Easter = Resurrection Fearlessness & Love

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Easter is one of those holy days that LDS, Catholics and Protestants find little to argue about. So, in the spirit of new life, here's a synopsis of what I shared today:


Easter and resurrection--so what? Jesus rose from the dead. His followers went to attend to him, on Easter morning, but he was gone! If the Son of the one, true, Creator-God suffered, died, then rose, I will fear nothing. People cannot harm my eternal soul. Jesus is the one I must please. Addictions, such as drugs, selfishness, and unhealthy relationships cannot trap me. My God is bigger, and he is for me.

Now, I live without fear. I traffic in love. I love widows, orphaned, and yes, the imprisoned. I love immigrants; liberals and conservatives; and whoever needs a listening ear and an open heart. Jesus suffered and died so I could be well and live. Now, it is my turn to love. What is the worst that could happen? Perhaps, I will suffer and die. Even so, I will rise and live forever with God.

He is risen. He is risen, indeed!

Edited by prisonchaplain
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3 hours ago, prisonchaplain said:

Easter is one of those holy days that LDS, Catholics and Protestants find little to argue about. So, in the spirit of new life, here's a synopsis of what I shared today:

Easter and resurrection--so what? Jesus rose from the dead. His followers went to attend to him, on Easter morning, but he was gone! If the Son of the one, true, Creator-God suffered, died, then rose, I will fear nothing. People cannot harm my eternal soul. Jesus is the one I must please. Addictions, such as drugs, selfishness, and unhealthy relationships cannot trap me. My God is bigger, and he is for me.

Now, I live without fear. I traffic in love. I love widows, orphaned, and yes, the imprisoned. I love immigrants; liberals and conservatives; and whoever needs a listening ear and an open heart. Jesus suffered and died so I could be well and live. Now, it is my turn to love. What is the worst that could happen? Perhaps, I will suffer and die. Even so, I will rise and live forever with God.

He is risen. He is risen, indeed!

While I appreciate the spirit of solidarity on this issue, I have often wondered about something that I can't quite understand about other Christian beliefs about Gethsemane.

An investigator told me that A) Gethsemane had nothing to do with suffering for our sins (it was ALL about the cross and nothing else) and B) The bleeding from every pore was the promise that we could be healed from any disease or ailment.  One drop of blood for every disease or ailment that is found within the human family.

What is that about?

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12 hours ago, prisonchaplain said:

He is risen. He is risen, indeed!

This realization is given added meaning by Paul in his first letter to the Corinth (1 Cpr. 15), in which he intimated that, we, too, will rise indeed.. For,  "If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are all men most miserable." (v. 19)

Thanks, -Wade Englund-

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23 hours ago, Carborendum said:

While I appreciate the spirit of solidarity on this issue, I have often wondered about something that I can't quite understand about other Christian beliefs about Gethsemane.

An investigator told me that A) Gethsemane had nothing to do with suffering for our sins (it was ALL about the cross and nothing else) and B) The bleeding from every pore was the promise that we could be healed from any disease or ailment.  One drop of blood for every disease or ailment that is found within the human family.

What is that about?

On the first question, I have understood that Jesus suffering at Gethsemane was in anticipation of what was to come. He asked Father to let this cup pass. His anguish in the garden was real, but just like Abraham had to lift the knife for us to recognize his faith, so Jesus had to endure the cross. As for his drops of blood in the garden representing healings, that  sounds like speculation and creative interpretation. 

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1 hour ago, prisonchaplain said:

On the first question, I have understood that Jesus suffering at Gethsemane was in anticipation of what was to come. He asked Father to let this cup pass. His anguish in the garden was real, but just like Abraham had to lift the knife for us to recognize his faith, so Jesus had to endure the cross. As for his drops of blood in the garden representing healings, that  sounds like speculation and creative interpretation. 


Thousands died on crosses from Roman brutality.   Having been in Israel – I am personally convinced that it was Gethsemane and the suffering there that sets Christ apart from all others that have suffered whatever physical discomforts – including the worse physical deaths.  The very term gethsemane (press) and the process of making bitter vinegar has meaning of giving through suffering and sacrifice more than the many that died unjustly on Roman crosses for whatever reason. 


The Traveler

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Back to what we can agree on, Jesus' suffering stands apart not so much because of how or where it happened, but because through that ordeal our sins can be forgiven, and we can experience physical, emotional and spiritual healing and deliverance. 

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12 hours ago, prisonchaplain said:

Back to what we can agree on, Jesus' suffering stands apart not so much because of how or where it happened, but because through that ordeal our sins can be forgiven, and we can experience physical, emotional and spiritual healing and deliverance. 


All this brings new meaning or understanding to the couplet – “As man is G-d once was and as G-d is man may become”.  Death and resurrection to eternal life is the glory of G-d. 


The Traveler

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