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So this weekend I decided to grow a beard. Then today I noticed that there was some grey in it. I thought a little of that beard/mustache dye thingy would do the trick, so I got some and put it on tonight. However, the beard was so short, most of the coloring just went on my skin.

After waiting the requisite minutes I rinsed it all off to find that my face looked like some one had painted on a charcol goatee and mustache. Water wouldn't rinse it off. Soap wouldn't take it off, nor would baby oil for facial scrub.... and I gotta go to work tomorrow.

Twenty minutes scrubing in the shower and about 5 layers less of skin and I think I'm presentable for the morrow - barely.

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So this weekend I decided to grow a beard. Then today I noticed that there was some grey in it. I thought a little of that beard/mustache dye thingy would do the trick, so I got some and put it on tonight. However, the beard was so short, most of the coloring just went on my skin.

After waiting the requisite minutes I rinsed it all off to find that my face looked like some one had painted on a charcol goatee and mustache. Water wouldn't rinse it off. Soap wouldn't take it off, nor would baby oil for facial scrub.... and I gotta go to work tomorrow.

Twenty minutes scrubing in the shower and about 5 layers less of skin and I think I'm presentable for the morrow - barely.


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It looked horrid. And to make it worse, when he sweat some of it ran, kind of like mascara...

Thank you - I am so encouraged. ;)

Six you shouldn't have told him. The image of "mascara" running down his chin would be priceless.

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hee hee hee! Poor Snow!!

I used to work with a guy who tried to dye his very salt and pepper gray hair brown... it turned purple!

edited for spelling

Was his name Barney??

I'm sorry, really, I'm really, really sorry...

lol! no..it was... ummm... gosh! i forgot! but i remember the purple hair! and his wife's name was Ginger. like on Gilligan's Island. but she was a short blonde, not a tall red head. Mark!! that was his name! man...sometimes i even amaze myself!

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Man I am at that stage too where the greys are showing up in my goatee. I am afraid if I dye it it will be too dark and people will just laugh and think I look stupid. Maybe I should shave it off and let it grow back in while dying it. Oh wait that is what you did snow and I don't want a black chin, hmmmm.

I decided last night that I don't want to be Santa. So I shaved it off. I think I look about 10 years younger, and my wife LOVES!!!!! it. :blush:
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lol! no..it was... ummm... gosh! i forgot! but i remember the purple hair! and his wife's name was Ginger. like on Gilligan's Island. but she was a short blonde, not a tall red head. Mark!! that was his name! man...sometimes i even amaze myself!

Hmmm! Another one. Too bad. The memory is always the first thing to go. :closedeyes:

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