Patriarchal Blessings


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While no one has been urging me to get a Patriarchal Blessing, it is more of an inspiration that it is time to do this. Of course you know that I am going to do it because it is inspired and that's where my heart is.

I don't know that much about Patriarchal Blessings and the importance of same. Is there a time when it is more important to get one?

What kind of information is in a Patriarchal Blessing?

From what the Official LDS Church site states, a Patriarchal Blessing will not tell you what to do like get married, raise a family, become a teacher or a railroad engineer...etc.

But it seems to be a form of divine personal counsel for your life?

If the patriarch decides what tribe I belong to will he simply pull out a form for that tribe and give that to me as a Patriarchal Blessing?

I have some concerns about fasting before I go. I will have to travel to get there and I don't want to be thinking of nothing but food while I'm getting a Patriarchal Blessing.

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Lots of questions, where to start? I'll tackle the last first.

If you're fasting just to go without food, you're not doing it right or for the right reasons. Rethink your reasons for fasting before you do it. You need to be receiving the blessing for the right reasons, and fasting before just to be hungry is not the right reason.

As for the tribe designation, he doesn't just pull a name out of a hat, he receives revelation as to what tribe of Isreal you are either part of or will be adopted to. There is no form, he simply declares which tribe you are to be assigned to, by way of revelation from God. You don't need to go home and do a lot of studying and preparation to join that tribe. Just know that that is the one you will be with. Some blood family members will sometimes be declared to be from different tribes, this is not abnormal and not a mistake.

A patriarchal blessing is personal revelation directed to you from God through your Patriarch. It can be used as a roadmap or as a guide to help you make righteous decisons. The Patriarch may see things, hear things, or be prompted in other ways as to what he says during the blessing. Some are different for different people who may be currently in different stages of life. Don't be discouraged because something contained in it seems impossible. Some things will not come to fruition in this life, but are meant for the post-earth life. The blessings promised are contigent upon your actons to remain close to the Lord. Sometimes profound truths are to be found, things you had not realized before. I had one of those truths given to me that I really hadn't thought about before, but in light of the Plan of Salvation, it makes perfect sense.

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The purpose of the Patriarchal blessing is to set long-term individual goals by revelation. For instance, your blessing may tell you to ready yourself for missionary work and serve a full-time mission. It may tell you to devote much time to family issues, that this will be of great importance to you. It may warn you of particular areas to pay special attention to in your life.

The blessing should not be understood as a prediciton, but as counsel. Only by the implementation of which will you receive the blessings associated thereto.


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john doe: Thank you for clearing up that fasting thing. Now that I have started talking about this Patriarchal Blessing, I have become somewhat of a nervous emotional wreck and everything that was on my mind when I started this thread has just flown out the window. It's as though I have stepped into another dimension.

I know that in the past that I have had some grit about Patriarchal Blessings but it seems to evade me now.

Maybe I just need to wind down for a while.

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While no one has been urging me to get a Patriarchal Blessing, it is more of an inspiration that it is time to do this. Of course you know that I am going to do it because it is inspired and that's where my heart is.

I don't know that much about Patriarchal Blessings and the importance of same. Is there a time when it is more important to get one?

What kind of information is in a Patriarchal Blessing?

From what the Official LDS Church site states, a Patriarchal Blessing will not tell you what to do like get married, raise a family, become a teacher or a railroad engineer...etc.

But it seems to be a form of divine personal counsel for your life?

If the patriarch decides what tribe I belong to will he simply pull out a form for that tribe and give that to me as a Patriarchal Blessing?

I have some concerns about fasting before I go. I will have to travel to get there and I don't want to be thinking of nothing but food while I'm getting a Patriarchal Blessing.

Hi Annabelli,

Sounds like you have already had a look at the church website.

That being the case, you might already have read what I am going to recommend.

There are a couple of helpful articles at the following links:;hideNav=true#1

Also, having a chat to your Bishop about your questions and concerns would be good too.

It's part of his job to help you prepare and give you the information you need.

I remember the day I received my blessing - pretty special.


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I think that my early concerns about Patriarchal Blessings and Patriarchs was an article that was written about the GA who chose a Patriarch that was not a likely prospect by that Stake. And the GA then decided that Stake Presidents would call Patriarchs. I'm sure it was something right. I just didn't understand the reason.

Some Missionaries had told us that there could be curses attached to Patriarchal Blessings but I'm not sure what they meant at the time. Are there certain responsibilities that you should fulfill with a Patriarchal Blessings?

Thank you for the sites onyx. I read them and I am sure that I will reread them again. They are reassuring as to the importance of Patriarchal Blessings. I was just caught off balance by all of this.

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Patriarchal blessings are among the most special counsel to you from Heavenly Father.

I received mine in March of this year, and my life has improved so much since then.

I've learned so many things about my future, about some things that He has laid out for me...callings, responsibilties, etc...

BUT, things contained within a patriarchal blessing will only come to pass by YOUR righteousness.

In your patriarchal blessing, it's basically Him speaking to you, offering His divine guidance for your life, and what things He sees fit to inform you on.

Many things He has for you to know, won't at all come right away...not at all. :) It will take many a day of prayerful and sincere consideration of it's words...and what it could hold. I can't just look at my p.b., and gain some revelation from it...not like that - it is something personal and special when you realize a truth contained within, and it is confirmed by the Holy Ghost.

Don't worry about getting it...just make sure you are worthy and able to understand what is in it. ;)

It will be His divine inspiration for your will be very special to you, if it is taken seriously. It is a sacred is your Heavenly Father talking directly to you, treat it as such. There is so much to learn from a patriarchal blessing, and it can be frustrating to wonder when will it be fulfilled...if not this life, when? And all things that go along with that pondering.

To prepare for it, I suggest you perhaps look in Church manuals or productions...(Teachings of Presidents of the Church, Gospel Principles, etc...), as well as just do some reading on the Tribes of Israel, learn what you can.

and important also is to counsel with family and your local Bishop, ask all the questions you have, and also pray to be comforted. He will answer...and He will make known what He has to say for you, in the blessing.

Best wishes. Keep us updated. :)

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a blessing does a few things. It is both instruction, and a personal prophecy.

it tells you which line you are a decendant from

things you should do/look out for

and, most exitedly in my opinion, what will happen to you in the future if you live a good life. Some are as simple as telling you about your future marriage, while another prophecy may say some very specific things.

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<div class='quotemain'>

it tells you which line you are a decendant from

Not necessarily. Most of the world is not directly descended from the 12 tribes of Isreal. It is a pronouncement of tribal assignment, not direct lineage.

Hey JD,

Can you clarify that for me? I always thought that it was direct descendancy, even though most of us are mutts and probably have more than one tribe in our lineage...


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<div class='quotemain'>

<div class='quotemain'>

it tells you which line you are a decendant from

Not necessarily. Most of the world is not directly descended from the 12 tribes of Isreal. It is a pronouncement of tribal assignment, not direct lineage.

Hey JD,

Can you clarify that for me? I always thought that it was direct descendancy, even though most of us are mutts and probably have more than one tribe in our lineage...


I think you're onto what my answer is. I'll try to muddle through it from the top of my head and see if it makes any sense to you. Most members of the church, especially those with European ancestry, are probably mutts. We likely have the blood traces of more than one tribe in us. But by now, that blood would be highly diluted, it would be near impossible to track everyone to a dominant tribe, if there were even any traces left at all. How would you choose which tribe to be part of?

What about Asians, many of whom probably have little, if any, Isrealite blood in them? How do you proclaim their tribe? How do you account for the misguided claim of anti's who claim the BoM is false because there is no evidence of Isrealite dna in native peoples in Central and South America.? I don't know much about all of the tribes and the people with African origins, but I woiuld guess there is a possibility that many of them, especially those in the central and southern portions of the continent, likely would have no Isrealite blood in them. What about the aborigines of Australia?

Those people whose Isrealite ancestry is muddled or non-existent are adopted into Isrealite tribes as the Lord sees fit, similar to the way those of non-Abrahamic ancestry who join the church are adopted into the fold.

Disclaimer: Some of my information as to the tribes and origins may be incorrect, but those are my current understandings at this time without looking anything up. If you have more or better information, I invite you to correct me.

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I found this quote by Brigham Young to be interesting:

“All I have to do is keep my spirit, feelings and conscience like a sheet of blank paper, and let the Spirit and power of God write upon it what He pleases. When He writes, I will read; but if I read before He writes, I am very likely to be wrong."

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Hi there, im new here :)

ive just come back from to the church after about 3 years of inactivity, im so much stronger now in the church than i ever have been.

i would really love to get a blessing. i know you have to be worthy, but does one need to speak to their bishop/president to organise to recieive a blessing?

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Hi there, im new here :)

ive just come back from to the church after about 3 years of inactivity, im so much stronger now in the church than i ever have been.

i would really love to get a blessing. i know you have to be worthy, but does one need to speak to their bishop/president to organise to recieive a blessing?

Yes. An appointment must be set

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While no one has been urging me to get a Patriarchal Blessing, it is more of an inspiration that it is time to do this. Of course you know that I am going to do it because it is inspired and that's where my heart is.

I don't know that much about Patriarchal Blessings and the importance of same. Is there a time when it is more important to get one?

What kind of information is in a Patriarchal Blessing?

From what the Official LDS Church site states, a Patriarchal Blessing will not tell you what to do like get married, raise a family, become a teacher or a railroad engineer...etc.

But it seems to be a form of divine personal counsel for your life?

If the patriarch decides what tribe I belong to will he simply pull out a form for that tribe and give that to me as a Patriarchal Blessing?

I have some concerns about fasting before I go. I will have to travel to get there and I don't want to be thinking of nothing but food while I'm getting a Patriarchal Blessing.

Patriarchal Blessings are spiritual in nature - I have found that many on the forum do not understand their spiritual nature and even fear it. Because of the fear of our spirital nature, it is hard to draw conclusions related to physical experience from the blessing.

Fasting, by the way, is also a spiritual exercise - I am sorry to hear that your efforts at fasting have produced only thought of food - which again relates only to the physical. I really do not know what to tell you in concern that you are so drawn to physical experiences.

The Traveler

Hi there, im new here :)

ive just come back from to the church after about 3 years of inactivity, im so much stronger now in the church than i ever have been.

i would really love to get a blessing. i know you have to be worthy, but does one need to speak to their bishop/president to organise to recieive a blessing?

I would encourage you to think less about worthiness (which tends to look backwards) and think more about being prepared (which tends to look forward). If you have not already, start now and prepare yourself in every way you can for your blessing - preparing will make a difference.

The Traveler

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Hi there, im new here :)

ive just come back from to the church after about 3 years of inactivity, im so much stronger now in the church than i ever have been.

i would really love to get a blessing. i know you have to be worthy, but does one need to speak to their bishop/president to organise to recieive a blessing?

Yes, you need to get a recommend from your bishop/branch president, then make an appointment with your stake patriarch.

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  • 2 months later...

Patriarchal Blessing

I scheduled a Patriarchal Blessing. I had a lot of concerns as to what it might be or might not be. I did understand that a patriarchal blessing is eternal, and its promises may extend into the eternities. I believe that my concerns were about the standards and quality of my life and if I am doing those things as inspired by the Lord.

Our Patriarch is a very formal person and he was pleasant and trusting. He is very dedicated to his calling. I was surprised and impressed as to how much he knew about me. The interview was more of a conversation led by the Patriarch. When he began the Blessing, I knew that it was the first time that he was viewing it by the exclamations that he used as he spoke. There were details in the Blessing that were very pertinent to me and linger in my thoughts.

My advice for anyone who has questions about Patriarchal Blessings is to read the articles on,, ask your Bishop to explain it further, and only accept counsel from LDS Members in good standing. Don’t rob your experience by reading online Patriarchal Blessing written by ex-members, excommunicated ones or anti-Mormons…etc.

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Patriarchal Blessing

I scheduled a Patriarchal Blessing. I had a lot of concerns as to what it might be or might not be. I did understand that a patriarchal blessing is eternal, and its promises may extend into the eternities. I believe that my concerns were about the standards and quality of my life and if I am doing those things as inspired by the Lord.

Our Patriarch is a very formal person and he was pleasant and trusting. He is very dedicated to his calling. I was surprised and impressed as to how much he knew about me. The interview was more of a conversation led by the Patriarch. When he began the Blessing, I knew that it was the first time that he was viewing it by the exclamations that he used as he spoke. There were details in the Blessing that were very pertinent to me and linger in my thoughts.

My advice for anyone who has questions about Patriarchal Blessings is to read the articles on,, ask your Bishop to explain it further, and only accept counsel from LDS Members in good standing. Don’t rob your experience by reading online Patriarchal Blessing written by ex-members, excommunicated ones or anti-Mormons…etc.

thats very good advice and I agree with what has been said
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<div class='quotemain'>

it tells you which line you are a decendant from

Not necessarily. Most of the world is not directly descended from the 12 tribes of Isreal. It is a pronouncement of tribal assignment, not direct lineage.

Yep. Most of us get assigned to one of Joseph's two sons. My maternal grandfather's blessing cleary stated "You are a direct descendent of....." and it's not Ephraim or Manassah. My dad's blessing stated, "You will marry a true daughter of Israel."

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<div class='quotemain'>

<div class='quotemain'>

it tells you which line you are a decendant from

Not necessarily. Most of the world is not directly descended from the 12 tribes of Isreal. It is a pronouncement of tribal assignment, not direct lineage.

Yep. Most of us get assigned to one of Joseph's two sons. My maternal grandfather's blessing cleary stated "You are a direct descendent of....." and it's not Ephraim or Manassah. My dad's blessing stated, "You will marry a true daughter of Israel."

my wife is from Manassah

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