New Jerusalem Temple

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Hi. Could it transpire that the temple to be one day built in New Jerusalem won't actually be built on the site of the Temple Lot?  Maybe if the saints in Joseph Smith's day had been more faithful it would have been built on the site of the Temple Lot, but God has another site now in mind. Could be.

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On ‎5‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 11:04 AM, richard7900 said:

Hi. Could it transpire that the temple to be one day built in New Jerusalem won't actually be built on the site of the Temple Lot?  Maybe if the saints in Joseph Smith's day had been more faithful it would have been built on the site of the Temple Lot, but God has another site now in mind. Could be.


If one is to look at the initial city plan that was in the possession of Joseph Smith concerning the city of Zion; one will realize that the plan was not for a single temple but a complex of many temples (I am trying to remember the number – perhaps 28 temples).  The first of the temples was to be built on the site that is now called the temple lot and the other – the plots for the remaining temples in the complex to be acquired and dedicated later.  As I recall much of the property was not owned by the church at the time and the temple complex plan was somewhat of a contention with some of the Missouri residents that did not want to sell their property to the “Mormons”.   In response – some of the Mormons suggested that G-d would intervein and take the property and that there was nothing that would stop the Mormon take over.

I do not think we need to worry about how or when G-d will accomplish his intentions.  I do not think it wise to try to force G-d’s hand and to get him started making good on his promises.   The temple will be build when, where and how G-d wants it to be built.  And if he wants any help – he will command those that serve him.  But I do not think we need to look at such things wondering when it will come about that G-d will serve us according to how we have figured out that it will be.


The Traveler

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23 hours ago, Sunday21 said:

@Traveler. Joseph Smith considered having multiple temples in Missouri? Wow! Reflecting on the early saint's ragged and often desperate wandering and expulsions is sobering. Makes me realize that life is often not what you plan!

Traveler may or may not be misinterpreting this.  The "temples" as I understood them was somewhat figurative.  When we speak of BYU, we say that each of the class buildings were "Temples of Learning".  In the same vein, these additional temples were other associated buildings.  But not necessarily a place to obtain our endowments or receive sealing ordinances.

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