Mission help ASAP

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I'm just about to graduate high school and am planning on going on a mission. I have finished filling out almost all of the mission paper work, but have a few hold ups. I have had some sins that are of sexual nature a month or so ago, and was wondering if it will postpone my mission paper turn in. I want to turn it in in 30 days, but now I'm worried. I do not want to let down parents or friends who look up to me, but I know it is a problem. I know I need to talk to Bishop but I just want to understand what it is going to look like for me. Thanks

Edited by Futuremissionary54
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I would go to the Bishop ASAP.  If you carry unrepented sins onto your mission, the guilt you feel now will balloon so big that life will be unmanageable.  It just isn't worth it, especially if it is something relatively minor that could have been fixed easily beforehand (e.g., self stimulation).

As far as what others think, who cares?  You are now probably 18 years old, a legal adult.  Your worthiness, your mission, and your repentance is not anyone else's business but your own.  If anyone tries to shame you or make you feel stupid because you are trying to repent, well they need to back off.  Do what you need to do, and don't worry about what anyone else thinks.

Edited by DoctorLemon
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4 hours ago, Futuremissionary54 said:

I'm just about to graduate high school and am planning on going on a mission. I have finished filling out almost all of the mission paper work, but have a few hold ups. I have had some sins that are of sexual nature a month or so ago, and was wondering if it will postpone my mission paper turn in. I want to turn it in in 30 days, but now I'm worried. I do not want to let down parents or friends who look up to me, but I know it is a problem. I know I need to talk to Bishop but I just want to understand what it is going to look like for me. Thanks

We can't tell you what it is going to look like, because we are not your bishop, and sins of a "sexual nature" can cover a lot of ground.  The range of responses can be from total disqualification of missionary service to your bishop telling you to simply stop and not do it again.


We can tell you what it would be like if you don't confess...  You would serve unworthily and your doubt would sap your ability to serve, until you confess and make it right.  And that can be more costly out in the field. And you still have the fall out of letting down your parents or friends.

So as the song says... "Do what is right and let the consequence follow" whatever those might be


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5 hours ago, Futuremissionary54 said:

was wondering if it will postpone my mission paper turn in

The longer you postpone talking to the bishop, the more likely it is to postpone your mission papers.

Whatever else is true - delay is bad.  Do not delay in doing what's right.  Repentance is right.  Getting help from the one person in your life whose purpose it is to help apply the Atonement (your bishop) is right.  Go do what's right, without delay!  Learning to do what's right without delay is part of the purpose of this life, so get started today - call the Executive Secretary and get an appointment - it's the best possible choice, the easiest possible way, and will lead as quickly as possible to the best possible result.

PS: Welcome to the forums!  I'm glad you're here, and grateful for your desire to serve a mission and willingness to repent. :)

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My BIL thought he was good to go.  He had cleared everything with the bishop.  Then the week he was supposed to leave, he messed up.  It delayed the departure by several months.  Yes, there was disappointment.  But there was a lot of love and understanding.  The main thing was that we all knew that he was repentant and was disappointed in himself much more than any of us would ever be.  So, we just loved and supported him.

When he returned from his mission 2 years later, his mission president wrote a letter to his parents saying:


If all missionaries had been and were and ever would be like unto Elder xxxx, the very powers of hell would be shaken forever.

He went on to express that he was not being humorous or cheesy.  He was dead serious.  That was how impressed he was with him.

Go through some tough times now.  Depend on the Lord.  There will be dividends later on.

Also keep in mind that not every sexual sin is an automatic disqualifier for a mission (See Doc Lemon's comment).  But even if it is serious enough, repentance is always the better choice.  Always.

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The following quotation comes from the Sunday morning session conference talk by Sister Linda S Reeves, 2nd Counsellor in the Relief Society General Presidency, last October. She tells the story of two missionaries, one who repented before he commenced his mission, and the other who did not.  https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2016/10/the-great-plan-of-redemption?lang=eng 

I also recommend that you prayerfully read Elder Renlund's talk from the Sunday afternoon session. https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2016/10/repentance-a-joyful-choice?lang=eng

When I served with my husband as he presided over a mission, we went to the airport to pick up a large group of missionaries one morning. One particular young man caught our eye. He seemed sad, weighed down, almost distraught. We watched him carefully that afternoon. By evening, this young man made a belated confession, and his leaders determined that he needed to return home. Although we were very sad that he had been dishonest and had not repented before coming on his mission, on the way to the airport we sincerely and lovingly praised him for having the courage to come forward, and we pledged to stay in close contact with him.

This great young man was blessed to have wonderful parents, great priesthood leaders, and a supportive, loving ward. After a year of working hard to fully repent and partake of the Savior’s Atonement, he was able to return to our mission. It is difficult for me to describe the feelings of joy we felt as we picked up this young man from the airport. He was full of the Spirit, happy, confident before the Lord, and anxious to fulfill a faithful mission. He became an outstanding missionary, and later my husband and I had the privilege of attending his temple sealing.

By contrast, I’m aware of another missionary who, knowing her unconfessed sin from before her mission would surely cause her to be sent home early, made her own plan to work extra hard during her mission and confess to the mission president just days before completing her mission. She lacked godly sorrow and tried to circumvent the plan that our loving Savior has offered each one of us.



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You might also want to consider sending a personal message to another new member of this forum. He goes by the name of hzdbl5. He was recently released as a bishop after five years. He holds no keys concerning you, and is unable to receive inspiration for you as he could for the members of his ward when he was bishop, but he does have the wisdom and experience that comes from being a bishop for five years. Its quite possible that he has helped many young men prepare for their missions, and equally possible that he has helped and counselled young men in a similar situation as yourself. To send him a personal message, click on his name below, and a small pop-up screen should open up. In the bottom right hand corner of the screen, click on Message. 

Be strong, have courage and exercise faith.


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5 hours ago, Futuremissionary54 said:

Thank you all for the comments and help. Thank you for the talks and scripture to study. I went in and talked to him today and am back on track. Way easier than I thought it was going to be to talk with him. Things are looking upward! :)

Good Man! Proud of you! ?

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11 hours ago, Futuremissionary54 said:

Way easier than I thought it was going to be to talk with him. Things are looking upward! :)

It only seems hard because of our fear and pride. It only seems easy because of His atonement. It wasn't so easy for Him. 

(New Testament | Luke 22:44)
44  And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.

Just something to keep in mind, and to share with others while on your mission. 

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