Awesome old post by NeuroTypical, aka LoudmouthMormon


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21 hours ago, mordorbund said:

Or just paste giant eye on the face of a girl. That should give you enough visual real estate to work with.


You could.  But what kind of weirdo pastes a giant eye onto someone's face?

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Well, if I had my druthers, instead of representing my name it would be more of my interests or tastes.  So something perhaps with John Wayne or maybe Jimmy Stewart.  I grew up as a boy Watching Gene Autry and Roy Rogers...Gene Autry was actually my favorite when I was younger. 

If you make me an avatar though, I probably will need step by step instructions on how to put it in my profile.  I'm a tad tech illiterate in many areas.

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9 hours ago, Carborendum said:

OK, @JohnsonJones, @seashmore,

I've been issued a challenge.  I'm starting with you two.







I didn't think any of the ones you posted for me would have avatared to my taste, but I like trains and Johnson wasn't going to use his, so I gave it a whirl. First try, I saved it to my iPad, but was given a message that the file was too large when I tried to use it. (Truth be told, I've seen that error message before when I tried and that is why I'm still using the default.)

Then I tried opening it in a new tab and using the url but was automatically informed that the url cannot come from mormonhub. 

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18 minutes ago, JohnsonJones said:

Well, if I had my druthers, instead of representing my name it would be more of my interests or tastes.

A few ideas to get you started.







(Please don't read anything into these pics. It's just supposed to be funny.)

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2 hours ago, seashmore said:

I didn't think any of the ones you posted for me would have avatared to my taste, but I like trains and Johnson wasn't going to use his, so I gave it a whirl. First try, I saved it to my iPad, but was given a message that the file was too large when I tried to use it. (Truth be told, I've seen that error message before when I tried and that is why I'm still using the default.)

Then I tried opening it in a new tab and using the url but was automatically informed that the url cannot come from mormonhub. 


Made it smaller.  Try it.

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Definitely not the Ballerina guy.  The person with the Red Shirt first made me think of Target employee rather than Star Trek.  LoL.

I'd probably prefer some actor from a Western, but the closest of the pictures could be  young Russell Crowe knitting.

I looked up Russell Crowe movies with Westerns, but realized why I hadn't seen any of them when I saw what they were rated. 

Maybe a Louis L'amour book cover?

Here's a bunch of them

Google search of Louis L'amour book covers

But I have no idea how to get them from there to the avatar status...

Sackett was a great cover, so was Hondo.  It also reminds me I recently read some non-westerns with the Louis L'amour short story collections that came out (they had the cover of volume 6 part 1 which are the first part of his crime stories.  I've been slowly reading through the short story collection.

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10 hours ago, JohnsonJones said:

Well, if I had my druthers, instead of representing my name it would be more of my interests or tastes.  So something perhaps with John Wayne or maybe Jimmy Stewart.  I grew up as a boy Watching Gene Autry and Roy Rogers...Gene Autry was actually my favorite when I was younger. 

If you make me an avatar though, I probably will need step by step instructions on how to put it in my profile.  I'm a tad tech illiterate in many areas.

Ask and ye shall receive


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2 hours ago, JohnsonJones said:

So there we have it, but what do I do with it.  Gotta go to correlation and church, but after that I can try something (maybe this evening).  How do I get it from that post into an avatar status?

First, I found that the file size is limited to about 50kb.  So, I made a shrunk version for you.


First, save the photo above to your computer.

1) Right click on the photo.  A menu will pop up. 

2) Click on "save image as..." It will open up a file window. Make a note of what folder you're saving it to.

3) Save it.

Then upload that photo to your profile.

1) Go back to Mormunhub.  Scroll up to the top of the screen.  Click on your username near the upper right corner of the populated area of the screen.

2) A menu will appear.  Click on "Profile."

3) Just below the introductory ribbons, you'll see an area reserved for two pictures.  One small space for your avatar.  Another for your profile pic.  In the area of the avatar, you'll notice a little icon that looks like a couple tiny mountains.  When you mouse over it, "profile photo" should appear.  Click on that icon.

4) A window appears.  Click on "Choose single file."

5) A Windows Explorer window pops up.  Navigate to the folder where you saved the photo.  Click on your photo.  Click "open".

6)A new window opens up.  Click "save."

I believe you should be done.

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6 hours ago, JohnsonJones said:

I followed the directions, now to see if this worked.

Excellent, or at least I think this is excellent.  I see the picture, does anyone else see the picture?

Yup, you're a spitting image of The Duke.

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  • 2 years later...
On 1/12/2018 at 7:10 AM, Guest said:

For heaven's sake!  Do I have to find an avatar for everyone?

On 1/12/2018 at 1:20 PM, SilentOne said:

Yes. I suggest you start with the people still using the default image.

@Carborendum You've fallen way behind on the job. And lost your own avatar to boot. :tsktsk:

P.S. Welcome back.

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