Meadows massacre


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7 hours ago, Rich23 said:

Do people in here believe that the ones murdered in the mountain meadows deserved it and do you believe that Brigham Young had nothing to do with it. My mom is a Mormon and I am a former Mormon and I believe it's wrong to hide what happened

I'm an investigator not a member.  I don't think anyone deserves to be murdered by another, no matter what the circumstances.  I don't believe in the death penalty, I don't think any human has the right to decide if another lives or dies. 

History is full of horrific acts, religious history especially, that's not an excuse its just a fact.  I don't think the church is hiding it, sure the missionaries don't talk about it when they knock on your door, but it is on the church website if you want to look at it.

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6 minutes ago, Blossom76 said:

I don't think anyone deserves to be murdered by another, no matter what the circumstances.

You need to come to terms with Nephi and Laban somehow. Not that that is related to the Mountain Meadows Massacre in anyway per se (I add per se because it is possible that those who committed the murders used just such ideas as justification), but there are many clear (Biblical as well as BOM) instances where God has commanded killing.

In the case of the Mountain Meadows Massacre it is fairly plain that God commanded no such thing.

Plus, just speaking generally, murder is a legal idea for the most part. If someone comes into another's home and the homeowner shoots them dead it's either murder or not based on the laws of the land. If the laws declare it murder, it is. If not, not. Morally (the law in the eyes of God) whether it was murder or not doesn't change due to the laws of the land.

Have you seen Valkyrie (the Tom Cruise one?) What if that had succeeded? (It's a true story, btw). Colonel Stauffenberg and those working with him tried to murder Hitler. Would Hitler have deserved it?

Not impressed by reducto-ad-hitlerum? How's about reducto-ad-serial-killerum? What if someone found out their neighbor had slaughtered hundreds of innocent women or children and they chose to act outside the law and slipped into the murderer's house one night and shot them, unarmed, point blank in the face? Legal? No. Murder? Yes? Justified? Who knows. But did the Ted Bundy Jeffry Dahmer Hannibal Lecter character "deserve" it?

Murder and thou-shalt-not-kill is not as black and white as some like to make it.

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10 hours ago, Rich23 said:

Do people in here believe that the ones murdered in the mountain meadows deserved it and do you believe that Brigham Young had nothing to do with it. My mom is a Mormon and I am a former Mormon and I believe it's wrong to hide what happened

No.  Yes.

Who's hiding it?

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