theirs everywhere she went, even to nursery school, because it had a photo of her beloved on it...ahhhhh :)

Awwwww, Pushka, please give your "baby" a :bighug: from me for that one. The thought of a little three-year-old carrying the inner sleeve of an album cover every where just tugs at my heart strings. :wub:

Did you take a photo of her with it? I really hope so!


I don't think we took a photo of her with it intentionally, however I have a sneaking feeling that somewhere amongst our family photos and videos, it may appear!!

I will give her that hug...she reminds me of myself...obsessed! lol. :D

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Alrighty...This is my absolutely favorite story about my now 14 year old son. Those of you know know me know that he is adorable and could quite arguably be the best son in the whole wide world! :sparklygrin:

I learned that he was very special while he was still quite young. His thinking has never been "inside the box" but very much outside of it.'s always been very fun to see how his little mind works!

In California they start to show the "growing up" videos in 4th grade. Bryan skipped 3rd grade so saw the first video when he was 8. His older sister was in 5th grade and had somehow missed the movie the year before. Anyway, they get in to the car after school and I ask them how their days were and what did they learn from the videos watched. Ivy, bless her little heart...says, "Mommy! I've got eggs in my ovaries!!" and then there's my son... my wonderful little boy... "Testicles! Mom! That's a really funny word! I used it as much as I could this afternoon!"

Yup! That's my boy!! :) more Bryan story.. if you can..picture a little pudgy Opie Taylor...that was my boy!

This one happened when he was 5 or 6. We were at the beach with my mom and he asked if we could go for a walk to look for shells. So off we go hand in hand, just me and my little man! Strolling under the pier he finds a little bitty sand dollar and is very happy with his little self. That is until mommy comes in and says "oh! let me see!" and sticks her thumb right in to the middle of it, breaking the dollar. I was very sorry and he says.."It's okay, mom. Let's just go jump in the waves". So, off we head to jump in the waves. He puts his little bucket of shells down right next to him and is having a blast when a big little wave comes in and knocks his bucket over!! ack! We scramble to get all the shells gathered back up and now he just wants to go back and sit with grandma so we start to head back. We walked along in silence for a couple of minutes when he stops dead in his tracks and says with such consternation and exasperation in his little voice... "Great! Just great!" I say, "what is it honey?" and here's where it get's good. His reply? "First, you broke my sand dollar! Then the waves knock over my bucket! if my day couldn't get ANY worse.. now I've got the hiccups!!" I'm sorry to say my reaction wasn't very mommy-like.. I tipped my head back and laughed and laughed to which he replied... "gah! And why do adults always laugh at what I say?!"

it's cuz yer funny Bryan...really really funny! :)

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so the cats out of the bag. i went to the dr the other day for my first ob visit. we were going to wait as long as we could to tell anyone, but yesterday... lol.

my 6 yr old went poking around my room and found my ultrasound pic i had on the dresser from my apt. he comes running to me with it in hand. "mommy, i found this scan picture. are we having a baby?!!" so he and i sat down and talked about it, i told him that is why i've been feeling sick and that i needed his help.

so this morning i was throwing up and our 5 yr old goes running to his brother, "mommy is sick" i hear them talking in the next room as the 6 yr old explains to the 5 yr old lol that "mommy isn't sick she has a baby in her tummy. that is why she is sending us away to the farm."

they are going to visit my sis (who has a farm) for the weekend, we had this planned before i knew i was expecting. not sure where the connection came from but he sure made it sound like they were going away for a long time. lol

so over breakfast the 5 yr old had to explain to me that he knew why i was sick and told me all about the baby.

not sure how much longer it will be before the whole town knows at this rate. lol i'm sure the family will know before the weekend is over.

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so the cats out of the bag. i went to the dr the other day for my first ob visit. we were going to wait as long as we could to tell anyone, but yesterday... lol.

my 6 yr old went poking around my room and found my ultrasound pic i had on the dresser from my apt. he comes running to me with it in hand. "mommy, i found this scan picture. are we having a baby?!!" so he and i sat down and talked about it, i told him that is why i've been feeling sick and that i needed his help.

so this morning i was throwing up and our 5 yr old goes running to his brother, "mommy is sick" i hear them talking in the next room as the 6 yr old explains to the 5 yr old lol that "mommy isn't sick she has a baby in her tummy. that is why she is sending us away to the farm."

they are going to visit my sis (who has a farm) for the weekend, we had this planned before i knew i was expecting. not sure where the connection came from but he sure made it sound like they were going away for a long time. lol

so over breakfast the 5 yr old had to explain to me that he knew why i was sick and told me all about the baby.

not sure how much longer it will be before the whole town knows at this rate. lol i'm sure the family will know before the weekend is over.

HAHAHA!!! ROFL...that's the best story!!! :sparklygrin:

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My son has turned 13.

He is beginning to experience all of the expected physical changes.

We were talking about some of the changes he is going through and some that are yet to come.

He understands that all of these are part and parcel of becoming a man.

Being manly is very important to him.

He proudly showed me his arm pits to illustrate his new found manliness.

I looked very hard....strained my eyes in fact.

Sure enough I spotted a very sparse scattering of tiny blonde hairs.

There amongst these questionable manly hairs was one single, long black hair.

My son said to me:

"He's my big one mum, and I'm very proud of him!"

Yes,... I kept a very straight face.

Nodded my head in great awe and wonderment.

Then said "He's a beauty son."


(edited for spelling)

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My son has turned 13.

He is beginning to experience all of the expected physical changes.

We were talking about some of the changes he is going through and some that are yet to come.

He understands that all of these are part and parcel of becoming a man.

Being manly is very important to him.

He proudly showed me his arm pits to illustrate his new found manliness.

I looked very hard....strained my eyes in fact.

Sure enough I spotted a very sparse scattering of tiny blonde hairs.

There amongst these questionable manly hairs was one single, long black hair.

My son said to me:

"He's my big one mum, and I'm very proud of him!"

Yes,... I kept a very straight face.

Nodded my head in great awe and wonderment.

Then said "He's a beauty son."


(edited for spelling)

taaahahahahaha!! :rofl: I can't see how you kept a straight face! That's always my down fall... I just start cracking up!

A couple of nights ago I was cooking dinner with my 16 yo daughter who likes her pasta with butter not sauce. So she pulls out a stick of butter and says with pure confusion in her voice... "mom. where's the real butter i say..."it's in your hand." she says "no, the REAL butter. you know...the I Can't Believe It's Not Butter.." (it's a margarine/spread here in the US) I say.."that's NOT butter, that's margarine. What you have in your hand is the butter." she's still full of confusion and is all.."but it IS butter." I again lovingly say... "No, it's NOT butter that's why it's called I Can't Believe It's Not Butter. Because it tastes so much like butter, people can't believe it. see?" She then gets that omygoshigetit look and says "ooooooh". I couldn't help but laugh! and then I called my mom to tell her the story :)

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All of our children went/are going through the same Christian preschool. Then, with kindergarten, they're attending a public school. This year our youngest (Hosanna) started her preschool. She's three. Our oldest (7) says to Hosanna, "Your school is very special. They teach you about God, and you get to go to chapel there."

We told this to the preschool teachers and the director, and they almost had tears in their eyes. Sigh...if we just could conjur up $15K a year, I'd put all three through private Christian school. Ah well...we try to make up at home/church. :-)

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All of our children went/are going through the same Christian preschool. Then, with kindergarten, they're attending a public school. This year our youngest (Hosanna) started her preschool. She's three. Our oldest (7) says to Hosanna, "Your school is very special. They teach you about God, and you get to go to chapel there."

We told this to the preschool teachers and the director, and they almost had tears in their eyes. Sigh...if we just could conjur up $15K a year, I'd put all three through private Christian school. Ah well...we try to make up at home/church. :-)

How totally awesome that she is completely aware of the difference PC.

We did it the other way around.

My son went to public primary (elementary) school.

Then we enrolled him in an excellent Anglican school for High School.

It is tough financially and my husband had to take a second job.

However, we are so thrilled with the atmosphere he is in daily.

He is encouraged to develop his personal relationship with Christ in a school that promotes how cool that is.

We are happy with our choice and he is absolutely loving it.

The kids are not only Anglican...they are from a cross-section of christian and non-christian denominations.

They have a subject called 'Christian Living' each week that helps them see the christain context to life.

They also have Chapel each week with great christian bands.

He has now developed a real love for this genre of music and prefers it to 'harder' stuff.

He is very comfortable with his school environment, so much so that he enrolled himself in a voluntary Bible study group that runs on Friday lunchtimes.

He is learning that beliefs differ and that it is important to respect those differences.

He is learning more about other christian denominations than he would have in a public school.

He is also learning more about LDS beliefs than he would have at this stage in his life.

This is because he comes home with questions and wants to know the LDS 'take' on things.

This I am really happy's a great education for him.

Fortunately for us the fees are only about $5000 aussie dollars.

If it was as expensive as the fees you have there we wouldn't be able to do it.

We feel blessed for sure!


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Yesterday, my family and I were sitting and eating lunch when I asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” to my five year old son. He quickly said, “I still want to be a policeman!” I said, “Then you mother is going to be sad.” He asked, “Why?” I said, “Because it is a dangerous job.” He looked at me quizzically. “They have to go out at catch the bad guys and sometimes they have guns,” I continued. “They have guns?” he asked. I said, “Some of them have big guns” wide eyed. He sat there and pondered this for a minute. He said, “I want to be a fireman then.” I then went into the dangers of that profession too. In the end he came to the idea of becoming a doctor or a dentist. I turned to my three year old son and asked him, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” He sat and thought then asked, “Bad guys have big guns dad?” I said “Yes” happy he understood the danger. He nodded his head and said, “I want to be a bad guy.”

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My husband teaches a couple of night classes.

This is in addition to his full-time day job.

To fit it all in, he marks student papers in the evenings.

Sometimes he skips some of our family TV shows to do this.

Anyway, my four-year-old daughter woke from her nap the other day and announced:

"Mummy, I'm gonna become a husband!"

I said:

"Wow! Why do you want to become a husband?"

Her response:

"So that I can mark Daddy's papers for him and then he can watch 'Australian Idol'!"

Bless her little heart!!!!

Needless to say, my husband was VERY touched with her thoughtfulness.


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About a month ago my wife was called to serve as Primary President in our Branch. Yesterday a little girl in primary comes up to her and says to my wife..."I need to speak with you in Private". My wife says ok and they go outside in the hallway and the girl whispers in her ear..."May I sing by myself a special song next week"?? My wife said...that would be wonderful, sure you can do that. The girl then says"Don't tell anyone till next week. I thought that was funny when she shared this with me.

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We are presently gearing up for a Federal election here in Australia.

The current Prime Minister is John Howard (Liberal Party).

His main opponent is Kevin Rudd (Labour Party).

As always, there is a lot of media coverage.

My 4 year old daughter saw a news flash with Kevin Rudd campaigning.

She came into the kitchen and said:

"Mum I just saw Kevin Rudd on TV, who is he?

I explained that Kevin Rudd and John Howard are having a competitiion at the moment.

They both want to be the 'boss' of Australia, so they are trying to get people to vote for them.

I said:

"John Howard is the boss right now and Kevin Rudd wants his job."

"So, they are both talking to people to try to get them to like them and choose them for the job."

"It's kinda like Australian Idol, where people vote for their favourite (this she totally understood)."

Then I said to her:

"Who do you think you would vote for sweetheart?"

Kevin Rudd or John Howard?"

Her classic reply:

"Oh Mum, I'd vote for Presidenty Hinckley coz he's more specialer!"


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We are presently gearing up for a Federal election here in Australia.

The current Prime Minister is John Howard (Liberal Party).

His main opponent is Kevin Rudd (Labour Party).

As always, there is a lot of media coverage.

My 4 year old daughter saw a news flash with Kevin Rudd campaigning.

She came into the kitchen and said:

"Mum I just saw Kevin Rudd on TV, who is he?

I explained that Kevin Rudd and John Howard are having a competitiion at the moment.

They both want to be the 'boss' of Australia, so they are trying to get people to vote for them.

I said:

"John Howard is the boss right now and Kevin Rudd wants his job."

"So, they are both talking to people to try to get them to like them and choose them for the job."

"It's kinda like Australian Idol, where people vote for their favourite (this she totally understood)."

Then I said to her:

"Who do you think you would vote for sweetheart?"

Kevin Rudd or John Howard?"

Her classic reply:

"Oh Mum, I'd vote for Presidenty Hinckley coz he's more specialer!"


Awww how sweet onyx :) unfortanetly my little girl is only cooing rght now. Ive got a while before I hear things like that. :)

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