Girl chokes on fidget spinner part


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I read this article expecting some baby or toddler, not a 10-year-old.

I found myself shaking my head as I read it. I don't hate these things, but as a teacher they sure are annoying and there is no medical evidence these promote attention. 

But what does it say about our society when your 10-year-old is putting stuff in her mouth and you're posting in on social media looking for condolences and the opportunity to create some crazy cautionary tale?



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3 minutes ago, Backroads said:

I read this article expecting some baby or toddler, not a 10-year-old.

I found myself shaking my head as I read it. I don't hate these things, but as a teacher they sure are annoying and there is no medical evidence these promote attention. 

But what does it say about our society when your 10-year-old is putting stuff in her mouth and you're posting in on social media looking for condolences and the opportunity to create some crazy cautionary tale?





About that fidget spinner... the pen helicopter thingee and the coin rolling thingee were huge in the Philippines in the 80's.  I could do forward and reverse thumb spins on my very own modified papermate pen!  About it promoting attention - depends on the kid.  I'm a fidgeter - restless leg.  It didn't matter if I was spinning a pen, my leg would still unconsciously bass drum.  I don't see any relationship between my attention span and my pen spinning or restless leg.  Of course, my leg would just start going without me being conscious I'm doing it... so I guess if I have to stop my leg from shaking, I'll have to put conscious effort to keep my leg still which would probably affect my attention span.  I don't know. 

I do know a friend of mine who can't sit still - he has to walk around after a few minutes so he doesn't jump out of his skin.  He was the expert pen spinner in my class.  He doesn't walk out of class as much after he learned pen spinning.


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  • 2 weeks later...

We have several of them. They're just something to have in your hand, and it's a fad that I'm sure will go away soon enough.  But it seems they are going all out, since you can find them pretty much everywhere, from 7-11 to the grocery store to the mall kiosk.  One had the middle thing unscrew and I can see how you can easily swallow it.  It's been a while since we had a universal fad, and I am happy to see America come together for something.

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Back when I was in High School - 1966-1970 and beyond there was the worry rock. They were too big to stick in your mouth. Google it to see what they looked like. The thing was you went and hunted one down, not buy it. Since I lived in the Ballard area of Seattle, I went to Carkeek Park and walked along the waters edge until I found several that would work.

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