Mormon vs Trump


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The point I'm trying to get across when discussing this with everyone is way different than you might think. My point is that this issue runs deep into peoples souls and hearts. People can't be convinced one way or the other by a simple talk or arguing on forums. That's why the churches stance on ex-communicating or not allowing members in who disagree with their stance will never work.  This issue goes just as deep as religion. It's like when members say the church is true with the full conviction of their hearts. I know nothing is wrong with LGBT with the full conviction of my heart. There is nothing that will change that accept revelation from the spirit. I've received and always believed that LGBT will be solemnized in the Temple EVENTUALLY. The spirit has whispered to me that God loves all his children, wants them in the church and wants them to have joy. I also know that the Prophets are receiving revelation from God on this matter. That when the church is ready LGBT will be allowed full fellowship. I'm going to try to refrain from engaging in these discussions on this forum for that very reason. The reason is that nobody is going to change their mind. It's a fruitless endeavor. I along with 50% of the youth of the church have received whispers from the spirit that there is nothing wrong with LGBT. Then there are members who have received whispers that LGBT is of the devil and will never be allowed in the church. That doesn't mean one group is necessarily wrong. It just means we're at different stages in our discipleship. It will be interesting to see how the spirit directs each group in the future.

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Guest MormonGator
11 minutes ago, Tyme said:

 People can't be convinced one way or the other by a simple talk or arguing on forums. 

We agree-but then what's the point of having a simple talk or arguing on forums? Shouldn't we all just go away? 

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1 minute ago, MormonGator said:

We agree-but then what's the point of having a simple talk or arguing on forums? Shouldn't we all just go away? 

There are plenty of good discussions to be had on this forum. I don't think the LGBT one is spirit inducing or productive.

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8 minutes ago, Tyme said:

The point I'm trying to get across when discussing this with everyone is way different than you might think. My point is that this issue runs deep into peoples souls and hearts. People can't be convinced one way or the other by a simple talk or arguing on forums. That's why the churches stance on ex-communicating or not allowing members in who disagree with their stance will never work.  This issue goes just as deep as religion. It's like when members say the church is true with the full conviction of their hearts. I know nothing is wrong with LGBT with the full conviction of my heart. There is nothing that will change that accept revelation from the spirit. I've received and always believed that LGBT will be solemnized in the Temple EVENTUALLY. The spirit has whispered to me that God loves all his children, wants them in the church and wants them to have joy. I also know that the Prophets are receiving revelation from God on this matter. That when the church is ready LGBT will be allowed full fellowship. I'm going to try to refrain from engaging in these discussions on this forum for that very reason. The reason is that nobody is going to change their mind. It's a fruitless endeavor. I along with 50% of the youth of the church have received whispers from the spirit that there is nothing wrong with LGBT. Then there are members who have received whispers that LGBT is of the devil and will never be allowed in the church. That doesn't mean one group is necessarily wrong. It just means we're at different stages in our discipleship. It will be interesting to see how the spirit directs each group in the future.

Two groups believe things that mutually exclusive and one group isn't necessarily wrong?

Why no...your lack of logical consistency doesn't make my head hurt at all. Why would you ask?

I thought we were talking about transgenderism.

But why bother with consistency of logic in a discussion? Because FEELINGS, right?

Incidentally, in case you weren't aware, apparently 71.8% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

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2 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

Two groups believe things that mutually exclusive and one group isn't necessarily wrong?

Why no...your lack of logical consistency doesn't make my head hurt at all. Why would you ask?

I thought we were talking about transgenderism.

But why bother with consistency of logic in a discussion? Because FEELINGS, right?

Incidentally, in case you weren't aware, apparently 71.8% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

I hope that was meant as a joke. That was the most logically inconsistent post I've ever read.

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2 hours ago, Tyme said:

I don't think gender is an artificial construct. In fact, most "leftists" don't think that either There are very really differences between a man's brain and a woman's brain. If you look at a transgender brain they are more in line with the sex they think they are.

Gender is not an artificial construct.  Gender is a physiological construct.  They are two halves that come together to procreate and keep the species from extinction.  They have genetic predispositions that are set to compliment each other to maximize the production of healthy offspring capable of organizing their society out of chaos and increase their chances of survival through a balancing of aggression and compassion.  Gender is not defined by how they dress or whether they like to play with trucks versus dolls.  Rather, each person - male or female - has each own level of aggression and compassion with males statistically leaning towards aggression and females statistically leaning towards compassion. 

Therefore, in the organization of societies that has optimal chances of survival, the males - because of their biological assets such as bone density and musculature - train to enhance their aggression to fulfill the role of providers while the females - because of their biological assets such as birthing and milk-producing - train to enhance their compassion to fulfill the role of nurturers.  Unfortunately, as people successfully organize themselves out of chaos to the point that survival becomes so easy, they also tend to forget how they got there in the first place, so parents stop worrying about how to keep their children out of chaos and start worrying about how to give their children what they want (hedonism) with only a passing thought of how it affects societies.  Children grow up as "what they wanters" instead of society organizers generation upon generation until species survival becomes a priority again.

To say that a woman is not a woman because she doesn't think she's a woman or she has no desire to mate a man does not change the fact that she is a woman.  It simply means she needs to find her place in her contribution to the healthy organization of the species.  The worst cases of this is a gender dysphoria where the two parts of the physiology - biology and psychology - are in direct conflict of each other.  This is a mental health situation and, just like anorexia, the standard treatment is to align the psychology with the biology through psychotherapy rather than to align the biology with the psychology through surgery (or in the case of anorexia, encouraging the individual to become thin).  There are also those born with a dysfunction in their biology - such as intersexed people.  These people also needs to find their place in their contribution to the healthy organization of the species.  Unfortunately, when the society is so successful that survival becomes so easy, the primary objective is not anymore each person's contribution to the organization of a healthy society but rather making society conform to their own desires.


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40 minutes ago, Tyme said:

Bernie Sanders is like 100 years old. I wouldn't call leftists unwise in their youth. Just because Alexandria has became prominent doesn't mean they're all young.

Bernie Sanders is a 100 year old man-child.  Look up his history.  Alexandria is the poster child representation of millennial leftists.

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Just now, Tyme said:

You need to watch Frozen. "Let it go"

Before I give into my baser self, cast off my parent's teachings, slut my wardrobe up a bit, and build a reclusive ice castle, how about you take a minute and actually answer the questions I posed:

Is the desire to wear things like high heels, lipstick, skirts and silky underwear (and that sort of thing) what makes a biological man secretly a woman?

Is thinking you're something what makes you that something?

Are high heels, lipstick, skirts and silky underwear social constructs?

These are 3 yes/no questions. Do you believe the answer to them to be yes or no?


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1 hour ago, anatess2 said:

I'm fairly certain that statement also informs his decision to monster paint left wingers.

I don't see a problem with what YOU are calling "monster painting."  I have a problem with deception.  I see a whole lot more deception on the left when they monster paint the right than the other way around.

What LePeel stated was true.  Whether monster painting or not, I don't know.  But it was true and accurate.  While nothing is true of everyone of any given demographic, something has to be said of the platform upon which nearly all the politicians on that side support and campaign on.

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12 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

I don't see a problem with what YOU are calling "monster painting."  I have a problem with deception.  I see a whole lot more deception on the left when they monster paint the right than the other way around.

What LePeel stated was true.  Whether monster painting or not, I don't know.  But it was true and accurate.  While nothing is true of everyone of any given demographic, something has to be said of the platform upon which nearly all the politicians on that side support and campaign on.

What LePeel stated:

[The left is] obviously Satanic ideological prison that it is

is neither true nor accurate.  A different solution to a problem does not make it a Satanic ideological prison.  For example, the ideological position that illegal immigrants should be given a pathway to citizenship is not a Satanic ideological prison regardless of my vehement disagreement to the proposition.  That social welfare can be entrusted to a governing body is also not a Satanic ideological prison.  That governments should be charged with regulating environment protection is not a Satanic ideological prison.  Etc. etc. etc.

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9 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

What LePeel stated:

[The left is] obviously Satanic ideological prison that it is

That is not what I was responding to.

18 hours ago, LePeel said:

 The political left's positions are opposite at every point to the Gosepl of Christ. They couldn't be any more obvious if they wore a sign around their necks.

To which you responded:

18 hours ago, anatess2 said:

Yep.  That's the technical definition of monster painting.

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5 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

That is not what I was responding to.

To which you responded:

Then I don't know what you're talking about because that's the statement that started this conversation.  You can't take that conversation out of the context it was started.


In any case, this statement:

The political left's positions are opposite at every point to the Gosepl of Christ. They couldn't be any more obvious if they wore a sign around their necks.

is also not true nor accurate.  Same examples as I gave before.  Even the essence of the Pro-Choice law is not "opposite at every point" to the Gospel of Christ.  An opposite at every point is - "Women who do not abort their children due to X will face legal consequences".

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On 11/14/2018 at 11:28 AM, Tyme said:

I’d like to see a Mormon Republican run against Trump in the primary. The only one who stands a chance is Romney. It could get ugly. I think Trump would attack the church.

would you like to see that? Do you think Romney has a chance?

There is no point in running a Mormon against Trump, unless that mormon is a Democrat.

If the economy is strong, people tend to vote for the status quo...  That would be Trump.  If the economy sucks, they tend to go for the other party, the Democrats.

Unless there is some major scandal that rocks both the Democrats and the Republicans,  no third party candidate would stand a chance.

That said, I will most likely not vote for either party.  Neither has values that I like.

1)  Small Military

2)  Small Government

3)  Reduced welfare.  If you are able bodied, you need a job.

4)  For basic universal health care.  

5) For immigration reform.  No more anchor babies.  No more being born here as the basis of citizenship.  But provide means for intelligent immigration.

6)  Education.  Subsidized higher education for all.  Basically a set amount for tuition which can be used at any accredited college or vocational school.  Smaller class size, more teachers, year round school with two different month long breaks.

7)  No more race based programs.  Treat everyone as equal.  No affirmative action.  Let people sink or swim on their own merits.

8  Do away with the minimum wage.  Let the market manage it.



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Just now, Lost Boy said:

There is no point in running a Mormon against Trump, unless that mormon is a Democrat.

If the economy is strong, people tend to vote for the status quo...  That would be Trump.  If the economy sucks, they tend to go for the other party, the Democrats.

Unless there is some major scandal that rocks both the Democrats and the Republicans,  no third party candidate would stand a chance.

A sitting President is not immune to Primaries.

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5 minutes ago, Lost Boy said:

If the economy is good, they are for all intents and purposes immune.

Not necessarily.  The Economy is a common issue across political party candidates so you can leach opposing party votes if your solution is proven to have worked.  The Economy becomes just ONE of common issues within the Republican Party.  Therefore, when you have 2 or more party candidates who have the same solution to the Economy, other differences becomes the focal point - like... Immigration, Trade, and Foreign Policy, and even what is deemed "Presidential" - all issues that the Republican Party is not united on.

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